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Forensic Science International 258 (2016) 101.e1–101.


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Forensic Anthropology Population Data

Estimation of stature by cephalometric facial dimensions in

skeletonized bodies: study from a sample modern Colombians skeletal
Gretel González-Colmenares a,*, César Sanabria Medina b,c, Liliana Carolina Báez a
Faculty of Dentistry, University Antonio Nariño, Career 3 E, No. 47A-15, Block 5, Bogotá, Colombia
Faculty of Medicine, University Antonio Nariño, Career 3 E, No. 47A-15, Block 1, Bogotá, Colombia
Pathology Group, National Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences, Calle 7 A # 12-61, Bogotá, Colombia


Article history: Estimation of stature is an important factor in the identification of the deceased from unknown
Received 12 May 2015 fragmentary and dismembered remains. The skull sometimes is the only remain available for
Received in revised form 9 September 2015 identification. The aim of the present study was to estimate the stature of an individual from cephalo-
Accepted 18 October 2015
facial dimensions. The study was carried out on 54 males and 16 females from the bone collection of the
Available online 25 October 2015
contemporary Colombian population that belongs to the National Institute of Legal Medicine. Ten
cephalo-facial measurements were also made on each subject. The stature of each individual in
centimeters was taken from the registration and/or from the autopsy document. The results indicate that
Forensic anthropology population data
the measurements N-M (p < 0.001) and G-Op, Ba-N, Ma-SN (p < 0.05) are correlated with stature for
Cephalometric males. The correlation between these measures with stature for females was not significant. However,
Skull the formulae obtained from univariate linear regression analysis using cephalo-facial measurements
Stature showed a greater degree of reliability for estimation of stature in males and females.
Regression models ß 2015 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Colombian population

1. Introduction length and maximum breadth on living males and observed a

significant correlation between skull measurements and skeletal
In the identification process within medico-legal and anthro- stature. Chiba and Terazawa [6] took the distance between the
pological research cases, the estimation of stature is one of the glabella and the external occipital protuberance and length around
basic parameters for individualization. The stature of an individual the skull circumference through those same points in cadavers.
is genetically predetermined and is an inherent characteristic that They [6] proposed regression models for estimation of stature. Patil
can be evaluated with the help of the skeleton [1,2]. It is known and Mody [7] analyzed radiographs of 150 normal, healthy adults.
that there is a close relationship between the stature and the They derived regression equations for stature using only the
length of the various bones [2], especially for long bones measurement of maximum length of skull, specified as glabella-
[3,4]. However, sometimes only the skull is available for forensic opisthocranion. Krishan and Kumar [8] used 16 cephalo-facial
examination and can be used to predict stature. measurements from living male adolescents and established a
In the literature, various authors have reported the use of positive, strong correlation between measurements and the
cranial cephalometric measurements for estimating the stature stature. Krishan [9] took five cephalo-facial measurements on a
[1,5–11]; Introna et al. [5] measured maximum anterior-posterior sample of 996 adult males. Krishan found that all of the
measurements correlated significantly with stature. Kalia et al.
[10] used dental and cranial measurements, including combined
mesiodistal width of the six anterior maxillary teeth, anterior-
* Corresponding author at: Faculty of Dentistry, Career 3 E, No. 47A-15, Block 5, posterior length of the cranium, and cranial circumference; they
Bogotá, Colombia. Tel.: +571 3384960x102; fax: 2221204
[10] devised regression formulae to estimate stature. Sahni et al.
E-mail addresses: (G. González-Colmenares),, (C. Sanabria), [11] took seven facial measurements of 300 subjects and proposed (L.C. Báez). regression models for estimation of skeletal stature from various
0379-0738/ß 2015 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
101.e2 G. González-Colmenares et al. / Forensic Science International 258 (2016) 101.e1–101.e6

