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CPC Exam Questions

1. Best drug to start after CVA? Answer choices were: ASA

2. Best drug to prevent future CVA? Statin
3. Which drug a COPD patient was on puts you at increased risk for pneumonia?
a. Ipratropium (Inhaled corticosteroids)
4. Give you a patient who may be a candidate for tPA and ask why they shouldn’t get it- had a recent concussion
5. Which BP is a CI for tPA? The highest one– goal is <185/110
6. Which BP med should be given in patients with CVA? Nicardipine or Labetalol
7. Know that someone who is 65 should get the PCV13 first
8. Know that someone who has received the PCV13 and is 65+ should get the PCV23 and the influenza shot their
next visit.
9. Know that pregnant woman cannot have MMR
10. Someone with uncomplicated pneumonia should get Z-Pack (Azithromycin 500mg 1st day then 250mg 4 days)
11. Will give you a patient who qualifies for CURB-65 of pneumonia need to admit them.
12. 10 derm questions all with pictures.
a. Impetigo twice: one is a baby; treat with topical Ab unless severe then Oral Rx

b. Erysipelas picture on face

c. Silver scale picture on the trunk I put psoriasis

d. Another picture/stem said the rash got worse in warm environments how do you treat? Ketoconazole
13. Sleep apnea causes what? bradycardia
14. Gave you a patient who was in a nursing home and was delirious and asked you what could cause that.
a. Answer choices were lists of diseases pick the only one that makes sense.
15. What is the best test to see if a patient has a diarrheal infection? Stool O and P
16. Patient was on previous antibiotics and now has diarrhea🡪C diff
17. Patient with diverticulitis how do you treat? Fluoroquinolone or PCN extended spectrum
18. Patient who has diarrhea and stopped eating lactose and gluten it got better. What diagnostic test would you
use to see what she has?
a. IgA ab was on there, but it said to look for the Ab while she was on a gluten diet and that didn’t sound
right so I put introduce one of the foods back and see if she gets the symptoms again…. No idea what’s
right but its prob the IgA one
19. How do you know a patient has bacterial sinusitis and not viral? Unilateral
20. Patient failed treatment with amoxicillin twice what do you give them? I put Amox-Clav
21. What’s the best medication to give someone with viral sinusitis? decongestant or nasal corticosteroids
22. Couple questions about COPD
a. Will give you a patient whose PFTs don’t get better on bronchodilator🡪COPD not asthma
b. Tell person to stop smoking is the best treatment
23. Postmenopausal woman is bleeding what do you have to look out for?
a. Cervical cancer (ovarian and endometrial were also an option but they are less common)
24. Woman who is trying to get pregnant has abnormal bleeding and took a pregnancy test yesterday that was
negative what is the cause?
a. All the answers could have been the cause: Anovulation, Cervical Hyperplasia, Polyp, Leiomyoma
25. How do you stop someone who has been bleeding for two weeks straight?
a. choice that may have been right was high dose contraceptives
a. Know all the HF drugs and which ones are bad and which ones you need your patient to be on
b. Know that DHP CCB and TZDs should not be used in HF patient (will ask you which drug to stop)
c. Know to start a Beta blocker (Metoprolol succinate)
27. Know that the EF in diastolic failure is usually preserved
28. Will ask you what mechanical chest wall problem will directly affect HF or COPD I can’t remember
a. I put rib dysfunction
29. Also, a question that gave you a case and asked what stage of HF they were in (I, II, III, IV not ACCF staging)
30. There are, no exaggeration, 20 SPORTS MED QUESTION
a. Know salter harris fx stages (the one on the exam I believe was a 4)
i. Stage 1—fx through growth plate (1-5%)
ii. Stage 2—fx through growth plate and metaphysis (sparing the epiphysis; 75%)
iii. Stage 3—fx through growth plate and epiphysis (sparing the metaphysis; 10%)
iv. Stage 4—fx through growth plate, epiphysis, and metaphysis (4-10%)
v. Stage 5—compression fx of growth plate (<1%)

b. Know the rotator cuff muscles🡪SITS—Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus, Teres minor, Subscapularis

c. The test questions will confuse you because they want you to pick OA but the case is all wrong (aka says
it is worse in the morning and gets better throughout the day – OA is the opposite)
d. Pick the most conservative management always (RICE)
e. Patient had normal ligaments in the ankle but squeeze test was positive what do you do?
i. Ankle syndesmosis injury (high ankle sprain) rest for 6 weeks if stable and without fracture (must
r/o with XR). Surgical fixation if fractured or unstable.
f. Question that is olecranon bursitis
g. Tibia hits dashboard what do you check? PCL
h. Know how to check the MCL- palpate lateral knee and put a valgus stress)
i. A question will tell you that a person can’t supinate or pronate their forearm and then ask you where
they have the greatest movement in this dysfunction
i. the answer is at the ulnocarpal joint (or radiocarpal joint basically at the wrist because they
can’t move their elbow)
j. Case where kid gets hit in the elbow at a football game and now can’t move his arm what do you do?
i. X-ray
k. Give you a case of anterior shoulder dislocation and ask what you would see on the x-ray
i. Head of humerus anterior to the glenoid
l. Patient who has plantar fasciitis what will you see? WORSE IN THE AM
m. Patient with locking of finger when they flex or extend
i. Tenosynovitis of the digit (AKA trigger finger) this is NOT DeQuervains
31. Timeline for suture removal on face – 3-5 days
32. Know that a scalp laceration should get interrupted sutures
a. tempted to put staples but kid is going to get MRI
33. Give you a couple questions on when to distinguish between Chrohn’s, IBS, and UC

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