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Singing is music using the human voice organ.

internal voice organ becomes the musical instrument.

Singing Unisono is singing one voice like singing the

melody of a song. The score of the song sings
Unisono only the main melody.

Three vocal techniques that must be considered when

singing are:
1. Articulation, which is a good and clear way of
pronouncing word for word.
2. Frasering, namely the rules of beheading sentences
that are good and correct so that they are easy to
understand and in accordance with applicable rules.
3. Intonation, namely the high and low of a tone that
must be reached correctly.

Three breathing techniques in singing, namely:

1. Chest Breathing, done by filling air in the upper
lungs, breathing is very short and not suitable for use
in vocals, the part of the body that expands is the
chest, used to produce low notes, the weakness of the
singer is easily out of breath so it is not good to wear
when sing.
2. Abdominal Breathing, done by making a large
hollow stomach so that outside air can enter, is less
effective for vocals because air can quickly escape so
that the lungs become weak and tired quickly, the
part of the body that expands is the stomach, can
produce a very loud sound .
3. Diaphragmatic Breathing, when the diaphragm
tightens or straightens the chest and abdominal
cavities become loose and the volume increases,
resulting in reduced pressure so that air from outside
can enter the lungs and exhaled breath can be
regulated consciously by the diaphragm and the
muscles of the sides left.

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