combinations of these measurements. Agnihotri et al. [1] analyzed Table 1

List of cephalometric landmarks.
a sample of 150 young and healthy students to determine stature
from cephalo-facial dimensions and formulate regression models Cephalometric landmark
Glabella (G) - the most anterior point in the midsagittal plane between the
for this purpose. Giurazza et al. [12] estimated stature from six
superciliary arches.
measurements of Computed Tomography in 200 Caucasian adult Basion (Ba) - the lowest point on the anterior rim of the foramen magnum
patients and proposed a formulae by regression analysis for in the median plane.
estimation of stature. Mahalakshmi and David [13] analyzed the Anterior Nasal Spine (ANS) - the anterior tip of the sharp bony process of the
cephalometric landmarks in lateral skull view and their usefulness maxilla.
Nasion (N) - the most anterior point on the frontonasal suture in the
in stature determination; 10 linear measurements were subjected midsagittal plane.
to discriminant function analysis and regression analysis for Menton (M) - the lowest point on the symphyseal outline of the chin.
stature determination. Collectively, the parameters explained the Opisthocranion (Op) - the most prominent point of the occipital bone in the
variation in stature. Shrestha et al. [4] studied 280 cadavers, midline.
Mastoidale (Ma) - the lowest point of the mastoid process.
measured five parameters on the skulls, and established regression
Sella (S) - the mid-point of the Sella turcica.
models for estimation of stature among males and females. V1 and V2 - the upper and lower parameters of the frontal sinus cavity,
The stature can be estimated by facial or cranial measurements respectively.
[9,11] (including dental measurements [10]), taken individually or B1 and B2 - the anterior and posterior parameters of the mastoidal width
jointly, with different accuracy. The measurements of the cephalic at the level of the cranial base, respectively.
Frankfort Horizontal plane (FH plane) - the line connecting the Porion with
region have a stronger correlation with stature than those of the Orbitale.
facial region using regression analysis [7,13]. This might be a Porion - top of the earpost of the cephalostat.
complementary method when other body parts are not available Orbitale - the lowest point of the bony orbit.
[11]. However, Sarangi et al. [14] and Pelin et al. [15] found that Sella-Nasion plane (SN plane) - the line connecting the Sella with the Nasion.
estimated stature from cephalic and facial dimensions is unreliable.
In Colombia, the identification process in fragmentary and
mutilated human remains, specifically in terms of sex, age and (CI) compares two observations for reliability in measurements.
stature, standards of other collections are taken, causing misiden- The CI between observations was of 0.923 0.956, for all
tification and legal consequences. The international scientific measurements with a confidence interval of 95%. The cephalo-
consensus [16] shows that the techniques used (discriminant facial measurements are defined as follows:
functions, linear equations, Bayesian inference, etc.) should come
from local population studies to which the body belongs, mostly 1. Maximum length of skull Glabella (G-Op): measured as the
due to the existing diversity of population. The observed errors distance between Glabella (G) and Opisthocranion (Op).
when classical methods have been tested, developed from white 2. Basion to anterior nasal spine (Ba-ANS): linear measurement
Americans, in European and Asian samples should also be from Basion (Ba) to Anterior Nasal Spine (ANS).
considered. Therefore, the aim of this study was to find a 3. Upper facial height (N-ANS): defined as linear distance
correlation between stature and cephalo-facial measurements, between Nasion (N) and Anterior Nasal Spine (ANS).
deriving regression equations for estimating the total stature of the 4. Length of cranial base (Ba-N): linear measurement from Basion
skeleton in the Colombian mestizo population. (Ba) to Nasion (N).
5. Total face height (N-M): Linear measurement from Nasion (N)
2. Materials and methods to Menton (M).
6. Frontal sinus height (FsHt): linear distance between V1 and V2.
Seventy standardized lateral cephalometric radiographs of the 7. Perpendicular distance from mastoidale to SN plane (Ma-SN):
identified bodies of 54 males and 16 females were selected from Perpendicular distance from mastoidale (Ma) to Sella-Nasion
the bone collection of the contemporary Colombian population (SN) plane.
that belongs to the National Institute of Legal Medicine. The ages 8. Perpendicular distance from mastoidale to FH plane (Ma-FH):
ranged from 20 to 45 years (as recommended by Krogman and Perpendicular distance from mastoidale (Ma) to Frank-furt
Iscan [2]) and belonged to individuals who died between 2004 and Horizontal (FH) plane.
2008. These had been identified from medical records and autopsy 9. Mastoid height from cranial base (MaHt: Ma-B1B2): anterior
reports belonging to the National Institute of Legal Medicine. The and posterior parameter of the mastoidal width at the level of
study was approved by the Bioethics Committee of the university cranial base, respectively.
and the National Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences 10. Mastoid width at the level of cranial base (MaWd: B1-B2)
(Ethics approval: 003-2013). mastoid width at the level of the cranial base.
From the radiographs database, those with complete skulls
were selected. Radiographs of subjects who had a history and/or The stature of each individual in centimeters was taken from
clinical features suggestive of developmental disorders, osseous the registration and/or from the autopsy document. These was
asymmetry, with a history of trauma and surgery of the skull or of measured as the length of the body from head to heel in
prolonged illness were excluded from the study. These radiographs centimeters in supine position with the heel, buttocks, back of
were taken on the Siemens X-ray machine with the teeth in centric the shoulders and the head in contact with the autopsy table.
occlusion, placing the skull on an artificial substrate that secured it SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, version 15.0)
in the Frankfort Horizontal plane and completely stabilized it in the computer software (SPSS, Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) was used for the
anteroposterior and lateral axes. descriptive analysis. Test of normality was carried on each
Cranial measurements were taken in accordance with a measurement before opting for a particular parametric or non-
procedure described in the literature [7]. The landmarks used in parametric test (Kolmogorov Smirnov). The mean values, stan-
the study are detailed in Table 1. The anatomical landmarks were dard deviations (S.D.) and ranges of the measurements were
located by an expert orthodontist and confirmed by two other calculated for all the variables, and the values derived were
investigators. Measurements were performed by a single observer compared for both sexes using the Student’s t-test. The Pearson
using a cephalometric protractor. All measurements were repeated product moment correlation coefficient (r) between stature and
three times and the average of these was used. Concordance Index cephalo-facial measurements was calculated for both sexes.
G. González-Colmenares et al. / Forensic Science International 258 (2016) 101.e1–101.e6 101.e3

