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It’s hard to know what will happen in the future, I have some plans.

This year, I’m going to prepare for my college entrance exam, because the career of my dreams is
difficult and competitive, so I must be very prepared. The next year, I’m going to apply to the
UNMSM of Medicine. I want to study there next year. I hope I get accepted! I f this happened, I
going to study for six years and in the seventh year of my career, I will do an internship in a hospital.
Then, in 2027 I might travel to Cuba to do a specialization in cardiology. Also, I could get a job
abroad. I want to work in Cuba, exactly in ¨Hospital Universitario Clínico Quirúrgico General Calixto
García¨, It’s my dream. Later, when I’m 26 years old, I may

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