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Preliminary Study

At this stage the researcher collected various information and data related to the research. The
researcher have did an observations on the learning methods of students in Grade VIII at MTs Miftahul
Ulum Sumbermanjing Wetan Malang. The researcher also conducted interview with some teachers
regarding differences in student learning. In conclusion, the differences of gender and background of
students will have an impact on their learning process. Apart from that, the researcher argue that the
existence of personality factors will also affect the way students learn.

Furthermore, to find out whether the class that will be used as the object of research has a variety of
personalities or not, the researcher provides an EPI (Eysenck Personality Inventory) test which divides
them into two personality groups, namely introverts and extroverts with different neurotic levels. The
result, from 52 students, there was 13 extrovert students and 12 introvert students with a stable level.

Hence, the researcher assume that if there are two different types of personalities in the class, then the
output that will be produced by the students will be different between introverts and extroverts.

In order to explore the problem more systematically and intensively, the researcher gave a pre-writing
test for the two personality types. As a result, introvert students had an average or mean value of 79.5,
while extrovert students had mean value of 73.61. That means, introvert students have writing skills
more prominent than extrovert students.

However, this research has some weakness . This research was only conducted in a small scope,
students in grade VIII at Mts Miftahul Ulum, so this research could not be generalized to other schools
because it could have different outputs.

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