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id Examples of Consumerism 1.Education, since asa consumer you buy education and in the future you'll get a better job. 2.Buying a car for each one of your kids when they all can share one. 3.Anvesting can be another example, since you pay/collaborate ina business that you choose that is developing; and after that if the company does well you earn a profit from the business you collaborated. 4.Hospitals are also an example since if you have the money to go toa private hospital you will receive a better 5.Also where you live can be another example, paying more for a house because of its locatio' by being safe, and living in a better place. a Wise Consumer \ iG A wise consumer must consider other sales, notjust focus on one. Must be able to buy the basic and important needs, that you need on a daily life. Anyhow a consumer must check the quality of a product, and understand how to manage it, as well as to use it. 1. Do I really need it? 2.1s it worth it? 3. Do Ihave something similar; 4. 1s it really good quality? *Do you like to be a wise consumer??? Consumer Bill of Rights/Responsibilities Right to... Safety Be Informed —————* * Choose ———————> * Be Heard ————** Redress ——______, , Consumer Education —_, , A Healthy Environment —+ « e Responsibilities to... Use Products Safely Use Information Choose Carefully Express Satisfaction/Dissalisfaction Seek Redress Be an Educated Consumer Contribute to a Healthy Environment SAEETY THE SAFE WAY IS. BEST ight to express consumer interests in making of PO aun aa oe Co erin etantccee reer Ter M eer Mest status,comitt mistakes like manufacturing soaps,shampoos.We must have to inform them about To im Glencoe emcee ee nme Keene Sue eee nn hen agement et Tee neither threatening nor dangerous and which permits Pantone hl tenty S sales layer THE 10 RESPONSIBILITIES OF MARKETING DEPARTMENTS Fi 1 LISTENING TO CUSTOMER NEEDS To plan the necessary means for receiving customer feedback > Company Internal Channels: Create surveys or capture information of the sales team and customer support (departments closest to the customer). » Channels outside the company: Perform searches and create actions in social networks, Fi y) TRACK TRENDS AND MONITOR COMPETITION To know the position of the company with respect to the market and the competition. Fi 3 WORK AND TRANSMIT BRAND VALUES Creating and disseminating images, messages, ideas... that best communicate the brand values . Also ensure that all company departments convey these messages in a consistent and unified way. vl COORDINATE EFFORTS WITH PARTNERS To align the efforts of contributors with those of the company: publishers, designers, journalists, consultants... Fo oh ZU To work on new promotions, affiliate programs, customer retention techniques, improvements in the conversion of their messages and actions... to surprise and engage the client. Its not a matter of inventing entirely different disruptive actions; you'll find innovation in the small details and in the continuous improvement. #6 COMMUNICATE WITH THE REST OF THE COMPANY A chain is as weak as its weakest link. Marketing department must ensure that their actions are aligned with the overall objectives of the company and that they report the work they are doing. #7 HELP IMPROVE SALES PROCESSES AND CUSTOMER To know the users and especially the customers’ feelings. A good way for better knowing the customer: empathy maps. # 8 MANAGE MARKETING BUDGETS To plan its budget for the next year's activities, stretching it in order to make the most of it. #9 caALcULATE ROI Marketing activities are an investment, so every action should be measured in order to check whether they meet the intended objectives and in order to compare a certain action with others. Should | invest in telemarketing; social media; traditional media? The answer is unique: measure them all and choose based on the numbers. # 1 0 DEFINE STRATEGIC MARKETING PLANS The most cost-effective strategies are those that are planned for the long term. Create now a strategic plan and align it both with the strategic plan of the company and with other departments’ plans. At the end of the day, planning is the only way to achieve the set objectives.

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