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Enterprise resource planing is an important tool that many companies employ these days for
effective management of their various resources and finance. In case of Suthar Timber Merchant as
its inventory is quite large and it needs to be constantly updated with current market price of
various items, implementation of ERP will immensely help them in keeping their inventory updated
in terms of available items and their respective price as well. Which in turn will avoid constant to and
fro communication between Suthar enterprise and its supplier. But many factors need to be
considered by the company before successful implementation of ERP. ERP systems can be very
expensive as there are numerous fee attached with them like license cost, implementation cost or
even recurring monthly and annual cost. Also there are different modules available for ERP with
varied cost attached to every module. So proper research is required in selecting the required ERP
package for the company. It should fit into companies budget and also they should keep in mind the
initial disruption it will cause to the running of the company. Also employee training time and cost
and inventory migration to new system should be kept in mind before taking these decisions. Also
business practise and processes will also change due to implementation of a new system. While an
ERP system can be beneficial it does not guarantee to make the company successful.

Implementation of ERP system can benefit Suthar enterprise in the following ways :-

• As its inventory is massive and deals in multiple types of materials, shifting to ERP will help
them in more effective tracking of their inventory in real time.this in turn will lead to
avoidance of keeping manual logs and prevent wastage of time and other resources. Also it
will lead to better purchase planing and budgeting. As this will be real time company will be
also be able to track customer purchases and know about what kind of enquiries they are
getting and where they need to focus more in turn of inventory upkeep. Also as the
information required by their customer will be available to sales team upfront, customer
satisfaction will also increase and better and quick decisions can be taken. As they the
system will get old they will get more decipherable pattern from the ERP regarding various
commodities consumption which will further refine companies operation and policies.
• If properly implemented ERP can also help in making meaningful organisational changes. As
all the employee records like performance, benefits and work record can be accessed, it will
help in making decisions about employees. With this managers will be self reliant to seek out
top performers, people with specific skills and cost associated with them and plan out salary
enhancements and budgets. This in turn will help the company in keeping tabs on salary
trends and help management in attracting and retaining skilled and talented employees.
• ERP if taken online will lead to access of different data modules from anywhere which will
lead to more efficient sharing and decision making for the whole management. Policies and
processes can be streamlined according to various data and pattern that emerge from
regular usage of ERP over a period of time. Rather going through all kind of data (pre ERP)
for a specific information , now with ERP organisation will have option to view required
information only without getting it dilated with other kind of data.
• Managers will now have access to better reporting tools with reliable data to support their
decisions which in turn will help the overall organisation for further growth and
preparedness for various market situations.

ERP system implementation comes at a cost and may involve certain disadvantages and cons.
different modules associated with ERP systems cost different and therefore through research is
needed in selecting the correct modules. Apart from software cost, substantial hardware
investment is also required. These expenses will contribute to business expenses therefore
should be clearly weighed in regard to what do we expect to gain from its implementation.
Also training needs to be provided to concerned employees and management for better
understanding and proper usage of the system which in turn adds to further expenses and
require considerable time investment also. Restructuring of the organisation will also be
required which would lead to initial confusion in the work process. Also migrating all the existing
data is challenge in itself to the new system. Fault in any of the above implantation will lead to a
lot of chaos and mistakes which in turn will harm the company immensely.

So implementation of ERP in Suthar Timber Enterprise will lead to positive effect on overall
organisation and its behaviour. How ever certain points as mentioned above need to be kept in
mind like, cost, budgeting, implementation, training and time constraints before moving to such
systems. This whole process will need proper planing and execution to be successful. It will not
guarantee success but certainly would be a push in right direction.

In current times cloud computing is becoming an increasingly important technology as different
organisation have started to move to the cloud servers for effectively carrying out their various
services. Cloud computing is similar to technology used by other companies to store different
kind of information gathered from various sources over the internet. Google cloud is one of the
example of on demand cloud computing services. Google developed all the Google cloud
computing packages which assist in offering or increasing all hardware for business
development. The varied deliveries are defined as internet servers, software analytic, garage
database, bits of intelligence and different networking solutions. These kind of services in
healthcare domain increases accessibility for both providers and patients.and different
healthcare apps which maintain their data on cloud servers reduces stress and healthcare
system as well patient by keeping all relevant information at one place and very easily

