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English For Accounting

By :
Name : Karl Bagas Pamungkas Manullang
NIM : 2017051134
Class : 3E

Sebutkan dan jelaskan masing-masing bagian dari “Part of Speech”

Answer :
The 8 parts of speech that are used to describe English words are: Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives,
Adverbs, Pronouns, Prepositions, and Conjunctions & Articles.
A. Nouns
A noun is often defined as a word which names a person, place or thing. Here are some
examples of nouns: boy, Mexico, John F. Kennedy. John F. Kennedy is a noun because
it is the name of a person; Mexico is a noun because it is the name of a place; and boy
is a noun because it is the name of a thing.
B. Verbs
A verb is often defined as a word which shows action or state of being. The verb is the
heart of a sentence - every sentence must have a verb. Recognizing the verb is often the
most important step in understanding the meaning of a sentence.
C. Adjectives
An adjective is often defined as a word which describes or gives more information
about a noun or pronoun. Adjectives describe nouns in terms of such qualities as size,
color, number, and kind.
D. Adverbs
We have seen that an adjective is a word that gives more information about a noun or
pronoun. An adverb is usually defined as a word that gives more information about a
verb, an adjective or another adverb. Adverbs describe verbs, adjectives and adverbs in
terms of such qualities as time, frequency and manner.
E. Pronouns
A pronoun is often defined as a word which can be used instead of a noun. For example,
instead of saying John is a student, the pronoun he can be used in place of the noun
John and the sentence becomes He is a student.
F. Preposition
A preposition is a word which shows relationships among other words in the sentence.
The relationships include direction, place, time, cause, manner and amount.
1) Prepositions of Time: at, on, and in.
2) We use at to designate specific times.
3) We use on to designate days and dates.
4) We use in for nonspecific times during a day, a month, a season, or a year.
5) Prepositions of Place: at, on, and in
We use at for specific addresses. We use on to designate names of streets, avenues, etc.
And we use in for the names of land-areas (towns, counties, states, countries, and
G. Conjunctions
A conjunction is a word that connects other words or groups of words. In the sentence
Bob and Dan are friends the conjunction and connects two nouns and in the sentence
He will drive or fly, the conjunction or connects two verbs. In the sentence It is early
but we can go, the conjunction but connects two groups of words.
H. Articles
An article is a kind of adjective which is always used with and gives some information
about a noun. There are only two articles a and the, but they are used very often and are
important for using English accurately. The word a (which becomes an when the next
word begins with a vowel - a, e, i, o, u) is called the indefinite article because the noun
it goes with is indefinite or general. The meaning of the article a is similar to the number
one, but one is stronger and gives more emphasis.

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