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Topic: International year of fruits and vegetables

Student: Verónica Jiménez

1. Guess and answer

• What is the fruit of the year 2021?
the fruit of the year 2021 is watermelon because it is a fruit very rich in vitamins and it is
• What is the fruit with more vitamins and minerals
For me, the apple is the fruit with more vitamins and minerals also is tasty

• name some benefits of the avocado for the human health

The avocado contains magnesium and potassium, minerals that promote the proper
functioning of the nervous and muscular system and are of great importance for the
immune system, and for the health.

2. For each items name two fruits or two vegetables that contains this component.
• vitamina A: carrots, lettuce
•vitamina B : passion fruit, Medlar.
• vitamina C: mango, Pineapple.
• iron: strawberries, blackberries
• Omega: Avocado, nuts
•protein: Apple, grapes
• beta carotene: Broccoli, spinach
• potassium: Banana, tomatoes
• vitamina K: kiwi, blueberries

3. What is your favorite fruit and what vitamins and minerals it contains.
Mi favorite fruit is the mango and this one is rich in vitamina c and E iron and magnesium

Do you like vegetables?

No, I don’t like vegetables.

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