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Ifugao at 55: Our Culture...Our Strength...

Our Solution

Our beloved province Ifugao is now 55 years old since it became an independent

province in 1966. Historically, we were part of the Mountain Province through the

virtue of R.A. No. 4695 or known as the Division Law of Mountain Province. Ifugao

comprises of 11 municipalities namely Alfonso Lista, Banaue, Hingyon, Hungduan,

Kiangan, Lamut, Asipulo, Aguinaldo, Mayoyao, Tinoc and Lagawe where the

municipality of Lagawe is the capital of the Province. The citizens of the province are

speaking multiple languages like the Tuwali, Ayangan, Filipino, Ilocano, English,

Kankanaey,Henanga and Kalanguya.

As we all know, our ancestors fought the colonizers during the World Wars 1

and 2 by using just merely, bolos, spears and shield. That shows that the spirit of

bravery is running in our bloods. Our ancestors are feared by the invaders for their

practice of headhunting with their enemies’ heads impaled on top of the spear then

danced upon by the inhabitants. Even though the colonizers are intimidated by such

actions, they managed to still spread Christianity throughout our province. Even our

culture is influenced with theirs like their fashion, education, language and some

Ifugaos even have children with the soldiers. I also observed that many of the senior

citizens of our generation is fluent in speaking English than the Filipino language

because of the American influence during the war.

They say that storytelling is the oldest form of education and it is also a way

that our culture is passed down from generation to generation. Our culture is from our

forefathers then to the heirs and to the current generation. We must be proud that we
are born as an Ifugao because we are the land of the brave, brain, beauty and the

best. It is our duty to maintain, practice and preserve the culture from hundreds of

years ago for the next generations. As a youth of today or also known as the

millennials, I have observed that most of the youth do not even know some of the deep

words from our language, they don’t even know the reason why there is a cultural

activity that is happening in their surroundings, they don’t even know how to dress

our native attire and lastly they are adopting foreign songs and fashion. These things

only mean that our culture is slowly fading away as time goes by. But through the

political will of our leaders and educators to preserve our culture, the youth will be

engage in different cultural activities in their respective barangays and municipalities

with the help of the SK Officials so that they will learn many things, be enlightened,

gain knowledge and understanding about our culture.

The province of Ifugao has rich diverse culture and languages. These cultures

like native dances, gong beating, indigenous games, rice wine making, and others are

showcased during the yearly town fiestas of each municipality and the annual

celebration of the “Gotad ad Ifugao”. We have unique and intangible culture like the

Alim ya Hudhud, Baki, native dance with the accompaniment of gongs and even our

cultural and native attire are showcased by our fellow Ifugaos on the national level

competitions/shows and even abroad. The “Inabol” or “Inabel” fabric design of our

costumes are also worn by some famous artists in the country which indicates that

our culture is slowly recognized nationally.

Our province is also known for the beautiful and perfectly done woodcarvings.

Woodcarvings are ubiquitous on the different government institution of the province

and also business establishments. Some of them are sold locally and exported abroad.

Foreign and local tourists are also buying the native attires, garments, gongs, ethnic

ensemble instruments, “pang-o”, bolos and so much more Ifugao products. Through

that, it is helping the economy of the municipality and the province to grow more. It

also serves as a solution to lower the unemployment rate of the citizens in the


The dreaded COVID-19 pandemic hampered and disrupted our way of life. No

more barangay, municipal and provincial fiestas, no more activities and contests that

involves cultural sports and athletic sports, no more traditional wedding ceremonies,

the number of days to visit the wake of late love ones is limited, no more youth

learning to know how to dance the native dance and ethnic ensembles and the

observance of our tradition is slowly forgotten. Although these things are happening,

we are still learning some life lessons that our culture did not taught us well. Things

like learning to be disciplined, being a good follower, respecting the laws and

ordinances, giving love to strangers, treating the sick, avoiding saying abominable and

false statements without knowing the facts, valuing little things, appreciating the gift

of life and we must all know that life is fleeting that is why we must give love to

ourselves and our neighbors.

We have practices that is observed in this time of pandemic like the “baddang”

or “binnaddang” or “bayanihan” in Filipino language where people of different status in

life are helping others financially and in kind by donating essential goods to their

fellow Ifugaos who are needing help and assistance. This time of uneasiness, farmers
and gardeners are donating their excess products to the community which is a nice

practice as an Ifugao.

Our culture serves as our identity being an Ifugao. Our unique practices,

customs and traditions serves as our strength in overcoming the challenges in life and

in our community. With our culture, we can be united by becoming a blessing to our

“Kabobleyans” and always unite for the good cause of our people. With unity, we can

be more, we can do more, we shall overcome and we shall prosper for the next



Name: Allan Jay M. Ebelan

Age: 22

CP No. 09196373039


Address: Boliwong, Lagawe, Ifugao

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