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CONTENTS {Introduction , The Path of Enlightenment (1) How to Use This Book Customs af the Dragons Cl ich, emul. Courship.. Superstiion War. Betiremnent Funeraly/Death Higory ofthe Dragon Clan ‘New Mecha. Complete Dragon Fea Lis New Courier ables. ‘The Kitsuki “The Pr of Enlightenment 2). The Kal Pines.» Mor Kul Hong ‘hiro Kits Kyuden Tonbo “wi Kok. Nanas Mut Minor Kitsuki Holdings. ag 0 Tamashit “The Kisuki Archives Keen Eyes Sle Vilage Inport iki NPC iso Kiyusbic. its Miziehi Kiss Rema isu Vass “he Saks Fay tak Macanis ‘Ancestor oe Kitaki Kang Kiesok Haka iki Yana itsuki Nema Jotomon’ Shiai! Jotomons Shin (renige Cis). Joromons Shineal (Advanced Schoa) The Mieumoto .. ‘The Path of Enlightenment). The Mirae Provis Major Mirumat Holdings Hebei “The Norern Tower of Fame Shiro Mirumoto.. Iron Mountsn Dojo et Kem soon Minor Mirameto Heliings Hinanbasho sno Mics Shima Mago no Samurat Mars, ‘ushoshe Seido Mara “Euaterstoral Holdings... ‘The House of Golden Fisme “Important Miramolo NEC... 4 Mirumoro Rosai, 4 Mirumoro Tau 4 MirumotoTemoru 5 Vassals ofthe Mirumota 5 ‘The Zura Family 5 "the Kouken Family 6 Miramole Mechanic 6 Ancestors 6 Mirumoto Gojanuvan. 2 Mirumoto Massya 7 Mivumoto Sukune 7 ‘the Dragons Flame. 10 Nemurana Seekers 11 TheTamori ‘ 12 the Pah of Enlightenment (4) 13 TheTamon Provinces 13 Majo Tamott Holdings 16 Shino tamori 84 The Wrath of the Kami. 1 Yamasua 36 Saige Toshi {7 Serpent Tail Mine. 57 MinorTamon Holdings 18 TamortSeido 18 Tamori Gardens. 19 The Crysul Cave 20. Important Tumori NPCs 20 Tamor Shaitung 20 Tamossukizo 21 Wight, Zalajin Prophet. 23 Vassalsof the Tamori 2) the fae, 2 Thechiyn, 26 The Hinzaby 26 Tumori Mechanics, 2:26 Ancestors 2% © Tamori Chiko <6 Tamori Masume 27 Tumori Tsuomt 27 Spirit Binding. 2% Spi Binding 28 Touch of che Rumace. Touch of he Crystal New spell Honor’ Ground Anvil ofthe Barth, Ears Touch 32° Stance ofthe Mountain, 32 Breath of Heavens Fre 38 ‘The Three Orders. oo... 33 The Path of Enlightenment (3) 35 The Thre Ondo Province. 35 Major Three Ordets Holdings. 36 ‘Ryden Hitomi/Kyuden Togas 36 The High House of Light 38 “3 50 5 s2 3 2 3 4 ose Temple ofthe Sun Minor Three Orders Holdings “Tkathabe Murs, Fukurokujin Sido Important NEGS in the Tha Oners Hitomi Vedat “Togachi Mars Hitomi Kagetors, Togas aes Hoshi Wayan ‘Thee Orders Machane. “Ancestors. Phying the Three Orders Order of Togas ‘Order of Hoshi ‘Order of titom New Tattoos. -Eaple Rising Sun The Void Wolf Ise Zurn Tatoos. Kikage Zum Tatoos ‘The Tames ‘Tamori Tunnels, The Zokujin ‘TheTunnele.. TamoriTunnels Map Behind the Vell... ‘The Dragon Lands. Enlightened Madness ‘Treating Enlightened Modes, Madiness Among the Togas ‘Madness Among the Hitom Macies Among the Hoshi Kanashimi, Nightmare ofthe Dragon ‘The UDragon Territory Map . 93 THE PATH OF SNLIGHTERMENT PART ONS “welcome, Mya Hato tothe end of our journey lato glanced up surprise eyes widerng ase noticed the man standing atthe tp of «wen foot boulder, grinning dour a hi Fe wore only alas hahaa His broad shoulders an shaven head leaned in de setting sum, revealing a complex tattoo pattern of ‘white dragon, coiled about his chest and lms The Unicom guards that acconipanied Hatori gathered about the old shisha warily, esnting their bows an lances athe tage mar. "Who are you" Hatori asked, unafraid ashe shied the stranger “The tatloeed man shrugged. “Just curious observer’ he std “tam Matsua” “what do you wish from me? Hator asked “Tmean no harm,’ Matsuo said holding out his hands and sinning the Unicon solders to calm tha. Yow are undertaking ‘legendary journey, and Tony wished tobe a part oft. Lake Sun To af old, you have visited each ofthe Great Clans and learned from them? “True Hatt replied, “bu Cam nt the great general Sun Tao “perhaps” Matsuo replied. “On the other hand unlike Sum Ta, it apes that you ave gong sure your adventure. Sin a way you are move succes that he” ‘You Dragon havea peculiar way of loking at things? Otomo angi sid. The young courtier shielded his eyes with one hand as he lege suspiciously up at the Dragon ‘Maso mse one eyebrow "Yu think that Tn peculia™ Matsuo replied. "You mast not have met many memtbers of my clan.” "actually, I knew several Kite diplomats im Otosan Ueki? “Tanej reled sf, *T a fami with your dan” “Hator-sema,Ercontmend you keep an eye on your friend here! “Matsuo seu, noing toward Tame. “Any man who would judge all the Dragon families by the conduct of any one of them is ue for ‘series of rude und unpleasant surprises during your stay here, Than” ‘Do nol worry for ane Hatori replied with laugh. °So are you an emissary from Lord Susu? cant believe that our encounter heres pure oincidence® “In ruth you are comet but Lond Satu did na send me Matsuo replied. “My rends among the Sorion sent word that ou would be sariving, an ssked that I wah oer you? “The Unicorn soldiers exchanged uncomfortable glances at the mention of he Scorpion Clan, Their len had only just narrowly xertd gong fo war with the Scrion inthe ey of Ryoko Ovary tnd the Scorpion’ friendship with the Dragon Clan was well decamenie. These Uniort had accompanied Hator specially to protect hi from Shadowed Tower agents. ven the mention oftheir Fred enemies was enough o draw te oldie “Tapologice if hal oflends your Mota friends ean no direspet or slight to thetr honor 1s merely tha, wel, you know how thorough the Szorpion canbe and twas ay ever «favor. Yo fan smagine how eager { was to repay a avert a Scorpion, ne He laughed brightly, glancing around as if eerfed some hidden Scorpion would ewe ‘Aero the Moto chuckled unde ther brat a that. Tey loked at the Dragon with new respect. Masuo leat frm his perch and landed nimily im the road, approaching the group cautiously, hands pen to show he held mo weapons. “togashi Mato!” Peake Sekkow replied suddenly pushing his aay to the hea ofthe group. "Now I remember where 1 have heard of yu. Yow ave Tagoshs Mitsu student” The shabby hile shugenia limb down from his hors, ring forward and extending one hand toward Matsuo, who looked upon the gesture with surprise Sekkow ony caught himself atthe last moment, yalizing that the ‘Unicon customs he had been pnactcig fo he lst several weeks no longer applied here. Before he could pull his hand back, Matsuo Shrugged and clasped it firmly anyway, shaking hands withthe Monkey. "Yet have heard of me?" Matsuo asked with faint surprise. “Lond Toku was ¢ friend of your master” Sekou replied. “Many storys tll ales of Mit extraordinary adventures, end Toku has imate al of tho to the Vigilant Kep. You feature prominent ‘nko many ofthe newer legends” "Really? Matsuo said, fascinated. “t hed no idea that 1 was mous. Perhaps all have fo allow my fem to go to my heed. ve ‘always wanted fo be amogant and now a long lst have an excuse Wonderful” “Yow are mach like your teacher” ato said with a grin. “How is Mitsu ately" “Fine, presumably Matsuo said, looking up at Halo. "When last 1 saw hi, he was pammeting iio colagsing cavern filled with molten lava. I have not seen him since but there is mo reason to believe we will not met again.” "How can you be sure Mitsu survived? Tan asked. Tang had vo doubt herd th legends of Togas Mitsu but he cyl courtiers fone showed he was reluctant to put much tc in ther "ether Mitsui alive or he snot? Matsuo replied in a even toe. her way, Thave no dou thal our paths wall oss again. When 1 ser him agin, shall ell him what hav see, and he shal tell me hat he has seen, and we wil both grow from our adventures” ‘in the meantime, perhaps we could share tales of your adventures somewhere mare comfricle? Hator sai, “Perhaps you know of a sway station or village nearby ‘Matsuo nodded. Ther’ ome nearby with « very mice sake works and gesha house. There is dancer there named Mae. ‘The Tao says that ech man mst fnd his own ath to enlghienment; sorties Mink ie wil fond he path to mine hereyes” “ts that not unseemly, Matsuo-san?