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Table Of Contents

The Ketogenic Diet 4

History of the Ketogenic Diet 5

What Is the Ketogenic Diet? 6

Keto Health Benefits 10

How Keto Actually Works 17

Pros of the Ketogenic Diet 21

Cons of the Ketogenic Diet 22

Tips for Success on Keto 24

Easy Ketogenic Diet Meals 25

Conclusion 31

References 32

#1 Keto Fat Loss Trick [Try This Tonight]
I'm sure you’re more than excited to try out Keto for yourself, having
grabbed this report and hearing about all the people dropping weight fast
with Keto.

But what you probably don't hear about is that most folks also can't stay on
it for very long because they are forced to stop ea@ng their favorite carbs
like pasta, bread, rice and fruits, so they end up puAng all the weight they
lost back on (and some@mes even more!).

It's such a shame they didn't know about this 1 sneaky keto trick that
allows you to not only eat carbs on Keto...

...but actually speeds up your fat loss by boos@ng key fat loss hormones,
and allows you to s@ck with keto so you keep the weight off.

It's really quite simple, but you have to be strategic... go here now to avoid
making this one big mistake for faster and las@ng fat loss:

Drop up to 10lbs in the next 10 days with this 'carb shiAing keto' trick

It's really too bad more people don't know this!

The Ketogenic Diet
Forget what you know about die@ng.

Instead, I want you to dig into a meal of eggs, bacon, and a slab of steak. Oh, and
don't forget buKer--the more, the merrier!

What I’m describing here isn't a cheat meal. It's not you "falling off the wagon"
either. Instead, it's a diet plan that's guaranteed to make you slim down fast. And,
over the course of a few years, you'll not only slim down, but reduce your risk of
heart disease and cancer as well.

Sounds like a hoax, right?

Believe it or not, it's a reality. It's called the ketogenic diet, a diet plan researchers
first used to treat epilepsy nearly a century ago. Now people use it to lose weight
without depriving themselves of their favorite cheat meals--hamburgers, steak,
and egg yolks are all kosher here.

Chances are you too wouldn't mind indulging a bit, so let's go over why exactly
this diet works.

History of the Ketogenic Diet
Let's go back to the year 1921.

This is the year insulin is first discovered. Researcher R.T. WoodyaK, a prominent
diabetes researcher, discovers that starva@on produces both acetone and beta-
hydroxybutyric acid, helping control epilepsy. The same phenomena occurs in one
other scenario, however: when people follow a diet where fat consump@on is high
and carbohydrate consump@on is low.

It's the breakthrough researchers have been searching for to treat epilepsy

Without hesita@on, researchers begin tes@ng this new diet on their pa@ents. The
results are incredibly posi@ve. Later reports show, enthusias@cally, that they
experience fewer seizures, feel great, and as a side effect, are losing weight too.

But as these experiments prove successful, they find an unintended side effect.
Many pa@ents are geAng too thin, regardless of how many calories they eat. One
pa@ent weighs as liKle as 45 pounds. While experiments con@nue, they're quick
to find an alterna@ve way to treat their pa@ents.

70 years later, someone decides to modify this diet for a different audience.
Robert Atkins, a physician and cardiologist, believes he's uncovered the key to
rapid fat loss. It's inspired by a study on weight loss first published in 1958,

advoca@ng carbohydrate reduc@on just like the ketogenic diet, but with one catch:
you must increase your protein intake too. Atkins is sure this diet can help people
lose weight, in an era where fat is vilified and carbs are celebrated. He even claims
it helps people burn more fat, though his claim is unsubstan@ated at the @me.

Soon his low-carb diet plan, now dubbed the Atkins Diet, reaches worldwide
acclaim in 2003, used by millions of dieters. People are losing weight, proving his
theory correct-- it's not as strict as keto, yet allows people to gorge on fat and

However, people soon ques@on Atkins about the origins of this diet. Just why are
carbs so bad? And where did he get this idea?

Soon, the ketogenic diet gains na@onal aKen@on again. Some people are even
being tube-fed liquified fat as part of a pre-bridal diet plan. It really works, and
they didn't have to count a single calorie.

