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Psychomagic Tips to Heal Your

Authenticity, Health, and the Influence of the
Family Terrain
For good results it is necessary for the person who wants to
practice psychomagic to have an understanding attitude toward
himself. Children, in their effort to be loved by their parents,
fear being judged guilty of an offense. For a child, who
depends vitally on adults, it is terrifying to awaken anger in
the adult and to be punished. Children learn to deny or repress
what Freud called polymorphous perversity—infantile sexual
desires toward any object (loosely speaking). This primary,
innate amorality must be accepted when one works to
eliminate the effects of trauma. The experimenter must accept
his urges—whether incestuous, narcissistic, bisexual,
sadomasochistic, cannibalistic, or coprophagic—and fulfill
them metaphorically. Beneath every illness is the forbiddance
of something we desire to do or an order to do something we
do not desire. All recovery requires disobedience to this
prohibition or order. And in order to disobey, it is necessary to
lose the infantile fear of not being loved or the fear of
abandonment. This fear provokes a lack of confidence: the
affected does not realize who she actually is and instead tries
to be what others expect her to be. If this person persists in this
attitude, she transforms her innate beauty into an illness.
Health only finds itself in the authentic. There is no beauty
without authenticity. To arrive at that which we are, we should
eliminate that which we are not. The greatest happiness is to
be what one truly is.

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