* Taneji asked egending the Dragon with sour expression. “I thought that the tatooed men of your lan were holy monks” "sone of us ae mre ly than others” Mitsuo sad ening to lead the way down the path. "And even the mam who has sworn ‘off sweets ght stl enjoy the smell of the bakery” “Tanai blinked, shocked by the young monk’ demeanor Hatori ony snckeed ash rade pst. “Ithas bento long sine 1 vised he Dragon, Tune}. You will learn much here fe not mistaken” HOW TO use ‘THIS BOOK ‘Secrets ofthe Dragon isa sourcebook designed for players and ‘GMs alike who are interested in adding depth to their vision ‘of the Dragon Clan, Unlce Way o the Dagon? which detailed the history and the clans major institutions, this book gives finer detail to the different families, their organization, holdings, vassal families, and lesser-known schools, among other things Secrets of the Dragon” is broken down into chapters as follows: ‘The Introduction deals with the Dragon Clan’ history, some general customs that the clan as a whole embraces, and several new mechanical options appropriate for Dragon characters Chapters One through Four each deal with an individual family or group: the Kitsuki, Mitumoto, Tumori, and che Three Orders. Each chapter presents information on the family’s hhodings, including several points of interest for each holding sand some adventure hooks for GMs, major NPCs within that family, descriptions of the vassals families that serve ther (explained later in this chapter) and new mechanical options for characters from that family, Chapter Five: The Tamori Tunnels explores a curious location in Dragon lands. All the information needed for 3 ‘GM to use these tunnels as the centerpiece of an adventure is presented Chapter ix: Behind the Veil details the darkest most peculiar ‘maths about the Dragon, The quest for enlightenment isa difficult one, and sometimes the results can be unexpected CUSTOMS OF _THE DRAGON BIRTH With the exception of the Phoenix and the Mantis, the Dragon are not an exceptionally large clan when compared co other Great Clans. Birchrates among the Dragon are relatively low, so every birth is fortuitous event. When a pregnant woman is about to come to term, itis the husband’ duty to rake certain that the house is protected from evil spirits Blessed strip of eoiled paper called “spirit catchers" are hung all around the inside and outside of the home. Local shugenja cormonks may be asked to visi the home and grant their blessings. Any home where a child is about to be bora can easly be identified from the extraordinary stashes of holy objects and spirit catchers placed around it.I s not ‘uncommon for total strangers to it such a home and offer their blessings and good wishes tothe child ‘Though the peasants of the Dragon Clan are treated well, many of them are poor com pared to other clans. ‘The Dragon are not a wealthy clan, and a great number of heimin quickly dis cover that they are unable fo. suppor their children. Fortu- nately, the Togashi, Hitomi, and Hoshi orders’ are always willing to adopt unwanted children and raise them az members oftheir ordet. Destitute peasants wishing 2 better life fr their children anonymously deposited babies outside Dragon monasteries. The practice is so common that many Dragon monasteries serve dual purpose as both holy sftes and orphanages. GEMPUKKU “The families of the Dragon Clan area wildly contrasting lot. Customs that seem normal toa Hitomi or Togashi would appear outlandish toa Mirumoto, and vice versa, So itis with their gempukku; as cach Dragon family has « unique perspec- tive and purpose within the clan, so does each have a different ritual for coming of age. “The Mirumoto are the most traditional of all the familie. ‘Theit gempukku involves a lengthy, solemn ceremony in which the samura-to-be must recite his lineage and the great deeds of his ancestors. The sarmurai is then granted a pair of swords which he is expected to use to demonstrate a mastery of the Niten stances before the assembled onlookers ‘The Kitsuki also have a traditional sore of gempuklcu, though they focus upon martial prowess less than their Mirumoto brethren. Kitsuki gempukku ceremonies always involve some sore of test of wits, Visual puzzles, riddles, and tests of memory are ll common but the testis atey the same twvce. At times the samural is not even informed chat he is king the test — perhaps he is told chat his new swords are missing and he is asked ro help find them — until the test has been completed successfully. Once the tests completed, the Kitsuk is considered true samurai “Tamori gempukku ceremonies ae solemn and tothe point After a ceremony involving several days of secluston and fasting, the young student is brought before his master. The master affes a satchel of blessed scrolls and asks one question —“Why do you wish to bear our name?” Ifthe master is impressed with the sincerity of the student's answer, then the ceremony is complete. It does nor truly ‘matter what the student says, s0 long as he is concise and passionate in his beliefs ‘The tatooed orders of the Dragon are auite secretive about their initiation tech ‘nigues. All involve extensive study of the Tao, meditation, and ritual tattoo ing with magical ink. The senior ‘members of the order monitor the tattooing process carefully, for the tattoos reveal much of their ‘wearers soul and destiny Iis not uncommon for aTogasht student to end up swearing fealty to the Hitomi, oF a Hoshi to join the “Togashi, and so on because the student has a demeanor and destiny more appropriate to another order. COURTSHIP? 1 a family as reclusive and enigmatic asthe Dragon, it is surprising that their customs around the formalities of courtship ae fae straightforward tis raze that members of other clans seek apolitical alliance withthe Dragon, and the families ge along with each other quite easily, so marriages for polivieal reasons are raer than in other clans, Marsiages for love are common, chotgh inal cases sarsurat most ask permission from his daimyo before he is marred Among the Taree Orders ofthe Togas, Hoshi, and ttemi marriages aze unusual. Though not all members of these orders take vows forbidding marriage, most do, When a member of one ofthese ondets takes a spouse, he or she is usually expected to leave the order. Only ithe prospective spouse intends o join the Dragon and pats the orders initia tion ceremony oF ifthe Dragon Champion deems that a tartoged monk can continue serving the clans interests even snared and far from home is such a marsage allowed. Those tantoged men who do marry into and live among another clan often take the name oftheir spouse, When solely in the pres ence of other members of the three Onders, such individuals anay efr to themselves by their former name Marriage ceremonies in Dragon lands are busable affair, ‘hough they rarely occur in humble loetions. Marriages that take place in natural sueoundings are best, Waveralls, forest, and mountain peaks are popular choices for marriage cere ‘monies The most powerful and wealthy Dragon ean afford to arrange thei ceremonies inthe most exotic locations. Togashi Susu recent martiage, fr example, ook place nea dhe peak of Tamozis Furnace, in the glow ofthe rumbling voleano. VASSAL FAMILIES pe a eee rte eaare ees eee ere yet) described in previous sourcebooks (such as Winter Court: Kynden Seppun and Rokugan) these vassal families have never