What Is the Ketogenic Diet?

Without the need to track calories, just how does this diet work?

Believe it or not, it's incredibly simple. The ketogenic diet only has two rules: Cut
carbohydrates out of your diet and eat more fat instead. The goal? To reduce
your carbohydrate intake and trigger a process called ketosis which ini@ates the
fat-burning process.

So what is ketosis?

Well, when your body needs energy, it uses carbohydrates as its main fuel source.
Consuming them helps keep your cells moving. Your body burns it to keep your
organs func@oning.

However, when you stop consuming carbohydrates, the body needs to find
another way to create this cell fuel. This triggers a metabolic process called
ketosis, where the liver creates molecules called ketone bodies from faKy acids. As
a result, the fat in your body is burned off. The weight falls off effortlessly, and
you haven't had to count a single calorie.

The ketogenic diet is a misnomer as it doesn't just refer to one diet, however.
Instead, there are several diet plans people follow for different reasons--let's go
over them below.
Types of Ketogenic Diets

1. Standard Ketogenic Diet (SKD). This is the original diet notorious for its minimal
carb intake. Only 5 percent of your daily food is alloKed to carbohydrates, which
you'll consume incidentally from fat and protein sources. In addi@on, 75% of your
food intake must come from fat (20% to protein). This diet is ideal for trea@ng
medical condi@ons, such as epilepsy--but if you're just trying to diet, it may be too
strict. Weight loss can be extreme.

2. High-Protein Ketogenic Diet (HPKD). The biggest change in this diet plan is an
increase in protein, from 20 to 35 percent. However, your carbohydrate intake
will stay the same. Your daily food intake should be comprised of 60% fat. This is
easier for dieters to follow as protein-fat combina@on foods are easier to find (and
some would say they're tas@er too).

3. Cyclical Ketogenic Diet (CKD). This diet is ideal for bodybuilders or athletes,
who need to maintain muscle as well as slim down. 5 days are alloKed to the
Ketogenic Diet, followed by 2 days of high-carb refeeding. The high-carb days
allow athletes to have extra energy for days when they plan to overexert

4. Targeted Ketogenic Diet (TKD). Consider this your typical ketogenic diet but
with a twist. Before and ajer your workouts, carbohydrates are allowed to
sustain energy levels. Again, this is a plan ideal for athletes--if you plan on
following a sedentary lifestyle, you won't find this diet useful.

Most people end up op@ng for the HPKD diet plan. Protein-fat meal op@ons are
immense here, and you'll always end your meals with a full stomach. Again, no
calorie coun@ng here. Just keep track of your fat, protein, and carbohydrate

#1 Keto Fat Loss Trick [Try This Tonight]
I'm sure you’re more than excited to try out Keto for yourself, having
grabbed this report and hearing about all the people dropping weight fast
with Keto.

But what you probably don't hear about is that most folks also can't stay on
it for very long because they are forced to stop ea@ng their favorite carbs
like pasta, bread, rice and fruits, so they end up puAng all the weight they
lost back on (and some@mes even more!).

It's such a shame they didn't know about this 1 sneaky keto trick that
allows you to not only eat carbs on Keto...

...but actually speeds up your fat loss by boos@ng key fat loss hormones,
and allows you to s@ck with keto so you keep the weight off.

It's really quite simple, but you have to be strategic... go here now to avoid
making this one big mistake for faster and las@ng fat loss:

Drop up to 10lbs in the next 10 days with this 'carb shiAing keto' trick

It's really too bad more people don't know this!

Keto Health Benefits
Let’s now go over the amazing health benefits you could experience with keto.

Sure, cuAng carbs isn't fun--but the health benefits you could reap far outweigh
wan@ng to eat a handful of fries or a plate of french toast (trust us, it's worth it).

Just by following this diet faithfully everyday, you could experience these benefits
in just weeks. Here's what they are.

Weight Loss Triples

Yes, you heard right--the ketogenic diet can triple your weight loss. That sure
beats @relessly coun@ng calories.

