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1. Dialog waktu tanggal bulan tahun

Kiki: Rey, there is good news that Metallica will be having a tour this


Rey: What date and month will they go on tour

Kiki: May 27th at the Glora Bungkarno stadium

Rey: We have to watch the concert, don't miss it

Kiki: Yes, but we have to book the tickets early so we don't run out

Rey: When do we order the tickets

Kiki: This afternoon

Reyy: Okay, thanks for the information my friend

Kiki: You're welcome, see you later this afternoon

rey: Ok see you

2. a) + They know each other for ten years

- They have not known each other for ten years

? Have they known each other for ten years?

b) + He stay in a beautiful hotel near to beach

- He has not been staying in a beautiful hotel near to beach

? Has he been staying in a beautiful hotel near to beach?

c) + We attend a lecturer in a Arabic last week

- We have not attended a lecturer in aArabic last week

? Have we attended a lecturer in Arabic last week?

d) + They leave for jeddah on thursday or friday

- They are not leaving for jeddah on thursday or friday

? Are they leaving for jeddah on thursday or friday?

e) + Annisa talk a Spanish lesson now

- Annisa has not been talking a Spanish lesson now

? Has Annisa been talking a Spanish lesson now?

3. dialog direstoran

Waiter: good afternoon sir welcome to lanting bedar restaurant.

Mr. santo : good afternoon.

Waiter: WhaO I can help you witO, sin?

Mr. Santo :: want to have dinner hern witO my familp, san I or?er
2 tobies S

Waiter: Yes sir, tOin way please.

Mr. Santo : ok thank you.

Waiter: Please have a seat sir, tern in tOe menu.

Mr. Santo: Okay

Waiter: What woulp you like to or,er sir,

Mn Santo : I want to or,er beef steak, salmon steak WCO cream

sauce, capcay seafaod, rice and 6 glasses of apple juice.

Waiter: ok sir please wait a moment.

Mr. Santo: Okay.

(After 25 minutes)

Waiter: Her in your raod and drink sir, enjuy your dinner sir.
Mr. Santo : Of course, thank you.

(After eating)

Mr. Santo : Excuse me waiter can I get my bill?

Waiter: Here is your bill sir.

Mr. Santo : Okay thank you.

Waiter: You are welcome sir and thank you for visiting our restaurant



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5. Kalimat mengandung kata sifat

a) you look so beautiful tonight

b) i am tired and hungry

c) this cat is so cute

d) the sun shines so bright

e) this food is so delicious

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