been specifically detailed. Vassal families occupy a rather unique social Pore the samurai class, Within the family and clan that they serve, they are recognized by their uupique family name as a means of recognizing their distinctive service to the clan. Outside the clan, how ever, they ate identified by the name of the family they ene nee ate family that one serves when speaking to an outsider is 1 presumptuous and arrogant act, one that implies fe corr imireentersrers ater known that the listener would be more familiar with his own lineage than that of the family he serves, posseer ee menern yer Steet vassal family of the Mirumoto, To all Mi piesa ieee ‘and to outsiders, Peers toe en em eee ra tia! Peete as ceed peers cen Sieg reer tg orsimply "Mirumoto Tanaka of Zurut” Ifa member of any other clan should visit Tanaka in the Zurui family ere eee ee ete ree ees refer to himself by his vassal family name, for it is Perens ees eee ren ere One notable fet about Dragon ceremonies is that, though they are monks, the Three Orders rarely perform marrage cotemonies. However, tis seen as good lick to have anise zumi present at the ceremony and bad luck fora kikage au tobe present, ifthe marriage happens ducing the day. Iris 00d luck fora hikagezumi to be present and bad luck for an tse zum to be presen ifthe marvage is at nigh, Having an equal numberof ise zumi and kikage 2umi wall cancel out the 00d and bad fortune, and having « member ofthe Order of Hoshi presenti always lucky SUPERSTITION Superstition i a complex matter forthe Dragon Clan, On one hand, there are a number of omens and portents that they take 0 seriously that they are not considered superstitions — they are legitimate premonitions of danger caused by disharmony in the elements, ironically any superstition thae is not known to be reliable is treated asa frivolous waste of time Members of the Three Orders (especially the Togashi) have been known to play subtle games with superstitions, inventing new ones and spreading therm about the populace justo see what sor of mischief they will cause. The idea that children who do not cry will become fearless warriors was originally a Togashi pranis, but its custom the Mirumoto have come to embrace and enforce among their children, ‘The Three Orders mean no true harm, and in fac ae find it deeply flfilling when one of their birare jokes brings true meaning and faith to someone else's life. The Dragon are fond of Kawaru asa means of gauging what the furure might hold. This form of folk magic divination originally created by an Isawa shugenja, though in modem times the Dragon avoid speaking ofits origins. Kawara relies upon six lined figures known es hexagrams, which are randomly cast using stones, sticks, or coins. The resulting, figures are then interpreted using a ritual Kawaru scroll Though the scroll contains only brief descriptions for the meaning of each hexagram, the possible combinations and interpretations are countless. ‘The Dragon often have somewhat curious practices where hosts and spirits are concerned, especially Dragon monks snd shugenja In the eyes ofa Dragon, the Celestial Order and the political order of the Empire are one and the same. AAs such, the Dragon show all ghosts, nature spirits, and assorted kami the same respect that they would to any sarnura of higher station. A traveling Dragon monk may wel pause in hisjourneysto bow to a particularly impressive waterfall refer toa mountain as ‘sam’ or even pause ina forest known to be haunted to leave behind a gift for the spirits who rule the forests just as chey would present a gift tothe lord of the lands they travel cheough. Though some Dragon do such things ierely to heighten their reputation a eccentric outcasts just as many believe that showing such respect the spisits keeps balance and harmony in the world In truth, more than one vengeful ghost has been taken aback by Dragon etiquette, giving the Dragon time tohelp the restless spiis find the way to their proper pace. WAR ‘The Dragon are not traditionally a clan that seek to solve theit problems through warfare; in fact many Dragon live their ‘entire lives without seeing a battlefield. However, for every reclusive Togashi or pacifist Tamori, there isa Mirumoto who has honed his blade and prepares for the day when he must step forward to defend his clan, The Dragon are unique among. the Great Clans in that throughout cheir entre history, heir clan borders have never changed. They have neither lost nor ‘gained territory, and usually have no aspirations to do so. In recent years, when voleanie eruptions instigated by the Datk Oracle of Fire left a great deal ofthe clans arable farm land barren, the Dragon armies were forced to temporarily expand into Phoenix lands, It was not a choice the Dragon undertook lightly. When the decision to do so led ther to 3 bloody war with their former allies in the Phoenix, many Dragon military leaders concluded that they were wrong t0 stray s0 far from their traditional policies. ‘When the Dragon do go to war, their decision to do sos es unpredictable as anything else their clan does. Ifthe Dragon see conflict brewing that they believe will ultimately bring {great harm to the Empire, they will not hesitate to intervene, ven joining forces with an ally who does not sek their sid. “The Clan Waris an excellent example of this, when Togeshi Yokunis armies (led by the fucure Emperor Toturi) appeared without warming to fend off the Crab Clan’ invasion of Crane lands. The Dragon fully realize that their meddling is not always welcome, and ther troops are sometimes forced to flee their erstwhile allies once the butle has been won. All the sam, the Dragon feel that the overal balance ofthe Himpire is tore important than thei clans safety RETIREMENT Te can be safely sed that no other clan truly views retirement in quite the same way as the Dragon. While clans such asthe rab avoid retiremens, seeing it a5 an end to their necessary duties, and clans such as the Crane see retirement as a just reward fora life well led, the Dragon do not see rvirement as such a fundamental change in a samurai’ life Quite the ‘opposite, many Dragon decide to follow the path of Shinset and take a monk’svows and yet coptinue to serve asa samural Inother clans, such a thing is entirely contradictory — the path of Shinset requires to much dedication fora samurat twalso serve his lord ashe is expected “The Way of the Dragon essentially makes all che difference. ‘The Clans philosophies and duties already place a great deal of emphasis on personal growth and enlightenment, thus iis not impossible for a Dragon to become « monk and sil be fully capable of serving his clan as he is expected. Among the Three Orders, such can even be an advantage as a monastic lifestyle and education can help to better understand those families’ strange ways. “The Mirumoto and Kitsuki families havea more traditional interpretation of bushido, and thus sil view retirement asthe end toa samurais career Retired Miramoro and Kitsuki do ‘not continue 1 serve the family hough many join the Three (Orders and take the Hitomi, Togashi, or Hoshi name, FUNERALS/DEATH Dragon funeral ae surprisingly informal. Most Dragon have litle fear of death, viewing i 2s essentially one more change in an existence fraught with constant change. Even the immortal Kami Togashi could not avoid death indefinitely, and methis fate with courage. The Dragon follow his example ‘When a Dragon dies he i situa cremated as normal, Elabo- rate gravesitesate uncommon; scattering the ashes ofthe dead in areas of serene natural beauty isthe norm. Friends and family will then gather to say their good-byes, These