I'm sure many of you hate keeping tabs on your calorie count every single day.

Just by upping your fat intake and elimina@ng carbohydrates from your diet, you
could slim down three @mes as fast as someone coun@ng calories, ea@ng a low-fat
diet, or following any other fad diet.

Now here's the science behind it.

In a 2007 study published in Diabe4c Medicine, people who followed the
Ketogenic Diet lost three @mes more weight than people who followed a diet
recommended by Diabetes UK. Their diet recommend consuming vegetables, fish,
fruits, lean meats, and dairy, as well as lowering sodium intake. It's a healthy diet
without a doubt--but not many people want to use it, and there are a lot of
guidelines to follow.

More people are simply interested in keto, and as the old adage goes, the best diet
is the diet you can s@ck to.

In addi@on to this, other research shows it's superior to other diets as well. Take
low-fat diets, for instance (hardly any study shows low-fat diets are worth trying
out). You simply lose more weight while following keto, and that's great news for
impa@ent dieters who want instant results.

It Improves Diabetes

Poor insulin control can lead to type 2 diabetes--a disease that now over 29
million Americans have. Believe it or not, it's expected to grow. Gene@cs, lifestyle
habits, and most important, the way we eat is to blame.

Going keto, however, could help some people control it. In some instances, it has
actually reversed the disease (and this disease, supposedly, is "incurable").

In one study, diabe@cs who followed a similar low-carbohydrate plan ended up
consuming 1000 fewer calories naturally, which, in turn, improved insulin
sensi@vity by 75%. It also helped them lose weight, which can reduce the severity
of the disease.

Now let's look at another study, appearing in Nutri4on & Metabolism.

In the study, overweight diabe@c par@cipants followed a 16-week ketogenic diet.

Researchers wanted to see if it improved specific health markers related to
diabetes. That's the scary part about type 2 diabetes--it doesn't just affect your
blood sugar control. It's also correlated with heart problems, your metabolism,
and even your mortality.

Well, ajer the 16 week tes@ng period ended, the results they recorded were
nothing short of amazing. For one thing, their health markers improved
significantly, including blood glucose, hemoglobin A1c, and fas@ng serum

But the shocking part is that many of them were able to stop taking their diabetes
medica@ons because their disease had regressed so much.

They nearly defeated diabetes, just by changing the way they ate.

S@ll, many diabetes organiza@ons maintain that is an "incurable" disease. That

may be true, but going keto seems to do serious damage.

Keto’s effects on diabetes cannot be understated.

It Could Fight Cancer

Here's something I bet you didn't know about cancer.

Like all cells, cancer cells need fuel to survive, thrive, and slowly kill its host. But
what do cancer cells feed on?

If you guessed carbohydrates, you're right.

Once again, carbohydrates prove to be dangerous here. They don't just fuel your
healthy cells; they're a pick-me-up for the tumors that could kill you.

As you con@nue to eat carbohydrates, these cells feed on this source of energy,
causing them to grow, mul@ply, and make you sicker, edging you closer to death.

Luckily, there's something that can harm their precious food source.

That source, according to researchers, is a ketogenic diet, which is cri@cally low in

carbohydrates. This starves cancer cells, they hypothesize, making it harder for
them to spread. As an added bonus, the ketone bodies produced by ketosis can't
be u@lized by cancer cells as well--they only provide energy to your cells!

But I'm sure you're not interested in a hypothesis. This is where it gets interes@ng.

Animal studies show keto has a serious effect on these cells. Several studies show
that ketogenic diets, when applied to animal models, reduce the growth of colon,
prostate, and gastric tumors.

In a case report of two female pa@ents with advanced brain cancer, following a
ketogenic diet also reduced the size of their tumors by 21.8 percent.

However, while research shows it hurts cancer cells, nothing has proved it can
cure it. So while it may help starve cancer cells, this shouldn't be your only line of

S@ll, if you need a winning edge over cancer, going keto could help. That's
something you should discuss with your physician.

