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A Vision Towards Clean Energy

(How to make a successful transition from fossil fuel based

energy system to clean and eco-friendly energy system)
Presented by Taskinul Huda Saquib
Age : 17
Country of Residence : Bangladesh
Studying in : 12th Grade
School : Tamirul Millat Kamil Faith School
Short Bio : I’m an enthusiastic youth leader, passionate about climate change and
sustainable development. From my own sphere of influence, I endeavor to take
direct action and raise awareness amongst other people aged same to me to carry
out collective action based campaigns onwards that will bring an effective solution
to the environmental degradation.
Presentation Outlines :
● Why Clean Energy Transition is Important
● In what areas we should focus to cause such a kind of change
● Proposals for successful clean energy transition in USA by 2040 (Risks
and Challenges included)
● Proposals for successful transition in energy system in India
(Challenges and opportunities adjoined)
Why we need clean energy system
● To restore the existing fossil fuels and decrease our dependence on
only one source of energy that we’ve been rapidly using since the
industrial revolution.
● To reduce global CO2 emissions and keep it at the threshold limit
● To electrify the households, firms and areas covered by water bodies
and hillsides as well as provide safe cooking solutions to the city and
village areas
● To initiate innovative and knowledge-based society building
● To reserve the biodiversity and natural forestry practice
● To speed up a sustainable economic plan in post-covid era
What is necessary to grow into an eco-friendly energy

● Segmentation of global investment and introduction to microfinance

and social enterprise based economy where materialistic visions or
making profits won’t be the only motif behind doing business
● Establish climate smart technology and knowledge based communities
across the globe to invent most adaptable and sustainable methods to
run industries, businesses, produce energy and transport within their
● Adopt multilayer generation recruitment and involvement policies from
stakeholder level to local authority’s positions.
● Ensuring justice and equity in all the steps of transition to clean energy
● Prioritize the safe and secure workplace for the people involved in the
production of clean energy
● Focus and utilize all the resources with delicacy and efficiency as well
as solidify the bondage between developed and developing countries by
dragging them under the binding agreements to cooperate each other in
this transition
Proposals For Successful Clean Energy Transitions in

Currently, USA has its 91% CO2 emission coming from energy sector, which is the
second highest after China. Also historically USA is responsible to an average of
82% CO2 emission since 1990 and around 79% of that emission caused due to
the heavy industrialization across its borders and beyond. After signing up the
“Paris Agreement” in 2015, USA was able to decrease its emissions coming from
energy sector only at 5%.
Major impediments for US to move towards net neutrality
● Leakage in the strength of political agreement and capitalist views
● Insecurity about losing power over Middle East oil business
● Absence of focal point regarding the sources of renewable energy like Solar
PV, Wind, Geothermal and Biomass
● Tax scandal amongst stakeholders which causes an unequal distribution of
money between energy and other economic sectors
● Lack of awareness amongst partisans and social, political and religious
leaders that ultimately leads the country stumbling upon the highway and
impedes the successful transition of clean energy transition
Proposals for making clean energy transitions in USA
● Identify and utilize all the clean and renewable energy resources available
within the country border and segment half of the investments provided for
fossil fuel into two sectors : 1) Leveraging and adding of eco friendly energy
materials to the supply chain as well as manufacturing of critical minerals, 2)
Technology to innovate the most effective, sustainable and eco-friendly
machineries, methods for extracting critical minerals, composting wastes and
operate nuclear plants efficiently.
● Adopt a post Covid-19 sustainable economic recovery policy with
special emphasis on clean energy transition and this policy should be
created by :
1) Young and middle aged climate activist, scientists, entrepreneurs and
tech experts who will be working in ground level to frame out all the
possible opportunities like how prepared the societies are to accept
clean energy resources, how resilient the average income status of
different levels of people is and how skilled the commoners to adapt
with this sudden change
2) Stakeholders, business magnet especially those are involved in non-
renewable energy production who will be supervised by elected
representatives and a portion of the first group of people
And that recovery plan should include :
1) The alternative ways to keep up the geopolitical influence within Middle
East while avoiding the rapid leverage of coil, oil and natural gas like
investing money in the desert areas of UAE, Qatar, Saudi Arabia to
introduce sources for geothermal energy
2) Circular economy : That will ask the unemployed workers in natural gas,
oil and non-renewable energy producing factories due to Covid-19 to
work as catalyst to turn waste into energy and the investors who lost
the battle in owning local or national markets to drive the practice of
circular economy
3. Prioritize microfinance and social enterprise based economy: That will
encourage the industries producing battery, solar panel, voltaic cell and wind
energy (windmills) to encamp the skilled workers and following the healthy and
safety policies in workplaces adopted by state authorities, deploy youth and
underrepresented communities’ people in supply chain
● Organize a full order adjacent to energy production (from collecting rough
materials to throwing wastes) in order to lessen CO2 emission in all of the
included steps like in case of transportation of energy materials, use electric
vans, in time of disposing waste materials, use catalytic converters to reuse
the valuable materials and carbon sequestration methods to absorb the
already emitted CO2
Proposal for India’s Clean Energy Transitions
India’s economy is still highly dependent (almost 79%) on non renewable
energy resources and the total CO2 emissions caused in India; most of them
comes from energy sector (81%) . Now, to have a clear energy transition in
India, my proposals are included :
● Practice fair political attitudes and enhance the transparency within
government and its important positions by creating a multilayer
generation (youth-adult) led social, national and international relations
system for advocating for environmental upgradation and initiate direct
action campaigns amongst moujas, pourashavas, city corporations and
marginalized groups with a view to introduce eco-friendly methods like
uses of Biomass amongst Indian typical women, solar cells in India’s
hillside areas like Darjeeling, Meghalaya, Asam etc. as well as acknowledge
technological expertise methods that have been discovered or
manufactured by Indian youngsters or uneducated skilled workers and
connect with national and internationally reliable agencies for instance we
can talk about UN agencies so that they find instant investment and increase
production of clean energy using their mechanisms.

● Adopt a post Covid-19 policy that comprises of the initiation of clean

energy practices across the country;
1) Harness the rise of Indian technology and use it in energy production with
special emphasis on data science and computational methodologies to enhance
the efficiency of vehicles and track down the pollutants (coil, oil and natural gas
factories) to bring under compact agreement to use climate smart technologies to
supply demanding electricity, automobile companies to get collaboration and
knowledge based supports from engineering students after finishing their
graduation to develop electric and climate friendly transportations (School and
university authorities will work as catalysts under the supervision of ICT and
Education ministry of India)
2) Include circular and microfinance based economy alongside the capitalist’s economy
practice which will allow people from root levels to stakeholder levels to drive a collective
social enterprises and there making profits won’t be the only motif and even if someone
would like to make money, he/she has to clean up the environments by collecting waste
and turning it into energy that will save the cost of manufacture of critical minerals and
reduce CO2 emissions.
3) Bring the attention of international Indian stakeholders to change their way of investing
money especially after the huge loss in oil, coal and mine businesses, it’ll be an
advantage for both parties (general people and investors) to form up a resilient and varied
energy sectors within India’s own border by identifying and utilizing necessary resources
and find opportunities to introduce renewable energy sources like India has a close
connection with Indian ocean, it also has availability of monsoon win; all of which are
opportunities to transit India’s typical fossil fueled energy system towards clean one.

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