cere- ‘monies are informal. Some choose to leave gifs such a rice, sandals or warm blankets by the grave ifs intended 10 make the deceased spirits continuing journeys more comfortable. Dragon gravesites ate typically unmarked, but they ae invac ably near shrine or monastery of some sort The monks keep careful records of which areas are resting places for the dead, and whose ashes le there, for itis their duty to make sue che unmarked burial sites a not defiled. During the Clan Wer, Yogo Junzas army destroyed a numberof Dragon monasteries, leaving no survivors. As 3 zesule, a number of Dragon gravesites are now unmarked. Any cme the Dragon seek 10 build anew castle or village thee is always the danger that one ofthese ancient gravesites willbe disturbed. As rest ‘most new construction in Dragon lands begins with a shugenja magically surveying the aea to make certain that no lingering ghosts might be disturbed, HISTORY OF THE DRAGON CLAN Mirumoto and Shinsei: year 42 Just before the final confrontation with Fu Leng, Shinse takes the Dragon Thunder aside and makes a single command — “No escape” Understanding, Mirumoto stands apart from the other Thunders even a they fall one by one tothe Dark Lord ‘Even with only Hida Atarasi,Isawa, and che Dragon swords- man left on ther feet, Fu Leng begins to doubt his chances for victory and attempts to flee from the scene — only to have Miramoto step right before him, burying his daisho with « lightning strike invo the Dark Kami chest Ataas assaults Fu Leng while he is distracted by the Dragons blades, giving ‘saiva just enough time to sacrifice himself ro trp the soul of 4 dark god in twelve scrolls of power. Wit his final act, Fu Leng unleashes his fury at the vassal of his meddlesome brother, and cleaves the Dragon's head from his shoulders, ‘Togashi and Shosuro: year 82 Corrupted by the touch ofthe Lying Darkness, Shosuro tuns savay from the Scorpion and seeks her last hope of salvation — the enigmatic Dragon Kami. Unvsiling to cause further inbal- ance in the universe by initiating a confrontation with the Darkness, Togashi traps Shosuro in a prison of pute eystal, the only substance able to keep the power of the Nothing at bay Inan attempt to maintain the purity ofthe Scorpion Thunders soul, he frees the uncorrupted spirit of Shosuro back into the Khare Cycle, where it awaits its ime to be reborn, ‘Agasha Steel: year 87 For decades students of the Fist Agasha Foundry attempted tose their magic to create the ‘perfect ste!" Eventually they begin to fold two rypes of stel into one by heating the metal ‘As. result, the Agasha are able to eralt blades that are not easly broken and keep sharp edge Such a dramatic advance {n the art of smithing cannot stay long in the hands of only cone Clan, however. In less than a decade the Dragon find ‘members af other clans utilizing Agasha techniques to create their own superior blades Death of Togashi: year 10% dy Doji visits Dragon lands in onder to speak with the last of her surviving siblings. She ss ened svay atthe gates with news of Togashis death, Deep inside Togashi Mountain the Kami allows Rokugan to believe him dead, He allows bis mortal body to pass away and inkabis thefts tamashii— an snlightened is'nt prepared t carry Togasbi soul, ‘Togashis Secret: year 210 Two hundred years after Hante’s coronation, Scorpion ‘Champion Bayushi Oshiro sets his spy network to discovering the ruth behind the Dragons mysteries. His own daughter ‘ventures to Togeshis mountain, but doesnot return for seven years. When she does, she is blind and her hair is streaked ‘white — but Togashi greatest seeret was hers She is pregnant and her baby wil be the child of a Kami. She leaves Scorpion lands after sharing the truth of Togashis identity with her father. Unbeknownst tothe Scorpion Clan, Togishis bride also retrieves the Twelfth Black Scroll for the Dragon Kasni, which he takes under bis personal protection, Creation of Kaze-do: year 268 ‘As the Empire grows, so too does the division between the classes. It expands greatly when the ehid Hantei commands that no peasant may carty 2 weapon on pain of death. This “unintentionally leaves ll heimin with no defense against the dangers of the land, both natural and otherworldly. Few consider the peasant’ plight worthy of atention, butone man —an ise zumi named Togashi Kaze — takes action, Kaze develops a new style of jinjursu and makes it famous by demonstrating it on furious (and well armed) samurai a number of times The Emperor requests a formal demonstra tion of Kaze technique, but the monk refuses, stating the art is forthe peasants alone. Enraged by the monk’ effrontery, the Hantet orders Kaze's death and he goes to is grave never having taught single samurai his style ‘The Kidnapping of Hantei VI: year 39% Benton taking the power ofthe Emerald Throne for thelr own, the Gozoku Alliance plots the end ofthe Haneei line with the death of Hantei Fujivas heir he sixth Hantel, Unbeknownst to his co-conspirators, Bayushi Atsukiis visited by the Dragon Champion unexpectedly « week before the asassination fs to be made. Togashi requests the Hantei heir be spared and instead allowed to live asa figurehead of the Gozoku rule ‘The Dragon Kami cryptically states, “The time ofthe last Hiantei has not yet come. Seeing Togashis advice a implicit approval of the Gozokus course Arsuki alters the designs on Hiantei VI and gains immeasurable confidence in his actions ‘The Coronation of Hantei Yugozohime: year 435 The death of the last Gozoku-controled Hate hei signals a terrible blow to the organization, but the leaders of the alliance are sill confident im thei ability co recover. Seeing only the Lion Glan in full support ofthe would be Empress, the Scorpion, Crane, and Phoenix Clans prepare to erush the threat to their rule as quickly a it began. However, when the ambassadors ofthe Dragon make it plain that legions of Mirumoto soldiers, unchecked for the entirety of the (Gozokuis rule, ate in pace to cut the Imperial Lands off from any sort of military action from any Clan save the Lion, the Gozokuis end isall bt confirmed. _Agasha Ryuden in the Twilight Mountains: year 501 Seeking t0 make a peaceful communication with a powerful Earth spirit believed to live within the Twilight Mountains, AAgasha Ryuden stumbles upon an ancient secret of the area Deposits of ore line the depths of rock for miles around, all created by the blood of some unknown creature. Curious in the extreme as well as an accomplished swordsmith, Ryuden frees some of the material and in the process of forging itis driven mad by the dark spirit of the Fist Oni, Within « ‘month, Ryuden creates the Anvil of Despair with the metal and sacrifices the Boar Clank blood to it ‘The Rule ofthe Steel Chrysanthemum: year 589 “he insane and paranoid Hantei XVI covers the Empire in a shadow of fear as he orders mass executions and other grue some measures against any real or perceived threat against his power, Three times during the rule ofthe Steel Chrysanthe- ‘mu, leaders from the great houses attempt to meet and plot a way to honorably and lawfully remove the maddened Emperor allof which end with an agreement tha the Hantet must be executed — destroying the notion of the Hantet Dynasty’ superiority and right to rule. All three times, the groups are broken up atthe source by the machinations of Dragon diplomats or generals are called away 1 deal with sudilen skirmishes on their borders with the Dragon Clan, Eventually, Hantei XVI is killed in « less organized revolt by hisown Seppun guards after which the Miya and Otomo find sinew Hantei heiz. With the matter being dealt with as an internal matter of the Imperial