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A unidade apresentou a história do HTML, sua definição e o emprego correto da utilização

do prefixo e sufixo em inglês, bem como a demonstração e utilização dos falsos cognatos e

Atividades de aprendizagem
1. Complete os exercícios das 3 Learning Activities nas pags. 62, 66 e 69 da unidade.

2. Estamos chegando quase na reta final do nosso curso. Certamente você já é capaz de
escrever e traduzir frases. Escolha cinco prefixos e cinco sufixos e elabore frases simples.

I understand he is very unhappy.

Brazil is a proudly multicultural society.
No need to overwork yourself if problems already exist.
Our world is increasingly shaped by cyberspace.
High-definition cameras scattered all over the supermarket.

What he did was selfish and childish.

Start by producing relevant, likeable and programmer-friendly content.
That food was tasteless.
Maybe the federal worker was too close.
I was right to idolize you.

Poste todas as atividades e exercícios preenchidos na Plataforma Google Classroom.


Learning activities
1. Answer the follow questions:
a) What is HTML?
HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language, not it is one programming language, but
used to create
documents on the World Wide Web. HTML is used to define the structure and layout of a
page, how a page looks and any special functions. HTML does this by using what are called
tags that have attributes.

b) How was it created?

After Vannevar Bush first proposed the basics of hypertext in 1945, it laid the foundation for
Tim Berners-Lee and others to invent the World Wide Web, HTML (hypertext markup
language), HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) and URLs (Universal Resource Locators) in

c) When it was formally published?

Hypertext Markup Language (First Version of HTML) was formally published on June 1993.
Learning activities
1. Here are some verbs. Transform the follows verbs into nouns using the suffix er and
translate it:
a) Build = Builder - Construtor
b) Drive = Driver - Motorista
c) Help = Helper - Ajudante
d) Play = Player - Jogador
e) Win = Winner - Vencedor
f) Compose = Composer - Compositor

2. Use the prefix un to create the opposite meaning of the word given, and then use the new
word to write an original sentence. Use your imagination:
a) (usual) = unusual - Biggest, logic game with very interesting and unusual gameplay.
b) (do) = undo - Transactions let you undo an entire series of operations.
c) (able) = unable - I tried to reopen the claim on the website but was unable.
d) (kind) = unkind - Well, we've got a marriage that ended in ways unkind.
e) (locked) = unlocked - These dongles must be unlocked and voice enabled.
f) (happy) = unhappy - Leonardo abruptly became restless and unhappy.

Learning activities
Usando as diferentes maneiras de se dizer TAMBÉM em Inglês , crie 5 frases em inglês.
Also works from Linux
Too most concern about code lines.
Not only giving to the programmers but receiving from them as well.
Either was expected to last ten years or more.
Neither can our Support team offer these codes upon request.

Learning activities
1. Complete with at, in, or on:
a) I am in London.
b) Adriane is in school, but her mother is at home.
c) The play is going to begin at 20:00 in the evening.
d) The monitor is on the table, and the CPU is on the ground.
e) What are you going to do on Friday?
f) There was a big parade on Independence Day.
g) They go to the club on the bus but I go there on foot.
h) Cristian will travel to Bolivia in April.
i) It was very cold in winter.
j) He lives on 866 Ipiranga Street.

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