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Docker Basic Commands


systemctl start docker Start Docker service

systemctl restart docker Restart Docker service

systemctl enable docker Enable Docker to start at reboot

systemctl status docker Check Docker service status

docker –version Check Docker version

docker info Print Docker information in detail

Check disk space being used by your

docker system df

Docker Container Commands

docker ps Or docker container ls List only running containers

docker ps -a Or docker container ls -a List both running and stopped containers

docker ps -l List the latest created containers

docker ps -s List all containers by their size

docker ps -qa List all containers by their ID

docker stats Show running container stats

docker start container-name Start a container

docker restart container-name Restart a container

docker stop container-name Stop a container

docker stop $(docker ps -aq) Stop all running container

docker exec -it container-name /bin/bash SSH into container

docker logs container-name Check log of a container

docker top container-name Check the running process in a container

docker inspect -f “{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}”

Check the IP address of a container

docker container rename oldname newname Rename a container

Docker Run Commands

docker container run –name container image Run a container from an image

docker container run -d image-name Run a container in detached mode

docker container run -it image-name /bin/bash Run a container in interactive mode

docker container run -d -p [host-port]:[container-

Run a container and publish a container port
port] image-name

Run a container that automatically removes a

docker container run –rm image-name
container when it exits

Copy a File Between Container and Host

docker cp container-name:/file/path /host/path Copy a file from container to host

docker cp /host/file/path container-name:/path/ Copy a file from host to container

Docker Image Commands

docker images List all Docker images

docker tag oldname:tag newname:tag Rename an image

docker search image-name Search available images on the Docker Hub

docker history image-name Check command history of any image

docker build -t image-name Dockerfile Build an Image from Dockerfile

Docker Registry and Repository

docker login Login to Docker registry

docker logout Logout from a Docker registry

docker search image-name Search an image from the Docker registry

docker pull myimage:tag Pull an image from a registry

docker push myrepo/myimage Push an image to registry

Import and Export Container and Image

docker save -o image.tar image-name Export an image to a TAR archive

docker load < image.tar Import an image from a TAR archive

docker commit container-name image-name Create an image from a container

docker export container-name > container.tar Export a container to a TAR archive

docker import container-name < container.tar Import a container from TAR archive

Remove Container, Image, Network and Volume

docker container rm container-name Remove a stopped container

docker container prune -f Remove all stopped container

docker rmi image-name Remove an unused Docker image

docker rmi $(docker images -a -q) Remove all unused Docker images

docker image prune -a Remove all dangling images

Remove unused and dangling images,

docker system prune -af
networks, containers, and volumes

docker volume rm volume-name Remove a Docker volume

docker network rm network-name Remove a Docker network

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