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Circular For Subject Selection - Grade IX (2022-23)

Dear Parents,
As per CBSE requirements and school policy, the students will have to make Second
Language and Skill Subject choices in grade IX. Students can select either Hindi or the
language that they have studied in grades VI to VIII.
A. Second Language:
Please choose one of the following options. Once opted, the language cannot be
changed, and it remains the same for class X.

The options are:

1. Hindi
2. Gujarati
3. French
4. Sanskrit
5. German

B. Skill Subject:
The students need to select any one of the below options:

1. Mass Media
2. Artificial Intelligence
3. Marketing / Commercial Application

Only those who scored 80% or more as an average of Mathematics and Science in
Half Yearly Examinations of grade VIII can opt for Artificial Intelligence.

You are requested to click on the link given below to select your ward's subject and give
Click on the following link :
Last date for Submission of form is Thursday, 25 November 2021.
Best wishes


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