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Gerencia Internacional
María Clara Rodríguez Galvis
Diana Jaramillo

GLOBAL LATINAS: “Global Latinas and Globalization 3.0”

1. According to this conclusion, what are the main countries with the first
positions in the global Latinas ranking? What is the position of the
Colombian companies? What we have to do in order to move forward in the

According to what we have read along the book Global Latinas, the countries that occupy
the first positions in the ranking are Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and in a minor way
Venezuela, Guatemala and Peru.

Mexico has twelve companies (such as Cemex, Grupo Alfa and Grupo Bimbo), Brazil
nineteen (such as Vale, Embraer or Petrobras), Chile eight (such as Sud Americana de
Valore or Lan), Argentina five (such as Tenaris or Arcor), Peru two (Aje Group), and USA,
Venezuela, Colombia and Guatemala, one.

There is only one Colombian company that appears in the ranking which runs from 1 to 50.
This Company is Grupo Nacional de Chocolates, which stands in the 29 th position, with a
globalization index of 30.2, sales 1.660 million dollars per year, and invests 26% outside
Colombia with 7.500 employees, also outside.

There is a lot for Colombian companies to do not only to move forward in the ranking but
to include more companies in the ranking. Everything we have to do is written in this book
and it has to do with taking the example of the jaguars, as the books calls them, such as
Cemex, for example. These companies which have an excellent experience in taking over
global markets and growing and taking risks in the precise moments should be the
example to follow.

Among other steps, Colombian companies should start to:

 Search for Long-Term visionary leaders

 Have a strong survival instinct

 Find the way to have the ability to navigate through turbulent waters

 Think of internationalization as a way to balance risk in the home market

 Create Business model innovation

2. What are the internationalization phases of these companies?

Las grandes empresas han desarrollado una capacidad unica para concentrarse y manejar
los negocios de una manera prospera de manera tal que las naciones en las cuales operan se
vean beneficiadas.

La manera en como estas grandes empresas –Cemex, Bimbo, Petrobras – han articulado sus
procesos de crecimiento y adaptacion de sus propuestas comerciales en los diferentes paìses
han demostrado la habilidad para romper los tipicos estereotipos sobre las firmas
establecidas en América Latina.

Entre las estrategias implementadas se pueden destacar:

 Bimbo: Desarrolló un modelo único de planeacion y ejecucion de las diferentes

propuestas comerciales.
 Cemex: Se ha caracterizado por adaptarse a las necesidades de los diferentes países
en donde se ha establecido de manera tal que ha podido controlar de cerca los
intereses de la población y así los de la empresa misma.
 Natura cosméticos: Ha utilizado materias primas tomadas del Amazonas con el fin
de crear productos de alta calidad a bajos costos e innovadores componentes.

De manera general se puede afirmar que las grandes multinacionales han explotado las
fuerzas y tradiciones propias de los países lo cual a contribuido a que la acogida y
permanencia de dichas empresas sea duradera y estable.

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