Table 2
Descriptive statistics for stature and cephalo-facial measurements.

Measurements Males Females

Mean S.D. Max Min Mean S.D. Max Min t

G-Op 19.41 0.92 21.66 17.42 18.85 0.94 20.88 17.55 0.04*
Ba-ANS 9.46 0.48 10.59 8.26 9.20 0.40 9.81 8.43 0.04*
N-ANS 5.47 0.26 6.08 4.76 5.11 0.37 5.59 4.18 0.00**
Ba-N 10.69 0.48 11.77 9.34 10.25 0.47 11.43 9.53 0.00**
N-M 12.89 0.60 14.51 11.35 11.78 0.63 12.81 10.79 0.00**
FsHt 3.14 0.39 3.80 1.93 2.98 0.31 3.66 2.35 0.13
Ma-SN 4.65 0.43 5.73 3.53 4.21 0.42 5.18 3.59 0.00**
Ma-FH 3.28 0.37 4.29 2.56 3.26 0.44 4.47 2.60 0.88
Ma Ht 9.96 1.39 12.50 6.90 8.65 1.48 11.1 6.20 0.00**
Ma Wd 1.92 0.21 2.63 1.57 1.85 0.26 2.43 1.51 0.24
169.92 6.22 185.00 154.00 156.37 9.53 185.00 151.00 0.00**

