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5.1 Certification Standards Related In Halal Meat Industry.

5.1.1 MS1500:2019 (Halal Food- General Requirement).
Standards is a term that used for consensus and approved by an authorized
recognition body document that provide rules and guidelines for specific activities or
conduct to guide and regulate the targeted group in order to achieve optimum level
of order.Malaysian standards are part of the requirement in systematic producing
industry that were used in Malaysia as a main reference for the Halal meat industry
.in order to meet the requirement and expectation of recognized authority body.(Jais,
Thus, MS1500:2019 that titled as Halal food:General Requirement is a
Malaysian Standard that provide general guidelines for Halal food in order to ensure
the food produced are safe from any Halal risks, contamination,impurity (Munajjasah)
and intoxicating things because it will harm and ruin the Halalan Toyyiban status for
the food specifically Halal meat in our discussion context. Furthermore,
MS1500:2019 is the third revise of this standard which the old one are MS1500:2009
that titled Halal food - Production, preparation, handling and storage - General
guidelines. In addition, the MS1500 is the most famous standard that related to Halal
in Malaysia and is widely used across Malaysia in food industries.(Jais, 2019b)
Next, the MS1500 also has adopted by JAKIM to be a regulations for the
Halal meat industry which can be implemented by Halal meat industry and
organization related in order to maintain Halal integrity and commitment in Malaysia.
Furthermore, it also helps JAKIM to publish the Manual Procedure For Malaysia
Halal Certification (MPPHM) as a subsidiary legislation to supporting the Halal meat
industries understanding about the rules and regulations after the Halal meat industry
received the Halal certification from JAKIM.In addition, JAKIM is the main Halal
regulatory body in Malaysia that plays major role in provision of Halal meat industries
certification.Halal certification applicants in Halal meat industries must achieve
compliances to every requirement in the standards of MS1500 in the compliance
audit conduct by JAKIM in order to achieve the Halal certification.
On the other hands, the Malaysian standards especially the Halal standards
like MS1500:2019 were benchmarked by other country as Malaysia are the world
leading and pioneer in Halal meat industries concept worldwide as its credibility were
proven because it development was in parallel line with the International Standards
Organization (ISO) at all degree. Furthermore, the Malaysian Standard MS1500:2019
(Halal Food - General requirement) were revised by professional and talent panel
authority which competence in Shariah concept, food safety concept and technical
skill in order to developed cater for Halal food in Malaysia beyond of the necessity to
have a detailed standard.
The part of Malaysian Standard MS1500:2019 (Halal Food - General
requirement) that clearly touched about the Halal meat are firstly about the
requirements of the animals that are legal and halal to be consume by Muslim
according to the Shariah law such as chicken meat, Buffalo meat, cow meat and
everything permitted by Al-quran and As-Sunnah. The Malaysian Standard
MS1500:2019 (Halal Food - General requirement) also give guidelines for choosing
or determining the Halal and Non-halal meat as Muslim should understand the
concept of shariah compliance implemented in Halal meat industry. Furthermore, the
Malaysian Standard MS1500:2019 (Halal Food - General requirement) also guide for
the Halal certification mark and logo design for Halal meat industries player
reference.Lastly the Malaysian Standard MS1500:2019 (Halal Food - General
requirement) explain about the parameter guidelines about slaughtering process and
stunning process in order to ensure the Halal meat did not become Haram for
consumption as it exceeds Shariah requirement. The part that Halal meat industries
requirement need to give attention are management responsibilities, premise,
devices utensils machines and processing aids, processing of Halal food, storage
transportation display sale and serving of Halal food, packaging and labeling in Halal
meat.(Jais, 2019a)
In order to regulate the Halal meat industry with Malaysia standards, JAKIM
PRODUCTIONS as subsidiary legislation for the Halal meat players to guide them in
more detail specification about Halal meat compliance. This subsidiary legislation
also helps Halal auditor and Halal checker to perform their task in maintaining Halal
integrity in Halal meat industries.