• Business managers adopting cloud based services : there has been slight increase in
opposition regarding this with the key stakeholders in healthcare segment. As stated there
are more than 700000 gadgets and apps on the internet which provide us with vital
information about our health like blood pressure, heart rate, oxygen level, sleep pattern,
ecg, glucose monitoring, activity trackers etc. which in turn are helping us to improve our
health. Cloud based services simplify different operations and makes it more accessible and
quicker for users to respond to business enquiries, which in turn has significant impact on
earnings of a company and needs of the consumer. Let’s take for example, in order for a
organisation to work properly, personnel of that organisation are required to use or
implement these services. For this to happen they will have to familiarise themselves with
various implementation procedures which will include operating the software, periodically
updating the software, creating hardware, and giving access to various users in that
organisation’s computer network.
• There are some key advantages of adopting cloud based services in health care system as
mentioned below :
o With all the relevant data available on cloud the process of data sharing has
become a lot easier. As all the data pertaining to healthcare services are
confidential, the data can be shared among the relevant healthcare
personnel like doctors, nurse, and care givers can be shared securely and in
real time.apart from sharing, all the concerned parties can remotely access
all the relevant medical records and reports anywhere. Cloud services also
help in remote conferencing, quick updates on health developments and
patients conditions, which increases the efficiency of the system further.
o Cloud based services have higher level of security and encryption than local
infrastructure thus protecting all the sensitive personal confidential data in a
better way.
o Cloud based services can hold enormous amount of data at a very minimal
cost. Further cloud computing works on pay-as-you-go and subscription
model which further reduces the operational cost for the organisation. By
shifting IT budgets, cloud service can reduce in-house infrastructure and
maintenance cost. This also helps in smaller organisation to avail cloud
based services and improve their experience.
o Cloud based services can update and upgrade with minimum intervention
and interruption with great speed which makes uploading and sharing of
new data very fast and instantly accessible.
o Healthcare organisation work in a dynamic environment. Cloud services
facilitates different technologies that are used in healthcare like medical
records, patient portals, big data analytics. As healthcare services needs to
be available 24*7 so flexibility of scaling is of utmost
based services can be scaled hassle free according to the requirements.

With rapid advancement in mobile technology, better and faster processors, better display,
better connectivity options, they have essentially become hand held computers, pair this
with cloud computing and we have help in instant diagnostics, prevention and cure. Doctors
with mobile device and access to cloud computing services will certainly improve patient
care and delivery of key data like reports and medicines to patient immediately and would help them to untie themselves from point of access and will give access to
them patient files and report anywhere thus making consultations more flexible. Which
would result in faster delivery of patient care and improve overall efficiency of healthcare
systems. Also this would help in remote or rural areas where infrastructure is not upto par,
thus mobile device with doctor will lead to access and update of medical files more faster
and friendly.
With the advent of cloud computing and ever increasing efficiency of mobile
devices is already redefining health care services and their delivery, this is going to further
revolutionise in coming times. Cloud computing and different applications based on that
have already encouraged the general population towards better life style and health choices.
All of this will help in early diagnosis and treatment on patient front and also will help
healthcare organisation in better allocation of their resources and increase their overall
profitability and efficiency.

Using Information and Communication technology to foster growth and prosperity in a city and
providing all necessary facilities which are easily accessible as well as increasing the overall quality
of living is the main goal of creating smart cities. How ever this varies according to country and
region but overall it should enhance the living standard and ease of availing various services through
electronic interface.
One of such city is Bhubaneswar, which made its entry into smart city club in
2016 in India. In its development and elevation to smart city status following core infrastructure
elements were included :
• Adequate water supply for all residing population and its various activities
• Assured electric power supply for smooth functioning of all facilities and a comfortable living
• Efficient solid waste management and sanitation for clean and hygienic environment.
• Efficient urban mobility and public transport for ease of travel and keeping pollution in check
thus contributing in healthy living
• Affordable housing infrastructure especially for the poor.
• Robust IT connectivity and digitalisations of key services
• E-governance for easy participation of citizens
• Sustainable practices to create a better environment
• Safety and security of citizens, especially women, children and elderly
• Development of ample health and education infrastructure.


The main goal of smart cities is to optimise city services and promote economic growth. Using smart
technologies and data analysis to improve the quality of life of citizens.key ointment is how is this
technology used instead of simply how much technology is cities are designer for
optimum use of its resources and efficient distribution of its services.
In a smart cities use of ICT
leads to collection of a lot of data pertaining to its various services and their performance. This data
and its analysis leads to a better decision making. Which in turn enhances the life of residents by
cutting cost and improving services.
While e-governance with its various tools like user friendly
digital services, website, mobile applications, self service portals and convenient online accounts
leads to better engagement of citizens. All of this and various other smart city features lead to
optimise city functions and promote economic growth while also improving the quality of life for
citizens using smart technologies and data analysis.
But there are certain challenges in
maintaining a smart city.
• Cyber security is one of the main concerns because as the technology is growing so is the
dark side of it. Hacking and disruption of services through that or stealing of various private
data is a serious concern these days. So a robust cyber security protocol is needed which
needs to updated from time to time.
• Development of various smart infrastructure and their continuous maintenance is also a
challenge for smart cities.
• The third challenge pertains to the community, education, and issue of privacy. As every
data is being collected and analysed, falling of these information in wrong hands can lead
unrest in community, lack of privacy in individuals.

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