Lin, the security ofthe Hante Dynasty is maintained. Dragonfly is Founded: year 704 Despite being betrothed to a samurai fcom the Lion, Isawa ‘Maroko marries her true love, Mirumoto Asijin. Furious with the insult to his honor, Akoedo Yokutsu leads an army of 5,000 Lion to enact vengeance. A larger army comprised of both Phoenix and Dragon halts Yokutsu and protects the couple and their lands The combined forces demand the Lion gen- eral swear he will never bring harm to Maroko and Asijin again, Pleased a the show of solidarity and peace berween the two notoriously reclusive clans, the Hantei commemorates the evencby giving the couple a family name—Tonbo—and ‘Minor Clan status, The Dragonfly, while sharing close tes ro both the Phoenix and Dragon, quickly become mare involved in the affairs of the Dragon due to their proximity. ‘The Kitsuki Family is Formed: year 820 ‘An unusual, but lackluster shugenja named Agasha Kitsukt is accused of murder. He is given a single day to utilize his odd ‘methods to prove his innocence. Kitsuki manages to produce both proof and testimony that exonerated him and, in tecog nition of his incredible powers of perception, is granted bis own family name. Kokujin: year 1118 Sensing the coming return of Fu Leng, Togashi meditates, reflecting upon his own souls readiness... and finds it lack ing. Though the Dragon Kami has remained apart from much ofthe Realm of Mortals for the past thousand years, even heis not immune ro its touch and realizes the darkness and itmper fections that have crept into his soul. The povwer of Hs Leng is such that even Togashi’s immortal and divine soul could be turned against the Empice ifhe is not eompletely pure. Know- ing that his confrontation with his dark brother is inevitable, ‘Togashi makes choice that will haunt is clan for years —he chooses two tamashii from this generation. Upon one he places the burdens of doubr, remorse, desire, feat, and anger that have built up within him over the millennium The nev ise zumi rakes the name Kokujin, and is driven immediately sad by the Kami’ “gift, Though Togashi attempts to counsel Kokuyjin and calm his soul, the torture of a god's heart is too such for the mortal man and he disappeats into the Shadow= lands Shoju Seeks the Council of Togashi: year 1123 Like every Scorpion Champion since Oshiro, Bayushi Shoju knows the true identity of the supposedly moreal Dragon Champion. In response toa revelation of Uikkuls darkest prophecy, naming the last Hantei as the doom of Rokugan, Shoju seeks the guidance ofthe ancient Kami. To Shojuls great surprise, Togashi takes no offense or outrage to the Scozpion daimyo’ plan to assassinate the Hantei Emperor. Instead, ‘Togushi knows that Shoju has his part to play in che great karmic cycle, and stands aside asthe final struggles of history unfold prior to the Day of Thunder. ‘The Battle of Beiden Pass: year 1127 Dishonored by the death of the Hantel and cast out as ronin, Toturi is taken in by the Dragon Clan, The Dragon Champion surprises the Empire (and his own commanders) by deerecing ‘Toturi the commander of che legions of Dragon semurai and vanishes to perform his own preparations for the second rise of Fu Leng, The ronin Totus leads an army comprised mostly of Dragon against Hida Suleune in Beiden Pess. The Dragon ise sum prove instrumental in defeating the Crabs Shadowlands allies and the Crab are prevented from rampaging further across the northern Empire, During the fray, Mirumoto Hitomi is lost and presumed to be dead ‘the 2nd Day of thunder: year 1128 ‘The Kami Togeshi reveals his teue nature to the Seven Thun- ders and leads ther in battle agrinst Fa Leng. The Dark God \iefeats him, but Mirumoto Hitomi, now bearing the Obsidian Hand, reaches nto his body and tears out his heart. Absorbing the power and wisdom of Topasbi, Hiromi breaks the final seal fon the last Black Scroll, freeing Fu Leng completely — and binding him fully 0 the mortal shell of Hantel Sotorit. Now something quire differene chan mortal, Hitomi omly watches impassively as the other Thunders defeat the Dark God and leaves Orosan Uchi in silence. Banishment of the Togasht: year 1129 Casting off her Mirumoto name, Hicomi seemingly goes mad and commands al those who bear the name Togashi to swear fealty ta her. She changes the name of Kyuden Togashi to Kyuden Hitomi and slays all that refuse her decree. To the confusion of even her most devout followers, Hitomi wel- comes the Tainted ise 2umi Kokujin into the Dragon Clan as her personal hatamoto. Sensing the growing darkness of the (Obsidian Hand that is now part of her, Hitomi attempts to use Kokujin’s experience to temper her own trial. Some of che Togshi name escape alongside Togashi Hoshi, the Kamis son, and are sheltered by his long-standing allies inthe Brother. hood of Shinsei The Agasha defection: year 1131 Disgusted with the actions of their insane Champion, the rajority of the Agssha decide to follow Agasha Gennai and break their oaths of fealty co the Dragon Clan. They swear alle giance to the Phoenix Champion and are welcomed into the flagging ranks of dhe clan, Less than a dozen Agasha —includ- ing the Agasha daimyo, Tamori — remain behind, unwilling to dishonor themselves by betraying their ancestral oaths ‘War in the Heavens: year 1132 ‘Asan army comprised of Naga and former Togashi assault Hitomi last fortress a series of events orchestrated by the Living Darkness frees the trapped Shosuro and allows Kolcs- jin 1 steal Togashis Daisho, By the time Hitor! realizes her ‘mistakes and regains true lucidity tis too late. The brush with the sinister forces grants the Dragon Champion unique per spective into the affairs ofthe Lying Darkness and she enacts 1 plan to undo the damage her madness has wrought. Hitomi {gathers several artifacts born of the power ofthe Moon — the TH=S CSLESTIAL SWORD OF THE DRAGON CLAN Des neste een eect blade, engraved from the tip of the blade to the tsuba with images of coiled dragons. Its hile and tsuba is Pane oe eee eect! lighter than normal gold.‘The sword is not as deadly in combat as the other Celestial Blades, but it provides its wielder with a strong defense and a keen under- pene agers een ‘Tai Xing Guo give the Celestial Sword of the Dragon to Hoshi, but Hoshi only carried it fora day. He p Ce eee ete ere then. Satsu has never revealed the name of the sword pee oemererenrd (rerer oo eee Poe on eon te) Sone ener eres cn Set etre en eer ee remot believes that one day a true hero of the Dragon will find the wakirashi, realize the name of the sword, and come to claim it from him, That hero will be given re eee aera sere Ere eats UE Ee ‘The Celestial Sword of the Dragon Coes ‘katana that gives the owner a +10 sacred bonus to any skill check and a complete immunity to spells. The katana’s wielder can the Spirit Realms in his immediate vicinity and can Coretta ve enetees ny ee ‘The Celestial Sword of the Dragon is a Legendary Cong eee eee eee erences its wielders TN to be Hit. The wielder gains a number see eee check not involving an attack roll, and ean see through all magical illusions. The katanals wieldercan sense all passages tothe Spirie Realms in his immediate vicin- pet ene ere esse ‘Obsidian Hand, the Obsidian Micros, and the Bones of Lond Moon — and challenges Lord Moon in the Heavens. Bol: stored by the sprit of Togashi and the power of the artifacts, the once-mortal Hitomi proves Onnotangu's equal and destroys him ‘The Twenty-Seven Days of Darkness: year 1132 ‘The Dragon Thunder goes on a great quest and crosses the centitery of Rokugan in 27 days, searching fora worthy second to complete her seppuku, She arived last atthe Shrine of the ‘Three