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Urist Claycleaver

Mountain Dwarf, Hermit, Monk, Lvl3

If a stranger with a big smile shares food with you, how social are you?
I would first make sure it is not a practical joke, and then accept the food and be reserved yet thankful
and polite.

A hurricane ruins your plans for the day, are you patient or temperamental?
Time heals all wounds, or at least makes you forget why you cared in the first place: patient.

If your friend is not living up to their potential as a hunter, how do you help them grow?
Tell them to fast for a couple days before the next hunt. It sharpens the senses and will give them a
taste of what happens if they fail a their responsibilities.

Who do you respect? Gods, cave rocks, only humanoids, plant and animals? And How?
I respect strength and those with the discipline to cultivate it. The soil is the foundation of our life here,
so I respect the earth as well.

Under what situations are loyalties and allegiances broken or forged?

I have few friends and that is good enough. If someone proves to be cruel to others, I cannot be a part of

Are you loyal to physical groups like friends, and the farmer’s co-op or abstract things like ideals or
Thorkelll itself? Why?
I am loyal to those who have shown to me they are kind and that they work for self-improvement as
well as the group. Because they understand me, and aren’t anything like the pitiable fool I was as a
young dwarf.

If a fallen God were to approach you, what do they notice first about your appearance?
My large, calloused hands that I use to move earth for my job. I haven’t found a way to completely get
them clean yet.

What embarrassing story or trait do your friends keep secret with you?
Growing up I was a part of a family of prominent tin merchants, until I collapsed the mine one day. I was
ostracized and made to fend for myself for a couple years at the edge of civilization. I kept up the skill of
mining and moving stones and soil, even though no one would ever hand me a pickaxe again. By using
my hands, and the strength of my back and willpower, I kept digging. It also unlocked a power in me I
didn’t know I had, that lets me strike with enough power to shatter stone. After about 20 years, I
changed my name and reentered society as a miner yet again, but this time I didn’t need anyone to
hand me a tool; I had my own way forward.

Torkell – My hole. I have spent a long time making it the perfect place for me and only me, over many
years. I don’t care that it’s far from the center of town; I’ll never move.

Turmoil – The crazed leader is only walling off the more affluent area of our little civilization, and I’m
concerned about the threat of the Titan to the low-income areas (where I also live). Someone needs to
either talk to this madman, or figure out how to neutralize the Titan threat on their own.

Party – (filler example) My closest and oldest friend is a paladin who brings supplies to my side of town
for the beggars and infirm. We have worked together a few times to make the area a little more stable
and restore some hope to people.

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