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1. Cardiology is a branch of medicine that specializes in the study of disorders of the heart.

2. How long does it take to wake up after bypass surgery which generally takes 6 - 12 weeks

3. What causes high blood pressure generally occurs due to heredity or an unhealthy lifestyle?

4. Pacamaker is a pacemaker of the heart and directly controls the heart rate

5. Coronary artery disease is also called coronary heart disease.

6. The impact of frequent consumption of junk food can lead to coronary heart disease

7. when you don't do exercise, this will cause your weight to be out of control

8. Atorvastatin is a cholesterol-lowering drug

9. Modalim side effect is stomachache, headache

10. Plaque buildup that occurs due to smoking causes blood vessels to narrow so that the heart does
not receive enough oxygen

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