Sisters, who help her complete the ritual of shedding her mortal life. Hitomi ascends into the Celestial Heavens to fill the void lef by Onnotangu and a new Moon shines down ‘once again on the mortal realm, ‘Reunification of the Dragon: year 1132 Togashi Hoshi claims leadership of the Dragon and res the Togashi name. The son of Togashi reunifies che scattered Dragon Clan and adds to their ranks the monks who had sworn fealty co him during his banishment. Learning from the legacy of kikage aumi and guidance Hitomi leaves bebind, “Togashi Hoshi readies the clan to confront the Lying Darkness and end its threat, ‘Tumors: Betrayal: year 1140 Not all of the heroes who returned ftom Oblivion’ Gate receive great accolades. Agasha Tamori, thought fallen during the fighting, reveals himself as alive. The former Agasha daimyo is deeply Tainted and full of anger atthe family who berrayed the Dragon Clan. When Hantet XVI begins calling for alies at the beginning of the War of the Spirits, lamori comes to the returned Emperor’ side, believing that the Steel Chrysanthemum will be the means to gain his vengeance, ‘When the spirit armies are defeated and che ast of his hopes scattered, Tamori embraces the Taint within him fully and becomes the new Dark Oracle of Fite ‘The Tamori Family is Formed: year 1150 (One of the many concessions Toruti makes in order to halt the ‘war with the Steel Chrysanthemum is the cteation ofa new family in the Dragon, Ostensibly, Hantei XVI wishes to ‘reward the fallen Tamor for his loyal service, though itis clear the Steel Chrysanthemum enjoys cornering Toturi into zaming 2 family in honor of a man perceived as traitor and ‘Tainted villain by his own Eruption of the Dragon Mountains: year 1155 ‘The Dragon mountains erupt and send molten rock down across many of the precious few fertile farmlands of the lan. The catastrophe comes as. result ofthe Dark Oracle of Fes power, forcing che Dragon into the Phoenix lands and precip- Itating even worse relations between the two clans. Unknown to either clan, the Dark Oracles actions are directed by the ‘manipulations of Tamori Chosai and Isawa Hochiu, both men expecting the war berween cheie clans to foster a new age of heroes and triumph. Destruction of Kyuden Tonbo: year 1158 ‘With the death of the Splendid Emperor comes an end to peace in the Empire. Within days the dispute between the Phoenix and Dragon erupts into all-out war and the Phoenix's allies in the Lion clan begin to mobilize. Akodo Ijasu, at the head of an army of Lion, completely destroys the Dragonfly and finally avenges the insult that Akodo Yokutsu could net. Snow and Fire: year 1159 Deciding o finally crash the Dragon armies, the Blemental Masters join the Phoenix armies against the Dragon. Tamor Shaitung emerges to face the Council, and manages to hold offafew of the Masters alone. When ll five Masters eum theit attention on the Tamori daimyo, it becomes clear that not even her surprising power can defeat them al. Inseead of vie tory, Shaitung surprises the Council again and opens up the earth beneath them. All six vanish into the earth and both sides assume Shaitung sacrificed herself to bring down the ‘Blemental Masters. ‘The Reconstruction of Kyuden Tonbo: year 1159 odd move for the Wolf, Toruri Sezaru journeys to the weakened Dragon lands and offers the supplies they needed to survive. As thanks, the Dragon allow Sevaru the right to claim the ruins of Kyuden Tonbo. His awesome power rebuilds the foreressin a single day and the Wolf crestes a new base of power to begin his own formal bid for the Steel Throne, Kokujin’ Duel: year 1159 Kokujin sends word tothe Dragon that he is willing to give up “Togashi’s Daisho if seven of them would face him in combat Led by the son of the Dragon Champion, Togashi Satsu, the ‘group confronts Kokujin in the Twilight Mountains. Though the Dragons expect betrayal, the Tainted tattooed man shocks them all by revealing the true nature of his bargain. Instead of merely handing over the daisho, Kokujin plans to use the defeated souls of Satsuis companions to forge his own swords ‘on the Anvil of Despair and then set Hoshis son free, With the unexpected arivals of Togashi Mitsu and Kaelung, Kokujin i defeated, bur nor killed and the Dragon survivors return home not only wih the swords of the Dragon Kami, but with the immortal wisdom of Togas in the soul of Sats, ‘The Dark Oracle of Fire: year 1160 ‘Tamori Shaitung reemerges in the Dragon alongside Isawa Nakamuro, Phoenix Master of Air, with frightening news. During their imprisonment beneath the ground, they have discovered the true reason behind the war with the Phoenix. In the ensuing fray both Agasha Tamori and Isawa Hochis were defeated, Forced into the conflict against the Oracle, Tamori Chosai is toreuced by Tamoris undying fires until he submits othe touch ofthe Taint and takes the mantle of Dark Oracle for his own. Just asthe new Dark Oracle of Fire moves to turn his wrath against the Dragon and Phoenix, Isawa Nakamuro uses the Covenant of the Dark Oracle of Fite to command Chosu to leave Rokugan and never return, Having lostboth her father and uncle to the Shadowlands, Shaiwung’s fury becomes more focused and tempered by the wisdom of Peace in the North: year 1161 ‘The Dragon and Phoenix Clans resume their previous rela tions of peace and brotherhood, knowing that maintaining the enmity between them would only continue the legeey of a Dark Oracle, Though the Agasha and the Tamori may never come to terms, the clans asa whole set the war behind them with a final act — the Dark Covenant is placed in a Dragon temple under Phoenix guardianship to ensure Chosais ban ishment will remain secure. =W MECHANICS “The Legend of the Five Rings game setting has been offically presented in two separate game systems, the Legend ofthe Five Rings RPG 2nd Fiition System (presented in the Payer’ Guide and Game Master's Guide) and Wizards of the Goast's d20 System™ (presented in Rokugan the official supplement 10 ‘Oriental Adventures), While these two systems are somewhat dissimilar, the setting presented in both versions of the game {isthe some, and thus itis our intent to present a sourcebook that is useful no matter which of these systems you choose rouse when running your game, Generally, when a new rule or mechanic is presented, whenever applicable we will present equivalent d20 System™ and LSR RPG 2E System versions in close proximity. Rules and options for the d20 System™ look like this. Rules and options for the ESR RPG 2E System look like this. COMPLETES DRAGON TECHNIQUE FEAT LIST Feat Prerequisite Location ‘Ambidesteri Dex 15% PHB ‘Armor Focus ‘Armor Proficiency okugen Blind-Fight ~ PHB Cleave Ser 131, Power Artack Pan Combat Reflekes z PHB Daisho Specialization 45 Base atack, okugon ‘Weapon Focus Katana or Wakizashi Daisho Technique “Hi Base anack, Wis 13, alga “Maria Weapon Proficiency (katane), Martial Weapon Proficiency (wakizashi) Depts ofthe Void Void Use, Samurai Rokegan Different School By DM permission onl’ Rokuget Dodge Dex 13+ PHB Elemental Attunement Wist3s okugan Exotic Weapon Proficiency (katana) +1 Bae Attack PHB “Expertise Ine 19+ PAB Great Cleave Ser 134, +4 Base attack, PHB Power Attack, Cleave Greater DaishioT ‘Samual level seh Mok Greater Daisho 1 Samurai level 150s MoR Greater Daisho Ll Samra level 17th Mok Greater Daisho IV Serra lovel 19th MoR Heart ofthe Dragon +10 Base atack, Wis 131, Cleave, Rokugsn Martial Weapon Proficiency (katana, ‘Martial Weapon Proficiency (walzash) Daisho Technique Improved Two-Weapon Fighting Dew 154, 49 Base attack, PHB “Two Weapon Fighting, Ambidexteriey, ‘Let Him Gop 16 Base aac, Void Use Ragan Mobility Dexi3s