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Hypotheses Testing

Finally, the writer tested the hypotheses proposed earlier to prove the hypothesis

whether they were accepted or rejected. First, the writer analyzed the data from the

questionnaire to categorize the students into three groups (introvert, extrovert, and

ambivert). Two groups (introvert and extrovert) were analyzed further. Their data

from the writing test was analyzed to find out whether the hypothesis was accepted or rejected by using
the statistical analysis t-test with the level of significance α = 0.05.

The hypotheses and the criteria of acceptance are described as follows:

The first proposed hypotheses were:

H01 refers to Introvert students do not do better in writing.

H11 denotes if Introvert students do better in writing.

The criteria were:

If sig (2-tailed). > 0.05, H01 is accepted

If sig (2-tailed). < 0.05, H11 is accepted

The second proposed hypotheses were:

H02 symbolizes there is no significant difference between introvert students‟ and

extrovert students‟ writing strategies.

H12 indicates that there is a significant difference between introvert students‟ and

extrovert students‟ writing strategies.

The criteria were:

If sig (2-tailed). > 0.05, H02 is accepted

If sig (2-tailed). < 0.05, H12 is accepted

The third proposed hypotheses were:

H03 means that there is no positive correlation between writing strategies and

writing achievement. H13 conveys there is a positive correlation between writing strategies and writing


The criteria were:

H03 is accepted if sig.> 0.05 and r = 0; or there is (*).

H13 is accepted if sig. < 0.05 and r ≠ 0

This chapter has elaborated the methods used in this research. It also revealed how

the data was going to be analyzed after the treatment. The data was taken from the

questionnaires and writing test.

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