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João Vitor Silva de Morais

Rua Tinoco Barcelos, São Paulo, SP - 05801-090 | (11) 9-4569-5236 |

My main objective is, above all, experience, gain experience and be able to offer the
company the best that a young employee willing to new experiences has to offer, I
am still young and I have a lot to learn and I would like to learn and grow together
with the company.

Attending the Third Year of High School - Advanced Computer and Business
Management Course - Air Force Soldier for one year - Force Courses: APH Tactical
- First Aid - Air Force Police Internship - Disturbance Control Operations - guarantee
of law and order

Medium level English - Basic Russian

Skills and Competences

I have a strong sense of leadership, I believe that if I want something to be really
good, I must do it myself, I consider myself proactive and with a strong esprit de

I'm currently a Military member of the Brazilian Air Force, I have experience in
rescues and tactical operations, I've also worked in cafeterias as a stockist,
attendant, cashier and delivery person.
Imagens (espero que a senhora não ligue, pois só com as imagens consegui entender melhor,
então decidi coloca-las aqui, para caso de futuras ocasiões)

Imagem 1: Esquema de pilha de zinco-cobre

conhecida como
pilha de Daniell.
Imagem 2: A convenção mundial de representação das pilhas é feita com base na seguinte

Imagem 3: A representação da pilha de Daniell.

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