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Traveling is perceived as one of the most crucial intriguing topics in

determining a person's knowledge growth, and foreign travel attracts

public attention. People have conflicting views about the effects that
travel abroad has on individuals. The supporters of international travel
insist that it has some positive benefits on people's development, while
others claim that the adverse effects greatly outweigh the good ones. In
my perspective, the impacts of international travel should be
appropriately examined in various aspects.

First of all, there are clear indications that there is a consistent link
between foreign travel and people's knowledge, especially the young
generation. On the one hand, there is the fact that individuals who travel
overseas can easily widen their perspective of cultural diversity in the
world. For example, traveling reports state that millions of students
travel from Asian countries to the U.S. to experience the multicultural
environment, preparing a better integration into the global community,
so travel to another country is one of the best choices for them to explore
the new traditional and costume.

In addition to the impacts stated above, another tangible effect of

international travel on people is that it helps people develop
communication skills. Apparently, communication skills played an
important role since it is probably the most important and transferrable
of all career skills. An illustration of this is that, when individuals travel
to another nation, they must continually break down communication
barriers. They frequently have difficulty conveying a message or
comprehending what someone is attempting to express to them. They
learn to be more astute, read body language more effectively, and
communicate more effectively.

On the other hand, despite many positive impacts of international

tourism, there are some negatives too. One consequence of the problem
that has yet to be considered is that it destroys the local cultures. For
example, in Vietnam, for the convenience of international tourists, some
local people tend to build resorts and hotels, fast-food restaurants such
as McDonald's, KFC and accidentally destroy the inherent beauty of the
tourist destination. In other words, International travel can sometimes
have an adverse effect on local culture.

In summary, based on the brief analysis above, it is evident that

international travel has both positive and negative influences.
Nonetheless, compared with most other social issues, the arguments
about the effects of travel overseas need to be flexibly evaluated under
different circumstances.

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