** p < 0.001.
* p < 0.05.

Univariate regression models were derived to estimate stature co-efficient of correlation was not found to be statistically
from each cephalo-facial measurement independently among significant for stature and cranial measurements.
males and females. The hypothetical regression equation is Table 4 presents linear regression equations that were derived
represented as: stature (S) = a + bx, where ‘a’ is the regression for each cephalo-facial measurement in the two sexes. There are
coefficient of the dependent variable, i.e. stature, ‘b’ is the separate equations for each measurement. Standard error of
regression coefficient of the independent variable, i.e. any facial estimation (SEE) for all variables was low, ranging 0.63–4.11 for
measurement, and ‘x’ is the mean of that particular measurement. males and 0.77–4.31 for females. MaHt exhibits the lowest SEE
Multiple regression models were derived to estimate stature from (0.63; 0.77), indicating of a higher reliability of cephalo-facial
nine combinations of different cephalo-facial measurements for measurements for stature estimation in females and males,
males and females using the obtained regression and beta respectively. The highest value of SEE is exhibited by MaWd
coefficients. Standard errors of estimation (SEE) were calculated. (4.11; 4.35), indicating that it is the least reliable measure for
estimation of stature in both females and males.
3. Results Tables 5 and 6 represent multiple regression coefficients,
constant, SEE and correlation coefficients for all the nine combina-
Table 2 presents values of the mean, standard deviation, and the tions (i.e. when 10 variables were considered and so on). SEE ranged
maxima and minima of cephalo-facial measurements and stature from 5.321 to 5.902 in males and between 2.836 and 4.310 in
by sex. The average values for males were greater than those for females. Table 7 best shows the models explaining variation in
females for all measurements. The measurements were signifi- stature among males and females. 10 cephalo-facial measurements
cantly different, except for frontal sinus height (FsHt), perpendic- namely G-Op, Ba-ANS, N-ANS, Ba-N, N-M, FsHt, Ma-SN, Ma-FH,
ular distance from the mastoidale to the FH plane (Ma-FH), and MaHt, MaWd best explained for stature among males. In all, the
mastoid width at the level of the cranial base (MaWd). 10 variables explained around 41.2% variation in stature among
The correlation coefficients between stature and the 10 mea- males. Among females eight cephalo-facial variables emerged as
surements for males and females of the Colombian sample are major predictors for stature; these eight predictors explained nearly
given in Table 3. Analysis of these values showed that the best 81.6% variation in stature among females.
parameter was N-M (correlation coefficient r = 0.47; p < 0.001); G- Table 8 presents a comparison of actual stature and stature
Op (r = 0.34; p < 0.01), Ba-N (r = 0.32; p < 0.020), Ma-SN (r = 0.30; estimated from cephalo-facial measurements using regression
p < 0.027) in males. For the other measurements (N-ANS, FsHt, analysis, in the sample which was originally used. The difference
Ma-FH, MaHt, MaWd), the correlation coefficients were found to between the mean actual and mean estimated stature ranges from
be low, and thus the correlations of cephalo-facial measurements -0.63 to -5.12 cm among males and -0.69 to 4.26 cm among
with stature in men were very poor. Among females, the females.

Table 4
Table 3
Regression equation of stature for each parameter.
Correlation coefficient between stature and various cephalo-facial measurements
in males and females. Measurements Males Females
(in cm)
Measurements Males Females
Regression SEE Regression SEE
r-value p-value r-value p-value p-value equation equation (cm)a
G-Op 0.344 0.013* 0.386 0.140 GOP 124.825 + 2.323x 0.89 121.732 + 1.873x 1.17
BA-ANS 0.283 0.042* -0.215 0.425 BA-ANS 135.744 + 3.610x 1.72 178.147 + (-2.365)x 2.87
N-ANS 0.272 0.052 -0.066 0.807 N-ANS 135.626 + 6.267x 3.14 160.481 + (-0.803)x 3.22
Ba-N 0.323 0.020* -0.355 0.177 Ba-N 125.460 + 4.157x 1.72 190.868 + (-3.364)x 2.36
N-M 0.478 0.000** 0.220 0.935 N-M 106.583 + 4.919x 1.27 154.522 + 0.157x 1.89
FsHt 0.009 0.948 0.051 0.853 FsHt 169.458 + 0.148x 2.24 158.562 + (-0.733)x 3.87
Ma-SN 0.307 0.027* 0.490 0.054 Ma-SN 149.305 + 4.427x 1.94 134.616 + 5.165x 2.45
Ma-FH 0.092 0.518 0.087 0.750 Ma-FH 164.948 + 1.516x 2.33 153.483 + 0.886x 2.72
Ma Ht 0.032 0.819 0.305 0.251 MaHt 168.481 + 0.145x 0.63 148.361 + 0.926x 0.77
Ma Wd 0.118 0.405 0.240 0.371 MaWd 163.258 + 3.455x 4.11 148.921 + 4.022x 4.35
** p < 0.001.
* p < 0.05. a
SEE = standard error of estimate.
101.e4 G. González-Colmenares et al. / Forensic Science International 258 (2016) 101.e1–101.e6

