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My grandfather told that when I very young, we used to live in a village.

So, I wanted to talk

about with you, the story isn’t this sad or anything, it is just a bit unfair.
So, this is what he told me.
So, one day, the king came to our village and requested for our family because he had lost his
daughter and wanted to put them on trial because they were the last who have been seen
around her.
After the trial, our family decide to go and live in the city. My grandfather said that they were
living in poverty there, but they were both disappointed and amaze because it was so different
than their old life in the village; both physically because of all the people around them and
socially because of all these new opportunities that never existed before. The way my
grandfather explained it, our family was living in the city, but they acted as if they were still
living in the village. He knew that life was going to be a kind of better for us even it will be
hard, but he could never understand it because we were not going to get back to our old life
ever again.
Eventually, my family got used to their new lives so much that they forgot all about their old
lives. My grandfather said that things have changed a lot since then. Our family got split up
and I am now one of those people who are sending messages through WhatsApp and other
social medias or sending letters through email.
So, in my opinion, this was a great change for our family. Even more, I think this was the best
thing that have happen in our life, because if our friend and family can’t trust you, who are we
to stay with them and trust them? I think it was good that grandpa just move over this and
choose to get out of the village and go to the city. Moreover, all my friends are there in the
I hope this story fascinate you as much that fascinate me.
Bye friends.

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