PHB Power Axtack sist Pus Soul Forge Iron Will or ancestral daisho, MoR Masterwork weapon or armor Spring Anack Dex 134, Dodge, Mobility 4 Base attack PHE ‘Togashis Technique +6 Base attack, Wis 13%, Rokugen Martial Wespon Proficiency (katana), Mail Weapon Proficiency (wakizashi), Daisho Technigue ‘wo: Weapon Biphting S rs Void Use = Roksan ‘Way ofthe Dragos +H Base stack, Wis 135 Rokgan -Martis] Weapon Proiciency (katana) aril Weapon Pficency at Daisho Technique Wespon Focus (katana) ‘Weapon Proficiency (katana), PHB +1 Base attack ‘Whirhwind Attack Tok I3s, Dex 134, mB “v4 Base attack, Expertise, Dodge, ‘Mobility Spring Attack Occasionally, extensive new information may be exclusive to specific system (such as New Paths for the L5R RPG 28 System or new feats for the d20 System™), In such a case, the information will follow the same convention as above. ‘The d20 System™ material will ppear in black and the L5R RPG 2E System material in blue In the case of characters, occasionally, a character's name will be followed by a short explanation of his character class in liew of fll statistical information, Such an example might look like ths: TORITAKA TATSUNE (Samurai 6/Berserker 4/Shadowlands Veteran 10; Hida Bushi 5/Hida Avenger 3] ‘The information presented before the semicolon is the character clas and level inthe d20 System™ The information presented after the semicolon is che character's rank and school in the ISR RPG 2E System, Sometimes material must be presented for one system or the other. In such cases, ths text will be contained in a callout box with 2 gray background, such as the one below. “The headers for these boxes wil clearly label which information is for the d20 System™ and which information is forthe LS FG 2nd Eaiion CL5R REG2E") | COMNPLET=S DRAGON TECHTUQUE FEAT LIST ‘The following table lists all feats available to samurai player characters as bonus technique feats allowing those who wish tomake a Dragon character to use a single reference when doing so. This lis supersedes the ones presented in Orental Aadventuresand Rokugan. Feats that were prerequisites for other feats on this list were added, and some with excessive prereq uisites chat did nor fit che Dragon fighting style were removed. To balance this loss, other feats from the Player's Handbook have been added. Abbreviations for the locations of these feats ate as follows: PELB=Players Handbook, MoR=Magie of Rokugon, OA~Onental ‘Adventures, WoN=Way ofthe Ninja, SoD=Seeres of the Dragon. ) TWO HEAVENS IDRAGON TECHTUQUEZ ‘You can draw upon the eternal wisdom of the Dragon to protect you from harm, Prerequisite: Wis 13+, Benefit: You may add your Wisdom modifier to your ACin place of your Dexterity modifier, if your Wisdom modifier is, higher. Your maximuin bonus to AC is stll limited by the Maximum Dexterity Modifier of whatever zrmer you wea. ‘This bonus applies when you are flatfooted if your Wisdom modifier is higher than your attacker’ Note: Ifyou have a class ability that already allows you to add your Wisdom modifier to your AC, this feat allows you to add your Wisdom modifier twice. THE RIVER SWORD TRAGON TECHTIQUET ‘As the swordstnan' stength flows out through one’ swords, se does it low back ino the master of Nite. Prerequisites: Str 13+, Cleave, Power Attack, Void Use. Benefit: Any time you make siccessfl use of the Cleave feat, you regain one Void Point Note: This feat only applies in combat. fa character attempts to Cleave chickens or res simply to regain Void, the GM is fee to determine that it does not function or that the ‘character's ancestors become wrathfal for such distespect for anancient technique TRUTH IS IM THE KILLING IDRAGOR TECHTUQUEI ‘Your overpowering will causes enemies co lose thefr focus. Prerequisites: Depths ofthe Void, Void Use, base attack bonus +10 r higher. Benefit: As a standard action, you may spend a Void Point and target ay opponent that you see within 30 fi-That oppo- nent must make a Will save (DC 10 + half your level, round down + your Wisdom modifier). If your opponent fails cis save, they may not spend Void for any reason for the duration of the encounter, and any technique feats that specifically target you have no effect. Once you have successfully used this fet, you may not use iragain during that encounter, THE UNRIGHTEOUS WILL FALL IURAGON T=CHTIQVEX ‘You can work yourself into a righteous fenzy against an oppo pent who fails ofall before you. Prerequisites: Str 13+, base attack bonus +1 or higher. Benefit: Each time you strike an opponent in combat, you gain a +f damage bonus on further melee attacks against them. This bonus stacks each time you strike them, but you immediately lose all bonuses accumulated from the use of this feat should that opponent ever be more than five feet away from you, This added bonus may never be higher than your level. If you do not strike your opponent for one round, the bonus decreases by one. NSW COURTIER ABILITIES ‘Av fourth level and every third level thereafter members of| the courtier character clas gain courtier abilities chosen from a short list (se page 35 of Rokugan™). The following new ‘courtier abilities are available to any Dragon Clan courtiers. ‘Members of other clans who have taken the Different School feat and applied it to ehe Dragon may alo learn these abilities. ‘The normal courtier abilities are still available for Dragon Kitsuki Serutiny (Ex): You may take 20 on a Search roll to study specific area, up t0 ten square feet per level. Once you have done this, you gain a +10 bonus on all Hide, Listen, “Move Silently Search, Spor and Sense Motive checks while in that area, You must familiarize yourself inthe area for at least ten minutes « day to maintain this bonus, doing nothing but studying the area You may simultaneously maintain this abil ity in one area per four levels of the courtier class you have ebaained. ‘Be the Mountain (Ex):The will of the Dragon i absolut; ‘ach time an enemy fais to break your will, you only become all the more fortified againse him. Any time you succeed ata ‘Will save or an opposed skil check against an opponent, you ‘gain a +4 morale bonus to all further Will saves and opposed skill checks against that opponent (this does nor apply 10 ‘opposed Strength, Dexterity, or Constiution skill checks). ‘This bonus lasts for twenty-four hours and stacks with itself, ‘granting a maximum total bonus equal to your level Justicator (Ex): As standard action, you may make an Intimidate against any one target within thirty feet, opposed by the targets Sense Motive check If your Tuimidate check is successful, you may name an action to your opponent. (This action may be a movement, an atack aguinst a specific target witha specific weapon, ora specific skill check) If your oppo- ‘ent fais to perform this ation as soon as he i able, you gain +2 morale bonus on al attacks against him, the save DC of your eourtier abilities are increased by 2 against him, and you gain a+2 bonus on skill checks agsinst him. These benefits ast, forthe duration of the encounter. Ifthe action you demand is dishonorable, you lose honor as if you had performed it youre self You may only use this ability successfully against an opponent once per encounter THES PATH OF SNLIGHTERMENT PART TWO ‘The foothills near the southern edge of Oragon lands sould senerously be described as sparsely poptled. Hate andl us com- anions together with thety Uns guards and the enigmatic “Togaiks Mats, had traveled aio the mountain’ eli for days awtthout encountering «sign of any cualiastion bean the ueasonal peas armbouse. The gross mood was Inging ‘our despite Mala constant esnrtncs Unt ter destination. ‘was “just raid the