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A bonsai is an ornamental tree or shrub grown in a pot and artificially prevented from
reaching its normal size. Explain your understanding why Tiempo used bonsai as the title
of her poem.

- The author folds her love and she compresses it into a smaller size so that she can
keep it and give her love easier. The poem is entitled Bonsai, because, like the authors’
love that is compressed and smaller in size, the Bonsai is also the compressed version of
a huge tree.

2. Have you ever felt the same way as the author that there is the need for love to be
miniaturized? Why or why not?

- Yes, I felt that there is a need for love to be miniaturized especially when I’m
still a kid, because kids can’t still really comprehend such complicated things like the
concept of love. My parents miniaturized their love to me or they showed their love in
simpler means like simply giving me a toy or a gift.

3. Do you agree that love, an abstract idea, could be made manifested as a material thing?
Why or why not?

- I agree that love could be manifested as a material thing because giving a thing
or gifts is one way of showing our love to our loved ones. Material things can be a
manifestation of love, because there are people who can’t express their love verbally or in
action, and they can only express their love through giving a material or gifts.

4. Share to the class something that a loved one has given to you and how this is a
representation of their love to you.

-One time in my junior years, my shoes is slightly blunt-ended or “pudpod” and

some of my classmates started to tease me. So, I told to my parents about the incident,
and my parents made a way so that they can buy me a new pair of shoes. Giving a new
pair of shoes represents their love for me, they bought me a new pair of shoes because
they don’t want to see me being teased or bullied. Parents’ love is unconditional, wherein
they will do everything so that their child will not suffer.

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