Prevent Alzheimer's Disease

Speaking of deadly diseases, have you heard the news about Alzheimer's disease

By 2050, nearly 16 million Americans could develop the disease--and let's not
forget that no one knows how to cure it.

But it may be possible to prevent it.

Let's look at a study.

In 2004, researchers gave a group of Alzheimer's disease pa@ents a certain type of
saturated fat found in coconut and palm oil. As they note in the study, this caused
a surge in ketone produc@on (remember, this is also produced by the ketogenic

90 minutes later, they ran them through a series of tests to determine if their
memory had improved or declined.

Eventually, the tests show that their short term memory had improved. Think
about that--just 90 minutes. It's an instant brain booster.

In a subsequent study five years later, researchers repeated this effect yet again.
Ajer giving people with Alzheimer's disease a "ketogenic compound," they made
great improvements in their cogni@on.

Now you're probably wondering: Why does it work?

Well it has to do with something called amyloid plaques, a key factor in the
development of Alzheimer's disease. When amyloid plaques fill up your brain, it
acts like a toxic sludge, poisoning the brain and speeding up the transi@on from
cogni@ve decline to full blown Alzheimer's disease.

Ketones, on the other hand, act like amyloid Kryptonite, preven@ng it from
infec@ng the brain further. As a result, you face a lesser risk of developing AD.

Remember, this disease is on the rise--and there's always a risk you could develop
it. Perhaps this diet could help you avoid it.

Hunger? Not an Issue Anymore

Now let's talk about its effects on hunger.

For many people, the switch from a high-carb diet to keto has an added bonus:
Hunger suppression. And it lasts for a long @me.

Here's why it works.

When there isn't enough protein or fat in your diet, you get hungry, promp@ng you
to eat more food. Both macronutrients are incredibly sa@a@ng; they fill you up
fast. Carbohydrates, on the other hand, are digested too quickly (unless paired
with dietary fiber), causing spikes in blood glucose. When this occurs, those
hunger pangs are the first to strike. You may reach for a snack, a meal, or even

Because fat and protein aren't as easily diges@ble, however, you'll experience a
natural appe@te-suppressing effect.

But don't take my word for it.

Let's delve into a 2008 study appearing in the American Journal of Clinical Nutri4on.
A group of obese men, under the careful guidance of researchers, follow a high-
protein ketogenic diet--as you'll recall, I men@oned earlier that this the easiest
"form" of keto.

Following the diet for 4 weeks, the study reports "hunger was significantly lower"
and "weight loss was significantly higher" compared to a medium-carbohydrate
diet. And side effects? Nothing important to report.

And, of course, there are numerous anecdotes online. Many dieters report
struggling to eat enough food while on keto; in fact, meals are a struggle to get
through! Unfortunately, this doesn't work for everyone (a small percentage of
people report increased hunger), but it's highly likely you won't overeat on this

Now let's go over the changes you'll experience from the Ketogenic diet--and how
it could make you thin fast.

How Keto Actually Works

If you're ready to make the plunge, here's what you can expect when you go keto.
This is what happens to people who s@ck to the diet most of the @me.

1. On Day 1, you'll feel very full, if you've never gone low-carb before. If you're
overweight, chances are you already eat a high-carb diet; these diets are notorious
for making you hungry all the @me. By increasing your fat (and op@onally, protein)
intake, however, hunger pangs are few and far in between. Perhaps you'll
experience more gas too, or a fuller stomach. But don't fret--ajer a week or two
on this diet, your body will adjust to the new change.

2. Within 2 to 7 days ketosis will acXvate. It typically takes this long for the body
to use faKy acids for fuel. Ketosis naturally occurs if you keep your carbohydrate
intake to fewer than 20 grams per day (or if you fast, but I’m not advoca@ng that

Luckily, ketosis is easy to spot. Here are 4 signs you're experiencing it:

• Bad breath. Acetone, a type of ketone, can produce a dis@nct smell when

exi@ng your body, present in your breath. Some describe it as smelling

fruity; others describe it as smelling like nail polish, which also contains
acetone, incidentally. Either way, it's difficult to not no@ce, and much to the
chagrin of people around you, it's not a subtle smell.

