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Name : Kezia Rachel

NIM : 120430031
Class : TPB 58

The role of parents in their child’s life

Thesis : Parents are the support system in the ways of child’s educational point
which influence their future, personality, also their health.
Body : Parents significant role on child education
Supporting Ideas :
1. A positive parental influence may help a child to develop the qualities of
their life.
2. Parents are encouraged to be more proactive in keeping their children
3. A child’s success is influenced by how their parents educate them.
Conclusion : Education from the family is very important to create a good child
to brighten their life.
According to Ki Hajar Dewantara, the pioneer of education in Indonesia
there are three kind of education. Formal education is a school standard where
they are learning in classroom and studies from the book and other educational
materials from the teacher and the lecture. Non formal education are occur in
society helping scholars building their confidence and their social skills. While
informal education takes place on child surroundings or their everyday
interaction which in this case is come from family and parents. Parents and
family are like child’s first school because they certainly will teaching their
child how and what to do which slowly will form the child personality on how
they become smart, clever, empathetic and ethical that’s why parents have an
important role in the child’s life.

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