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The Honorable, Mr. Aulia Mahdi, as manager of PLN UP2D Makassar

Mr. Stephen Royce Gray-Sydney Australia as (Former of MIS-Makassar Independence School).

Good morning, let me to tell you a story about Health, Safety, Security, Environment in our company.

First of all I would like to introduce myself. My name is resjan manaya from the HSSE / K3L division. I
have responsibility to monitor and evaluate the implementation of K3 rules in the workplace.

In a company, the aspect management of Health, Safety, Security, Environment (HSSE) should not be
underestimated. That is because the support from management not optimal for Safety Elements could
have an impact on disrupting operations and even more seriously, it could be a company closed.

A work accident occurs massively can make a company organization collapse. The company should sell
their assets to pay the compensation which determined by the court. The worst case of work accident is
not just a figment if the safety aspect were not a top priority for the company's awareness.

Basically, PLN as a BUMN which is the main supporting of electric power in this country continues to
improve the quality of HSSE management. PLN has created a Road Map of Safety Maturity and targeted
Zero Accident in 2024.

What is the first step?

In 2013, PLN made a HSSE Division, including K3 Officer Manager, K3 Stakeholders or K3 Implementers.

The success indicators of the safety culture consist of lagging indicators from four aspects, namely Loss
of Life, Loss of Production, Loss of Productivity, and Loss of Assets. The four indicators are made into the
main performance indicators or key performance indicators (KPI).

Thus, Safety management at PLN continues to be carried out by synergizing between units, measuring
the achievement of KPI lagging indicators, and strengthening the safety culture within PLN and its

Therefore, We wish the safety aspect could be implemented wherever we are.

Thank you for the attention.

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