• Feeling sick. If you experience symptoms such as headache, nausea, or

exhaus@on, chances are you're experiencing ketosis. Think of this as a

transi@on period from using carbs for fuel to ketones. It's not fun, but
usually goes away ajer several days.

• Changes in bowel movements. Making any huge change in your diet plan

usually impacts your diges@on, so expect to experience excess gas,

cons@pa@on, or diarrhea during your transi@on to ketosis. Adding a fiber
supplement can help make this transi@on less severe.

• Fluid loss is common too. As you enter ketosis, you'll also lose water weight

as well, caused by the kidneys working over@me to get rid of excess fluid.
You may also lose electrolytes as well during this "de-puffing" process. You'll
no@ce this with increased bathroom breaks--it just seems like you constantly
have to go!

3. You should feel beZer in 1 to 2 weeks post keto. This is typically when the
malaise (general feeling of unwellness) that accompanies ketosis goes away. In
addi@on, many people report feeling a new surge of energy and even an easier
@me falling asleep. This means that your body is finally adap@ng to its ketosis

4. Expect major weight loss a month into your diet. Most of this weight loss
comes from loss of fluids, which, for some people, ranges from 5lbs to over 10lbs.
Some of it may come from fat loss too--taking waist, hip, and chest measurements
should confirm this. Many people also report a permanent lack of appe@te at this

5. At the six month mark, you probably look much slimmer. Your waist
measurements are down, as well as the number on the scale. Any weight loss

#1 Keto Fat Loss Trick [Try This Tonight]
I'm sure you’re more than excited to try out Keto for yourself, having
grabbed this report and hearing about all the people dropping weight fast
with Keto.

But what you probably don't hear about is that most folks also can't stay on
it for very long because they are forced to stop ea@ng their favorite carbs
like pasta, bread, rice and fruits, so they end up puAng all the weight they
lost back on (and some@mes even more!).

It's such a shame they didn't know about this 1 sneaky keto trick that
allows you to not only eat carbs on Keto...

...but actually speeds up your fat loss by boos@ng key fat loss hormones,
and allows you to s@ck with keto so you keep the weight off.

It's really quite simple, but you have to be strategic... go here now to avoid
making this one big mistake for faster and las@ng fat loss:

Drop up to 10lbs in the next 10 days with this 'carb shiAing keto' trick

It's really too bad more people don't know this!

experienced ajer the one month mark usually comes from fat loss, and not fluid
expulsion (unless you haven't been faithful to your diet). You probably feel great
too, with enhanced clarity of mind and increased energy levels.

With keto, the payoff really occurs for those who s@ck with it for at least a few
months--and if you can commit, it's definitely worth the effort.

Pros of the Ketogenic Diet
To recap, let's go over the pros of adop@ng a ketogenic diet.

• You get to eat many "bad" foods this diet, such as steak, most red meat

products, eggs, and buKer. High-fat and protein products are highly
encouraged on this diet; they help you stay in a fat-burning state.

• By u@lizing ketosis, you're in a constant state of fat burning, increasing

thermogenesis. Thermogenesis refers to the amount of calories your body

burns every day. Your body makes this switch in as liKle as two days,
allowing you to lose more weight without modifying your caloric intake.

• It could triple the amount of weight you lose. According to research, it's not

uncommon for people to lose three @mes as much weight compared to

those who follow a low-fat diet or simply count calories.

• It fights diabetes. Several studies show it improves many markers of

diabetes, some@mes even allowing type 2 diabe@cs to stop using


• It also fights cancer. Preliminary research shows it targets cancer cells by

taking away the fuel it feeds on, preven@ng it from spreading as rapidly.

• Going keto could improve your memory. Ketone bodies appear to improve

cogni@on in people with mild cogni@ve impairment and Alzheimer's

disease--and many more people report it boosts their memory even when
they don't have pre-exis@ng memory issues.

• It's a natural appe@te suppressant. Both fat and protein work together to

delay hunger signals, actually making it harder to feel hungry. You'll struggle
to eat too much on this diet!

Now let's discuss the cons, listed below.