Table 5
Regression coefficients of combination of cephalo-facial measurements using multiple regression analysis in males.

Measurements Combination of variables

9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

1 G-Op 0.698 0.685 0.751 0.856 0.882 2.029 2.115 1.897 2.323
2 Ba-ANS 2.999 3.185 3.274 3.104 3.121 1.348 1.478 2.422
3 N-ANS 2.251 3.140 2.302 2.049 2.170 5.741 5.817
4 Ba-N 0.452 -0.008 -0.013 0.192 0.260 0.340
5 N-M 4.002 3.824 4.114 4.591 4.484
6 FsHt -0.548 -0.568 -0.095 0.370
7 Ma-SN 4.892 4.514 2.616
8 Ma-FH -2.400 -2.939
9 Ma Ht -0.603
10 Ma Wd 0.022
Constant 52.013 50.478 46.972 50.297 50.787 82.719 83.028 110.179 124.825
SEE 5.321 5.251 5.256 5.320 5.263 5.764 5.705 5.852 5.902
r-value 0.412 0.400 0.385 0.355 0.355 0.209 0.209 0.151 0.118

Table 6
Regression coefficients of combination of cephalo-facial measurements using multiple regression analysis in females.

Measurements Combination of variables

9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

1 G-Op 2.555 2.218 1.647 4.346 4.335 4.071 3.735 3.682 1.837
2 Ba-ANS -4.235 -4.389 -4.011 -5.968 -5.976 -5.460 -7.421 -7.332
3 N-ANS 2.928 3.293 3.614 2.768 2.754 2.109 0.630
4 Ba-N -6.489 -6.092 -6.322 -3.886 -3.928 -4.322
5 N-M -1.457 -1.423 -1.611 -0.880 -0.929
6 FsHt -1.372 -0.657 0.248 -0.338
7 Ma-SN 7.745 7.628 8.251
8 Ma-FH -2.122 -1.392
9 Ma Ht -0.560
10 Ma Wd 1.487
Constant 196.402 191.722 192083 166.431 166.777 163.414 151.030 154.448 121.732
SEE 3.28 2.83 3.28 3 .69 3.50 3.38 3.76 3.62 4.31
r-value 0.824 0.816 0.806 0.598 0.597 0.587 0.444 0.441 0.149

Table 7
Multivariate linear regression models for estimation of stature from cephalo-facial measurements among males and females.

Regression model R2 value SEE (cm)a

Males 52.013 + 0.698xG-OP + 2.999xBA-ANS + 2.251N-ANS + 0.452Ba-N + 4.002N-M - 0.412 5.32

0.548x FsHt + 4.892xMa-SN - 2.400xMa-FH - 0.603xMaHt + 0.22xMa WIDTH
Females 191.722 + 2.218xG-OP - 4.389xBA-ANS + 3.293xN-ANS - 6.092xBa-N - 0.816 2.83
1.423xN-M -0.657xV1-V2 + 7.628xMa-SN -1.392xMa-FH
SEE—standard error of estimate.

Table 8
Comparison of mean actual stature (MAS) with mean estimated stature (MES) calculated by using linear regression and multivariate lineal regression.

