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To build overall mass and strength with emphasis on the whole back, deltoids&
triceps by using the FitWorldExposed programming principles and exercise

This is NOT a 12 week program. There are 12 weeks listed and 3 phases. When
you are done, restart to phase one.


1. For the snatch grips in this program: If you don’t have the adequate
mobility/flexibility to get into the proper DL positions then use a slightly
wider grip than your clean/conventional grip and every workout widen the
grip until you reach a snatch grip (do this while working on your mobility in
the process).
2. There are many low reps on the intensity days, but to make sure you
recover properly and don’t get injured. You always want to make sure
you’re lifting until technical failure on every lift. Keep 1-2 reps in the tank to
avoid grinding reps.
3. Extra neck work can be done on off days or after volume or intensity days.
4. Warm-ups vary from lifter to lifter, but be sure to do some dynamic warmup
drills and possibly some activation drills if needed.
5. All rack pulls, deadlifts or any lifts off pins MUST be done with a dead-stop.
No bouncing off floor or pins for safety and strength.
6. No harness for neck curls or neck extensions? Simply do them lying on a
bench with a weighted plate in back of your head for extension and on your
forehead for curls
7. Closegrip pressing means shoulder width and not thumbs touching.
8. If your gym doesn’t have any bands for your close grip presses or rack
pulls then you are really missing out because they are a key piece of
equipment to overload, so invest in some.
9. If you have no horizontal or 45 degree back extension apparatus then you
could do some GHR’s or light Good Mornings.
10. Cardio can be done on off days. If you want to do it SilverBack style then
Plate hug lunges for long distances and farmers walks are some of your
best bets because they require very minimal equipment.
11. Stretch and foam roll full body on off days.

PHASE 1 : 4 WEEKS Sets Reps Tempo Notes

Monday Intensity Day
Front Squat 1-3 1-4 3010 1st week 2x4
2nd week 3x3
3rd week 3x2
4th week 1x1

Push Press 3 3 2010

Snatch Grip Deadlift 1-3 1-4 2010 1st week 2x4

2nd week 3x3
3rd week 3x2
4th week 1x1

Strict Press + 3 5 3010 Superset

Weighted Close
Neutral Pullup

Snatch Grip Low Pull 3 5 2010

from Hang (pull to
nipple line)

Seated Overhead DB 3 8 3010

Snatch Grip Back 3 8 3110 Superset
Extension 3x8 +
Cable Paused
Standing Crunch


PHASE 1: 4 WEEKS Sets Reps Tempo Notes

Wednesday Light Day
Paused Romanian 3 10 3110
Closegrip Barbell 3 10 3010
Floor Press

Barbell Row 3 10 3010

Bulgarian Split Back 3 12 3010


Seated Db shoulder 3 15 3010 Superset

press + rear delts
swings at 30 degree
incline + cable

One arm DB Row 2 20 3010

Snatch Grip Power 4 25 3010 Superset

Shrugs + neck curl +
neck extension

Seated Hammer curls 5 20 3010 Superset

+ Standing Overhead
Cable Extensions

Stiff Leg Sumo Cable 4 25 3110 Superset

Pull-Through +
Standing Cable
Crunch (Paused)


PHASE 1: 4 WEEKS Sets Reps Tempo Notes

Friday Volume Day

Front Squat 3 6 4010

Push Press Closegrip 3 6 3010

Snatch Grip Rack 3 6 2010

Pull (Below Kneecap)

Z Press (without 3 8 3010


Snatch Grip High Pull 3 8 2010

(from hang to chin

Weighted Close 3 8 3010 Superset

Neutral Grip Pull-up +
Closegrip Dip

Standing Hammer 4 10 3010 Superset

curls + EZ Bar
Skullcrushers (bench
at 15 degrees)

Back extensions + 3 15 2110 Superset

cable crunch

PHASE 2: 4 WEEKS Sets Reps Tempo Notes

Monday Intensity Day

Zercher Squat 1-3 1-3 2010 1st week 2x4

(Deadstop off low 2nd week 3x3

pins) 3rd week 3x2

4th week 1x1

Push Jerk 3 3 2010

Snatch Grip Deficit 1-3 1-4 2010 1st week: 2x4

Deadlift 2nd week: 3x3
3rd week: 3x2
4th week: 1x1

Military press (off 3 5 3010 Superset

pins @ upper chest
level) + weighted
Closegrip chin-up
(pinky’s touching)