Cons of the Ketogenic Diet

Like with most diets, the ketogenic diet can cause some contraindica@ons and side
effects--though, usually, it's considered a safe diet. Here's what you need to
watch out for:

• You could experience "keto flu." This occurs when you first make the

transi@on to using ketone bodies for fuel. Expect to feel @red, nauseated,
and experience headaches for one to two weeks as you adjust to your new
• Your food choices are restricted. Although there's no limit to how many

high-fat foods you can eat, carbs are strictly off-limits, including healthy
op@ons as well. No more pancakes for breakfast!

• You'll need to watch your fiber intake. Most people get dietary fiber from

high-carb foods, such as bread and pasta. Making sure to maintain healthy
fiber levels is important for your diges@ve tract. To keep these levels high,
you may need to use an over-the-counter fiber supplement or powder.

• If you're pregnant, don't use this diet (yet). Ketosis can harm your baby's

development, resul@ng in developmental problems ajer birth and increasing

the risk of spina bifida. Because liKle is known about its safety while
breasqeeding as well, doctors don't recommend it for breasqeeding mothers
as well.

• If you take insulin, sulphonylureas, or glinides, don't follow this diet. All of

these medica@ons help lower blood sugar, and combined with keto, can
trigger hypoglycemia (low blood glucose), a poten@ally life-threatening

• It may temporarily increase gallstone pain. The ketogenic diet doesn't

actually make them worse--in fact, it actually prevents them--but many

people report feeling a surge in gallstone pain ajer the switch. Researchers
believe this is due to an uptake of fat.

Most of these issues probably won't affect you, however; as long as you follow the
diet carefully and stay ac@ve, you should feel beKer, not worse.

Tips for Success on Keto
Now that we've gone over why keto works so well, let's talk about how to stay on
the wagon.

The biggest issue people run into while ea@ng a ketogenic diet is, not surprisingly,
the carb cravings. These cravings can be intense--almost as bad as quiAng
cigareKes--but they can be beaten.

To ensure your transi@on to keto is a smooth one, follow these @ps.

1. Try incorporaXng low-carb versions of your favorite meals. Having to give up

pizza, enchiladas, and sushi isn't easy. In fact, research shows people who abstain
from certain foods completely, instead of trying to find alterna@ves, are more
likely to relapse, binge, and have a higher BMI (body mass index). That's not good.

To stay on track, try making low-carb versions of your favorite meals instead. For
instance, you can make pizza dough out of almond flour, cheese, or even
cauliflower. Low-carb versions of sushi rice also exist. There's no need to give up
your favorite foods; just get crea@ve!

2. Family support is crucial. It's definitely not easy following any diet if your family
members are ea@ng your favorite "cheat meals" around you. To keep on track,
have family members join in on your diet plan with you, or if they can't, encourage
them to avoid ea@ng certain foods around you.

3. Make sure to drink enough water. Some@mes when we feel hungry or
experience cravings, it's our body's way of saying "I'm thirsty!" Before reaching for
a cheat food, drink a glass of water instead--and then wait 20 or so minutes for it
to seKle in. If it is thirst, you shouldn't feel hungry. If it is, however, at least you've
curtailed a binge; reach for a keto-approrpiate food instead.

Easy Ketogenic Diet Meals

To ease into keto, here are 4 easy meal ideas you can try to induce ketosis. These
meals won't take more than 30 minute to make, will meet your protein and fat
requirements, and best of all, are tasty too. Let's dig in on the next page.

Protein-Rich Egg Omelet

• 3 Eggs
• 1 tbsp buKer (or ghee)
• 1 cup of spinach
• 3 breakfast sausages, minced
• Salt and pepper to taste

On a stovetop, place a cooking pan and set the heat to medium-high. Add 1 tbsp
of buKer to the pan, allowing it to melt.

While it melts, crack 3 eggs into a bowl and mix thoroughly. When the buKer
completely melts, add the egg mixture to the pan, making sure it evenly disperses.