5.1.2 MS1540:2009 (Good Manufacturing Practice,GMP For Food) and

MS1480:2019 (Food Safety According To Hazard Analysis And Critical Control
Point,HACCP system).
Malaysia Standard MS1540:2009 that titled as Good Manufacturing Practice
as known as GMP For Food emphasis about the building plan and design for the
Halal meat industries.It also provide the preferred specification for the material used
in building the Halal meat production premise in order to prevent the meat production
contaminated with any biological pest or natural soil around the premise such as
dust,rock and trees. This standard also are providing a pre requisite programme for
the HACCP plan that will established in Halal meat industries.(Jais, 2019a)
Furthermore, the Malaysian Standard MS1480:2019 that titled as Food Safety
According To Hazard Analysis And Critical Control Point known as HACCP system
featured a complete guidelines in developing the Hazard Analysis Critical Control
Point(HACCP) system as well as maintaining the food safety in Halal meat industry
through prevention of the possible physical, chemical and biological hazard during
the processing. Then, in relation of the Halal meat industry is Hazard Analysis
Critical Control Point(HACCP) system plays role in ensuring the Halal meat not
contaminated with impurities in order to maintain the Halal meat product smell,texture
and quality.
Lastly, the certification of Veterinary Health Mark(VHM) which proves the
Halal meat industry have develop GMP and HACCP system in their company use the
MS1540:2009 (Good Manufacturing Practice,GMP For Food) and MS1480:2019
(Food Safety According To Hazard Analysis And Critical Control Point,HACCP
system) standards in order to approved the VHM certification by Departent of
Veterinary Service(DVS) that enable Halal meat export process.

5.1.3 MS2565 :2014 (Halal packaging).

The Malaysian standard MS2565 : 2014 that titled as Halal packaging
emphasize the requirement of the packaging materials as the packaging material
should be Halal and safe to pack the food. In relation of the Halal meat industry, this
standard provide guidelines in whole packaging process.In addition, the general
guidelines in the manufacturing and handling of halal packaging process were
described in this Malaysian standard. Then, in Malaysia, basic requirement of halal
packaging for halal products provided in this standard.(Jais, 2019a)

.5.1.4 Three part of MS 2400:2019 Halal Supply Chain Management System.

The Malaysian standard 2400 : 2019(Halal Supply Chain) that was newly
revised consist of 3 part of MS where it includes the guidelines specification on
transportation,warehousing and retailing. Most of the MS2400 : 2019 serves as main
reference about the Halal logistics which were part of the Halal meat industries
component. Nowadays, Halal meat industry need logistic guidelines in order to
maintain the Halal meat cycle in economic system. Furthermore, it also stressed the
logistic protocol such as transporting, storing, manufacturing, inventory and material
handling to comply with shariah concept as well as separating the non halal and
halal meat products. Halal meat industry players on the halal logistics operations and
its requirements understanding and compliance through MS2400 : 2019 are also
important in purpose to preserve condusive surrounding on supply chain with Halal
concept(syariah compliance) and technical compliance (toyyiban–wholesomeness).
The MS2400:2019 also plays major role in building towards consumer confidence in
Halal meat industry in Malaysia.(Zainalabidin, F. A., Hassan, F. M., Zin, N. S. M.,
Azmi, W. N. W., & Ismail, M. I. ,2019)

5.2 Process And Procedure To Apply.

The process and procedure in applying the Halal certification by JAKIM in
meat industry are not complicated but still need a lot effort to achieve it. The first
thing must be done by the Halal meat industry are attending the required training
such as Halal checker training and Halal slaughterman training for the abattoir staff,
food handler training for the staff. The staff of Halal meat industry also should take
Anti Typhoid injection to if the company were handling processed meat product.
Next, after the staff have received the certification required, the company
should collect all the certification required in a specific file and also collect the related
document such as Halal standard scheme that related with Halal meat industry,
company details, the product description and material specification, Halal Assurance
manual(Has), Halal Risk Management Plan(HRMP) and so on.
After all of the relevant document were provided perfectly, the company
should apply the Halal certification JAKIM online at My halal JAKIM website and
need to fill some information and form. Then, all of the relevant document should be
passed to the nearest state Islamic Religious Department(JAIN) and finally, they will
inform a date and time to conduct a compliance audit and on site audit for the
company that had applied in order to ensure they comply the standard schemes. If
there is any disobedient or non compliance issue, the auditor from JAKIM will give a
period for the corrective action and the result of perfect compliance according to the
Malaysian standard related in Halal meat industry will result a Halal certification from
JAKIM for the Halal meat production.

Jais, A. S. (2019a). Halal Related Malaysian Standards. Halal Note Series-

Halal Common, 1, 2019.
Jais, A. S. (2019b). The MS1500 : 2019 Halal food - Genral Requirements
(3rd Revision): What’s new, what’s old and what’s next? 2019(April), 3–5.
Zainalabidin, F. A., Hassan, F. M., Zin, N. S. M., Azmi, W. N. W., & Ismail, M.
I. (2019). Halal System in Meat Industries. Malaysian Journal of Halal Research,
2(1), 1–5.

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