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Noun phrases

Verb phrases

Adjective phrases

Adverb phrases

Prepositional phrases

Determiners/unique to noun phrases


Postmodifier> prepositional phrases introduced by of,they can occur> a holiday for two in Rome

Restrictive and non/restrictive postmodifiers>

Postmodifiers and complement> meaning difference and a grammatical difference/ The news that he gave
us today was welcomed by everyone/The news that he intends to resign was welcomed by everyone. We
can-t replace that with which in the complement.

Apposition>the two noun phrases refer to the same person and they are said to be in apposition with each
other/the poet Pablo Neruda/or

The functions of Noun Phrases

The functions of Verb Phrases>Modal /Perfective/Progressive/Passive. However a maximum of two or

three auxiliaries will co occur> Modal>Passive , Perfective>Progressive. The seet can be lowered. She has
been collecting books for years.

Tense> present tense and past tense/ Auxiliary verb carries the tense marker when there is not the a Main

Future time in English> there are several ways> present,modal auxiliary will,semi auxiliary be going
to,progressive auxiliary be and ing verb(is leaving)

Finite verb phrases/Non finite verb phrases / this distinction is important in the classification of clauses.

Aspect> how an event is viewed with respect to time and aspect always includes tense/perfective
aspect,past tense/Progressive Aspect ,Past Tense. David fell in love on his eighteenth birthday,David has
fallen in love,David is falling in love. The first>past/tense verb , The second> Perfective Auxiliary ,THE
PERFECTIVE ASPECT, and The Third Progressive auxiliary be ,PROGRESSIVE ASPECT.

Mood> speaker s attitude towards what is said/Indicative /Imperative/Subjunctive/Mandative Subjuctive

Adjective Phrases/Premodifier,Adjective,PostModifier,the premodifier is an intensifier. Functions> subject

Complement,Premodifier of a noun,Object complement.

Adverb Phrases/ Premodifier,Adverb,Postmodifier,the premodifier is an intensifier. Functions> Premodifier

of an adjective,Premodifier of an adverb,Adjunct.

Prepositional Phrases/ Premodifier,Preposition,Complement.

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