When the boKom of the egg mixture starts to grown, add the spinach and
sausages on one side of the omelet. Fold the other half of the egg mixture on top
of the spinach and eggs. Allow it to cook for another minute before removing and

Op@onally, add shredded cheese on top as a garnish.

Keto-Friendly BLT Salad

• 2 cups of leKuce
• 10-15 grape tomatoes, sliced
• 6 strips of bacon
• 1/2 of an avocado
• 1 tbsp of sriracha mayo
• Salt and pepper to taste

Heat up a stovetop pan, adding a drizzle of cooking oil. Once it starts to sizzle and
bubble, add 6 strips of bacon, seasoning with salt and pepper. Once browned
evenly on both sides, remove and place on a separate plate.

In a bowl, add 2 cups of shredded leKuce. On top add sliced grape tomatoes, 1/2
of an avocado (sliced or diced), and bacon. Over top, drizzle sriracha mayo to
enhance flavor and fat content. Store it in the fridge or consume immediately.

Sriracha Deviled Eggs
• 5 hard boiled eggs, cooled and shelled
• 1 tbsp mustard
• 2 tbsp sriracha mayo
• 1/4 cup minced parsley
• 1 tbsp green onions, minced
• 1 tsp of paprika
• Salt and pepper to taste

Ajer cooling the eggs, cut them in half, removing the yolks. Place the yolks into a
small bowl. Mash them un@l smooth. Over top, add sriracha mayo, mustard,
parsley, green onions, paprika, and salt and pepper. Mix again un@l all of the
ingredients are well incorporated. Taking a spoon, fill up all of the empty egg
whites. Refrigerate for a few hours before serving.

Low Carb Fried Chicken
• 4-5 chicken breasts, sliced into strips
• 2 cups of buKermilk
• 3 eggs
• 4 cups of vegetable oil
• 1 cup of almond flour
• 1/2 tsp cayenne pepper
• 1 tsp cumin
• 1 tsp paprika
• 1 tsp black pepper
• 1 tsp ground ginger
• 1 tbsp ground garlic
• 2 tsp thyme
• 2 tsp sage
• 2 tsp basil
• 1 tsp salt

In a bowl, add sliced, thawed chicken strips and coat with buKermilk. Allow it to
marinate in the fridge overnight.

In a separate bowl, add 3 eggs, whisking un@l smooth. In another bowl, add
almond flour and all spices. Remove chicken from fridge and coat each strip first
in spices. Shake off the excess and coat it in the egg mixture. Coat it a final @me
in the spice mixture. Repeat for all chicken strips.

Heat 4 cups of vegetable oil in a pot un@l it starts boiling. Add 2 chicken strips to
the boil, allowing it to cook. Once it browns slightly, remove and place it on a
serving plate. Repeat this for all chicken strips. Serve with mustard or sriracha
mayo as a dipping sauce.


#1 Keto Fat Loss Trick [Try This Tonight]
I'm sure you’re more than excited to try out Keto for yourself, having
grabbed this report and hearing about all the people dropping weight fast
with Keto.

But what you probably don't hear about is that most folks also can't stay on
it for very long because they are forced to stop ea@ng their favorite carbs
like pasta, bread, rice and fruits, so they end up puAng all the weight they
lost back on (and some@mes even more!).

It's such a shame they didn't know about this 1 sneaky keto trick that
allows you to not only eat carbs on Keto...

...but actually speeds up your fat loss by boos@ng key fat loss hormones,
and allows you to s@ck with keto so you keep the weight off.

It's really quite simple, but you have to be strategic... go here now to avoid
making this one big mistake for faster and las@ng fat loss:

Drop up to 10lbs in the next 10 days with this 'carb shiAing keto' trick

It's really too bad more people don't know this!

We've finally reached the end of this report, and you’ve now gained a beKer

understanding of whether or not you’re ready to start your own keto journey.

Remember, keto is a long-term investment--the longer you stay low-carb, the

more fat you’ll burn off. And with its well-documented effects on other health

condi@ons, such as type 2 diabetes and cancer, you can rest assured weight loss

isn't the only reason to go keto.

Here’s to your prime health… daily!








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