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 Artificial intelligence and machine learning are the part of computer science that
are correlated with each other. These two technologies are the most trending
technologies which are used for creating intelligent systems.
 Although these are two related technologies and sometimes people use them as
a synonym for each other, but still, both are the two different terms in various
 AI and ML can be differentiated on the basis of:
1. Technology-
Artificial intelligence is a technology which enables a machine to simulate human
Machine learning is a subset of AI which allows a machine to automatically learn
from past data without programming explicitly.
2. Goals-
The goal of AI is to make a smart computer system like humans to solve complex
The goal of ML is to allow machines to learn from data so that they can give
accurate output.
3. Ideology behind working-
In AI, we make intelligent systems to perform any task like a human.
And in ML, we teach machines with data to perform a particular task and give an
accurate result.
4. Scope-
AI has a very wide range of scope.
Machine learning has a limited scope.
5. Subsets-
Machine learning and deep learning are the two main subsets of AI.
And, Deep learning is a main subset of machine learning.
Benefits of AI and machine learning
Benefits of AI
 Efficiency and productivity gains.
 Improved speed of business.
 New capabilities and business model expansion.
 Better customer service.
 Improved monitoring.
 Better quality and reduction of human error.
 Better talent management

Benefits of Machine Learning

 Customer Lifetime Value Prediction.
 Predictive Maintenance.
 Eliminates Manual Data Entry.
 Detecting Spam.
 Product Recommendations.
 Financial Analysis.
 Improving Cyber Security.

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