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It is an object where can write our business logic.
It has categorized into 2 types:

1.Active Transformation
2.Passive Transformation

1.Active Transformation:
Those Transformation which has the capacity to change no. of rows is known as
active transformation.

2.Passive Transformation:
These transformation which will not change the no. of incoming rows i.e. known
as passive t/r.

Informatia is providing so many transformation:

1.Filter t/r
2.Router t/r
3.Rank t/r
4.Expression t/r
5.joiner t/r
6.union t/r
7.sql t/r
8.source qualifier t/r
9.lookup t/r
10.sequence generator t/r t/r
12.normalzer t/r
13.mapplet input t/r
14.mapplet output t/r
16.update strategy
17.aggregate t/t
18.sorted t/r
19.stored procedure t/r
20.transaction control t/r

1.Filter t/r:
This is of type an active t/r which allows to filter the data based on given

by default filter properties will always TRUE

a condition is build with the following components:


There are 2 types of ports are available in filter

Filter t/r supports single target to send the is used to perform data
cleansing activitiy.

In filter t/r if the records are not satisfying it is dropping the record in the
filter t/r.

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