Estimated stature using regression equations for (in cm): Male Female

Mean estimated Differences between Mean estimated Differences between

stature (MES) means = MAS -MES stature(MES) means = MAS -MES

Univariate linear regression

GOP 170.80 -0.88 157.22 -0,85
BA-ANS 171.64 -1.72 159.24 -2,86
N-ANS 173.06 -3.14 159.59 -3,20
Ba-N 171.64 -1.72 158.73 -2,33
N-M 171.26 -1.34 158.26 -1,85
FsHt 172.16 -2.24 160.24 -3,82
Ma-SN 171.86 -1.94 158.82 -2,39
Ma-FH 172.25 -2.33 159.09 -2,65
MaHt 170.55 -0.63 157.14 -0,69
MaWd 174.03 -4.11 160.72 -4.11
Multivariate linear regressiona 175.04 -5.12 159.20 -4,26
Mean Actual stature (MAS) 169.92 156.37
Multivariate linear regression models (Table 7).

4. Discussion well defined, and easy to locate [10]. The cephalometric radiograph
is a good method that helps reproduction and determination of
This study was conducted using skull measurements on radio- these skeletal measurements [7], so making cephalometric radio-
graphs. The anatomical landmarks of the skull are standardized, graphs of a skeleton should be a routine process. Success in the
G. González-Colmenares et al. / Forensic Science International 258 (2016) 101.e1–101.e6 101.e5