corner” when, finally, «large building became visible ie he sting sun’ fading lg. ts poston lop a Jang if oveooking the pins te ih lel toa a bide ‘has if aprooched fama a dhe thon he ata wu Be obwious for hours before ome wer resched 1. Knowing the ‘Dragon Clans pochant for stramgs ese lesen that was probably nlentionl 1 will ke good toslep in evilized surroundings Tanejt psd tha sgh: Te young Oromo ad ever relly ta tw from te road dept awe hs dts tok him. acos the Epi © “Cited suronidings? Matin said ruroialy. “Odd Tue always found stones and mountains more civtaed an most ‘people? That docs surprie me" Taneji muttered wader his breath ‘what sth plas, Matsuosan Ski asked "th Ei owe the mole answers the fal top ble centering he Drogo land He sued bray." though perhaps ston ge it of gn hc bo ning Arn of assent ripple rough the Moto guard. They had ‘ben with Hatori for several wedks mows and though they had nevereffeed ony compan, he old Moe tay ee kes than pleased with 0 drab an asignment. Ty thal hal he ale tlagsbe We xi wth whol Tics Sc fete _araide tfc ¢ ‘The-list House proved much larger than it appeared st first glance, which Hat arsed was because of lation, ‘irfually guarantees would top here bf entre ‘ng Dragon lands. 1 was no particularly busy tn of yea for trafic however, and thereswere relatively fet athers prevent, alee, Batons party doula the nionbse of pans wth the House: Onc he had seen tothe Moothe-ealdatuaned ois ined ow per and renee fo flew ais suit asit was, A yomg man lad in Dragon colors st a Hato a “ans and Sobkon, ged quit conversation ath ‘bal. He noice Hato’ approach ras and bowed deeply "Gretings Miya Forse he offer politely “Pam Kill -xyushicht. Heese forgive my mi mois irason nis your ary thic ven, but T wished speak fo you Before you reve I yowseish me fo leave, however, L will gladly wat until orig! *Pweuld hope that wil be iwong frends ech the Drogon Clin Hatori ein“ friends have ng need of apologies Please, jin us Kipisiche sa. J would ejay Nearing of your ele before we tet namin the marin” =z WEA -Reu-' WAG NwAvartn Kiyushich smiled and sat down, gesturing for the serving gil to tring more tes and rice. “Te Kise ae honored to have you song ts, Hlatosama. You have ever Ben afore for arder a this chanic word and there are mary among my faily who are great admirers of ours, myself mcuded” Hatori raised his eyebrows questioningly. “Among the Kits? 1 was unauesre that we had entered the Dragon lends as yet” "The Kits provinces are roughly wo hours rave othe north” the young man confirmed. “The Last House, however is one of my familys extraterritorial holdings. We maintain so... weleome sess tothe Dragon lands" “Te abserve those about to enter your lands, you moan? Hatori said. "But T have seen mo Kits here toh. Other than yours of course” ‘Kiyushic smiled °Hf you sw another Kits then they would be doing poor job of observing you, would they nal” He took «sip of tea.*We prefer to be dieret. We donot wis to offend potential guests boy implying that we donot rust them" “Do you trust them?” Tanef asked. “We trast no ane” Kiyuschs answered pry. “When somone proves worthy of our trust, as Hatori-samia did many years ago, then we can ofe our genuine friendship rather than traditional diplomacy. I someone proves unworthy he shrugged then we are alesdy prepared” “Suspect everyone of being your enemy and you will never be disappointed? Sekkow observed. "T always thought that was one af Akade’s more cynical writings? “Leadership is far more than « lectcal tease” Hator said, was a philoso as much as the Teo. i sem the Kitsubi gree swith a east part” “We agree with what our senses tellus and in what we can gai from observation, Kiyushichi said. “Fiw agree with our way of thanking, but there is evidence lo support it most great works of literature Most just reuse le apply thems we believe ther audhors intended” “imagine fw would agree? Tang said “erhaps not Keyushic sid. “Tell aa Tang} “What the Otome asked "Lie fo me. Tell me from where you arrived a the Last Howse” CGlancing at Bator, Tae frowmed, "Weve jus arvved from the Imperial Cay, ofcourse. Tosh Rabo’ ofcourse you have Kiyushihs sled. Tn certain that ther ave «large numberof Mero soldiers inthe capital who are available for escort duty, fo bth the Lion an Crane are well mown for their tolerance of large military groups stationed near their borders. And despite the good condition ofroads between hee and the cata, youthave managed io scquire mud stainson the em of your kimono, ‘ost Iikly from «spl tre Hveugh the wild. Cunous that the sini ser to be largely lay, whack i only found i te western mountains, ard not Berwen here and the capital Also curious Het you shouldbe 0 won supplies when your trip could at have taken ‘more than thre or four days atthe outmost. Rerhaps you took an extended vst fa shrine betwee here und thee” ator laughed a Taney’ dsconfr. “A valuable lesson, my lay aendants. Never lie to « Kits. Yul arly look ike a foo” THE KITSUKI PROVINCES While home to the Dragon Glan’: diplomats and magistrates, the Kitsuki lands’ appearance belies the family’ generally fviendly nature. The northern peaks in the Kitsuki provinces are surrounded by ewisting valleys and easily confuse those who are not familiar with the safe path through, Sparsely populated, the family’ lands contain the most impor tant resources the Dragon have: the gold mines that provide the clan’s wealth are found here, a8 ae the goats that the Dragon depend upon for the milk and fleece they provide. Most peasants in the Kitsuki lands ae quiet and withdrawn, preferring their own company to that of outsiders, even to ‘members of other Dragon families, The Kitsuki have the honor of having the most arable holdings in Dragon lands as wells the duty toactas the clan's diplomats and magistrates. This makes them the clans face: magistrates are the clas eyes, diplomats and courtiers are its voice. The family’ dedication to justice has even spread tothe peasants of their provinces if pressed, most can quote Shinsei or discuss philosophy and law to a surprising extent. The Kiesuki provinces can be found just north of Toshi Ranbo, the Imperial ety, west from the Sleeping Thunder Mountain near Phoenix lands, and east from Unicorn lands None but the Dragon are quite sure where the border extends south from the lands of other Dragon families in the moune tains. Then agai, few outside the lan eavel any further than Shiro Kitsukd in the first place Prior to Toshi Ranbo being named as the Empire's capital, the Kitsuki provinces wete traveled primarily by magistraes, courtiers, and merchants. Now, however, the reads to Shiro Kitsukt and Kyuden Tonbo are filled with diplomats from across the Empire. The Dragon’ strong presence inthe Impe- rial Court has also had its effects on the Kitsuki: many ofthe inns and houses along the roads of ther lands have doubled their capacity over the last year to be able to handle the Dragon ambassadors retinues. MATOR KITSUKI HOLDINGS SHIRO KITSUKI LOCATION D9 FROM ROKUGAN) ‘Amang the few places that visitors ro the Dragon provinces can expect t0 easily travel to, Last Step Castle isso named for the steep hills and mountains that lead away from this castle up to Kyuden Hitomi, Shiro Kitsul is also the final destina tion for those who might wish to test their might against che Great Climb to the west. It is said thar there is a secret path down to the flalands below, bur the way is only known 0 the ‘itruki and the few tarooed men who occasionally must goto rescue a Crab or Lion who has discovered thatthe mountains are too steep even for their considerable skill

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