Snatch grip Low Pull 3 5 2010 Superset

(Off Pins)(Pull to
nipple line, pins are
above kneecap)

Seated Overhead EZ 3 8 3010

Bar Extensions

Back extension 3 10 2010 Superset

(Barbell clean grip) +
Decline Sit-Up

PHASE 2: 4 WEEKS Sets Reps Tempo Notes

Wednesday Light Day

Snatch Grip 3 10 3010

Romanian Deadlift

Deadstop Closegrip 3 12 2010

Bench (Off Low Pins)

T-Bar Row 3 12 3010

Bulgarian Split Front 3 12 3010


Seated Neutral Grip 3 15 3010 Superset

Db shoulder press +
rear delt swings
(bench 45 degrees) +
cable facepulls

One Arm Landmine 2 15 2010


Snatch grip power 4 25 2010 Superset

shrug with bands +
neck curl + neck

Alternating DB 3 15 3010 Superset

Hammer Curls +
Seated DB Overhead
Extension (Paused)

One arm overhead 2 20 3010

DB Extensions

Cable pull-through + 4 15 3010 Superset

hanging leg raises

PHASE 2: 4 WEEKS Sets Reps Tempo Notes

Friday Volume Day

Front squat (Paused) 4 6 3110

Closegrip Incline 3 8 3010

Bench (w/Bands)

Snatch Grip Sumo 4 6 2010

Rack Pull Below

Closegrip Overhead 3 8 3010


Snatch grip high pull 3 10 2010

(off pins above knee)

Weighted Closegrip 3 10 3010 Superset

chin-up (band
resisted) + Closegrip
Dips (band resisted)
(paused) 3x10

Closegrip EZ Bar 3 10 3010 Superset

Reverse Curl +
Closegrip Weighted

Back extension 3 10 3010 Superset

(Barbell Clean Grip) +
decline sit-up

PHASE 3: 4 WEEKS Sets Reps Tempo Notes

Monday Intensity Day
Back Squat (High 1-3 1-4 3010 1st week: 2x4
Bar) 2nd week: 3x3
3rd week: 3x2
4th week: 1x1

Seated Military Press 3 3 3013

Conventional Deadlift 1-3 1-4 2010 1st week: 2x4

2nd week: 3x3
3rd week: 3x2
4th week: 1x1

Bench press + Pull- 3 5 3010 Superset

up (Shoulder width)

Semi Snatch Grip 3 5 2010

Low Pull (pull to
nipple line)

EZ Bar extensions 3 8 3010

(45 degree incline

Snatch Grip Back 3 10 3010 Superset

extension (Do not
make the bar touch
the floor) + cable

PHASE 3: 4 WEEKS Sets Reps Tempo Notes

Wednesday Light Day

Sumo RDL 3x10 3 10 2010

Decline Closegrip 3 12 3010

Bench (w/light

Semi Snatch Grip 3 12 3010

Barbell Row

Bulgarian Split 3 12 3010

Zercher Squat

Chest supported T- 3 15 3010 Superset

Bar Row (Neutral

Two Dumbell Z Press 3 20 3010 Superset

+ Rear delt Swings
(Full ROM) + Cable

Snatch Grip power 4 25 2110 Superset

shrug (2 second hold
at top + FULL ROM) +
neck curl + neck

EZ Bar Reverse Grip 3 15 2010 Superset

Preacher Curls + EZ
Bar Skullcrushers
(Bench at 30

Band Pull-through + 3 33 2010 Superset

band resisted decline

PHASE 3: 4 WEEKS Sets Reps Tempo Notes

Friday Volume Day

Back squat high bar 3 6 3110


Seated Military Press 3 8 3010

(narrow grip)

Rack pull (below 4 6 2010


Bench press 3 8 3110


Semi snatch grip 3 8 2010

high pull

Paused Pull-up 3 8 2110 Superset

(Shoulder Width) +
Weighted Dips w/
bands + weight
(1+1/4 reps)

EZ Bar Strict Curl 3 10 3110 Superset

(glutes, upper back &
head against wall) +
DB Skullcrushers

Snatch Grip Back 3 12 3010 Superset

extension (Do not let
the weights touch the
floor) + cable crunch

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