estimation of stature depends not only on the reliable reproduction In this study, for multivariate regression models derived for
of the radiographs, which must be 1:1, but also on the accuracy of estimation of stature, the standard error of estimate (SEE) for
the cephalo-facial measurements themselves. In some cases, the different possible combination of variables varied between
skull is the only structure available for determining identification 5.321 and 5.902 cm in males and between 2.836 and 4.310 cm
parameters. In terms of the calculation of stature, it is suggested that in females. Multivariate linear regression models showed a higher
skull bone be considered together with long bones, if available standard error of estimate in stature estimation when compared
[7]. The growth of the skull is determined by intrinsic genetic with the univariate linear regression models in males; among
factors; this has led to the suggestion that there is a relationship females, multivariate linear regression model does not improve the
between the length of the skull and the rest of the body [7]. Genetics estimation of stature. In other studies, Chiba and Terazawa [6]
and environment may affect skeletal development; thus when reported a SEE of 6.96 cm in males and 6.71 cm in females in their
cephalometric measurements are used to determine stature, it study on Japanese cadavers using cranial length and horizontal
is necessary to develop specific formulae for each population circumference of the cranium for estimation of stature. Patil and
[12,13,15]. Mody [7] found that the estimated stature with the maximum
In this study, a significant correlation between various length of skull (G-Op) was highly reliable using linear regression
measurements and stature, NM (0.47), G-Op (0.34), Ba-N (0.32), equation and reported an SEE of 3.71 and 4.26 in males and
Ma-SN (0.30), Ba-ANS (0.28) were found in the sample of males, females, respectively. Krishan and Kumar [8] reported SEE of 4.41–
but the correlation was not significant for other cranial measure- 7.21 cm in their study to estimate the stature from cephalo-facial
ments in this group. In females, the correlations between stature dimensions in adolescents from North India. Kalia et al. [10] reported
and cephalometric measurements were not statistically signifi- a SEE of 0.18 3.23 cm in their study to investigate the relationship
cant; the highest correlation coefficient was exhibited by Ma-SN of stature of a person with the diameter and circumference of a
(0.490) and the lowest by FsHt (0.051). This can be attributed to the skull as well as with the combined mesiodistal width of maxillary
use of a small sample, as suggested by Shrestha et al. [4]. An anterior teeth in a Mysorean population. Sahni et al. [11] found a SEE
investigation by Krishan and Kumar [8] reported that all the of 3.56 3.70 cm in their study on estimation of stature from seven
cephalo-facial measurements exhibited significant correlations in facial measurements in Northwest Indians. Giurazza et al. [12]
stature (ranging between 0.732 and 0.265). Kalia et al. [10] found recorded an absolute error of 3.8 and 3.9 cm taking the length of the
the highest correlation when individual measurements of com- cranial base and distance from Basion to nasal bone, respectively
bined data were plotted against stature and when were added the using single regression equations and multiple regression equations.
odontometric and craniometric parameters. Krishan [9] in a study In a study by Gupta [18], it has reported a poor correlation between
observed that all the cephalo-facial anthropometric measurements stature and other parameters among males and females and
show significant correlation with stature; the measurements of the concluded that the stature estimation from cephalo-facial dimen-
head exhibit higher than those of the facial measurements sions is not reliable. Shrestha et al. [4] reported SEE of 5.69 7.43 cm
correlation coefficients (ranging between 0.775 and 0.455). Sahni and 5.53 7.01 cm using univariate, bivariate and multivariate
et al. [11] studied stature estimation by using facial measurements linear regression models in a study on the relationship between
and found that the correlations of facial measurements in stature stature and craniometric measurements obtained on autopsied
were very poor although significant for some measurements. skulls in the modern Nepalese population.
Agnihotri et al. [1] found that the correlation coefficients (r) of In the present study, significant differences in the cephalomet-
cephalo-facial measurements was less than 0.5 in all the cases and ric measurements G-Op, Ba-ANS, N-ANS, Ba-N, N-M, Ma-SN, and
they concluded that the cephalo-facial dimensions are not good Ma height between males and females were found. Females
predictors for estimating stature in Indo-Mauritian population. showed smaller measurements than males, including in stature.
Giurazza [12] in their study on stature estimation from cranial These results are consistent with the findings of Patil and Mody [7],
measurements taken from CT scans of italians reported correlation Sahni et al. [11], Agnihotri et al. [1], Giurazza et al. [12], Kalia et al.
coefficients for Ba-N (Distance from Basion to Nasion) R = 0.53 and [10] and Badam et al. [19]. Generally, a large and robust skull is
Ba-NB (Distance from Basion to nasal bone) R = 0.50. Mahalakshmi that of a male; a small and gracile skull is that of a female [2], which
and David [13] in their study showed that G-Op was found to be a has also has been corroborated by other studies [6,7]. The mean
significant predictor of stature in males and females. Furthermore, stature of males was higher (169.92 cm) than the Japanese males
an inverse relationship (negative beta coefficient) was observed (164.8 cm) [6] and Nepalese population (166.2 cm) [4]. In case
between N-NS, FsHt, Ma-FH in males and between N-ANS, Ba-N, of the cephalo-facial measurements, the means of majority, the
Ma-SN, Ma-FH, Ma-height in females but none of these factors measurements in the males and females of our population were
significantly influenced stature. These findings were not consistent found to be lower than Japanese [6], except for N-M, Ma-FH among
with our study. Shrestha et al. [4] observed a correlation males and G-Op, N-ANS,Ma-FH among females.
statistically significant between stature and cranial measurements The sample used in this study was not homogeneous and had a
among males; in the females, a statistically significant correlation greater number of male individuals than female. Although the
was only observed between stature and maximum cranial length. regression equations were developed independently, they should
The correlation coefficients varied between 0.219 and 0.494. be viewed with caution for the group of females, since small
Regression equations have been reported as the most accurate sample sizes may give misleading results [4] or are not sufficiently
and reliable method of estimating stature [2,17], and also the representative.
easiest [2]. In the present study, the univariate regression The age range of the sample in this study was 20–45 years, as
equations of the 10 measurements calculated for the determina- recommended by Krogman and Iscan [2], who observed that
tion of stature show a greater degree of reliability: the standard measurements on subjects with ages outside this range can be
error on the estimate (SEE) for the linear regression equations was highly variable [13]. Calculated formulae are applicable to
0.63–4.11 in males and 0.77–4.35 in females. Thus, NM, G-Op, Ba-N individuals who have already completed their growth. In sub-
among males and MaHt, GOP and N-M among females indicate a adults, the physical growth of the head and face has little effect
high degree of accuracy and reliability in estimation of stature than on the determination of stature because the peak growth of the
the other measurements included in the study. This is further head and face occurs up to the 13th year of life [7].
confirmed by a relatively lower standard error of estimate (SEE) The findings of this study suggest that cephalometric measure-
observed for these measurements for males and females ments can be utilized in estimating stature, only when the skull is
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