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Georges Ivanovich Gurdjieff (1866–1949) was a Greek-Armenian

who purported to be a mystic and spiritual teacher, when he was in fact a
charlatan who trained warmongers to ‘Be Prepared’. He established the
‘Institute for the Harmonious Development of Man’, but it turned out to
be another eugenics society, drawing money from stupid socialites.
Gurdjieff was born in Alexandropol (now Gyumri, Armenia)
and grew up across the border in nearby Kars, in Eastern Turkey. He
travelled through nearby Central Asia, Egypt and Rome before teaching
in Moscow and St Petersburg in 1913. During the 1917 Bolshevik
Revolution he returned to his family home in Alexandropol.

Gurdjieff in Alexandropol with his dogs, cat and cigarette.

In January 1919 he moved to nearby Tbilisi and in May 1920 he
moved to Istanbul, rented an apartment and watched the Whirling
Dervishes. In August 1921 he travelled around Western Europe giving
lectures in Berlin and London, and in October 1922 he established the
‘Institute for the Harmonious Development of Man’, just south of Paris.
In 1924 he was almost killed in a car crash and spent the next nine
years writing two books, most of which made little sense. During WWII
he lived in Paris (occupied by the Germans) and continued to teach.
194 Stalin’s British Training
Gurdjieff had already initiated
Stalin into Martinist Freemasonry, so
he was an occult contact between Hitler
and Stalin. Crowley, who later murdered
his own son, assumed he was Hitler and
even published that he had replaced
Hitler for several years (although this
probably says more about occultists
than history).
Occultists generally want to be
somebody else, as typified by middle-
aged overweight women with brown
Gurdjieff. curly hair, unable to get a joke. Being
a medium is the only way they can get
Gurdjieff taught people how to
listen to themselves. The problem was,
he taught masochists, who listened to
themselves and became sadists. He said
that people lived their lives in a form of
waking sleep. There has been no better
summary of the British upper class.
Gurdjieff succeeded in meeting
with Stalin, Hitler, Lord Kitchener and
Karl Ernst Haushofer and inititiated all
Stalin (Koba). of them, although the Hitler initiation
is the least documented. These people
were all sadistic killers and when the
media got hold of Gurdjieff, they made
a movie about him, Meetings with
Remarkable Men (1979). Poor, he used
to dive on birds in the market square,
paint them in bright colours and sell the
painted birds to tourists. This gave him
enough money to travel and espouse
his ‘wisdom’ to others.
How could the British media
portray Kitchener’s teacher as also being
Kitchener. Stalin, Hitler and Haushofer’s teacher?
Occult Royalty 195
Easy. They left it out of history.
Kitchener advanced Freemasonry in
the orient and founded three Lodges
in India, becoming Grand Master at
Punjab, Egypt and Sudan. He also
spread Freemasonry in Japan, Australia
and New Zealand after the Boer War.
The element of homosexual murderous
paedophile has not left the Freemasons
in these regions. New Zealand is
controlled by murderous Freemasons
to this day and they control the police
and the judiciary, who give them blind Karl Ernst Haushofer.
cover, often at a great expense to the tax-
payer. Here, Freemasonry specialises
in providing cover for paedophiles as
though it was one of their statutes,
and Kitchener even commented about
meeting a paedophile in Rotorua.
Kitchener was such a homo he
kept storks that would stand between
him and any female. They were trained
to peck if a woman approached. He was
a complete homosexual, a total sadist,
an accomplished mass murderer, and a Hitler.
rampant paedophile, often murdering
the children afterwards, or sodomising
the child while shooting the parents,
then killing the child once he was done.
While in India, Kitchener made
many trips to Tibet, where he met Karl
Haushofer, a Freemason, member of
the Berlin Golden Dawn, inventor of
Lebensraum and father of Albrecht
Haushofer who became the Duke of
Kent’s lover and the father of his son,
the second Duke of Kent. Kent is the old
name for Egypt, as is ‘kempt’ and ‘Ken’. Duke of Kent II.
198 Stalin’s British Training
Gurdjieff had a strong influence
on Timothy “Turn on, tune in, drop
out” Leary, who colluded with the
CIA and was a major protagonist of
the Nazi-instigated New Age move-

Timothy Leary.
ment which helped a generation of
Westerners take a generation to find
out they were being made useless.
Leary was a New Age occultist,
as well as former husband to Uma
Thurman’s mother and godfather
to Uma Thurman (Pulp Fiction,
Kill Bill 1, Kill Bill 2) and Winona
Ryder (The Age of Innocence, Reality
Bites, The Crucible, Celebrity).
The world would be a different
place without Gurdjieff’s influence

Uma Thurman.
and without his pupils – Kitchener
(& Baden-Powell), Stalin, Hitler,
Haushofer and the Dukes of Kent.
Gurdjieff ’s most famous pupils
were, by and large, homosexual
occult mass murderers.
That Gurdjieff is considered a
mystic puts the war-backed media
in its place. The results of his work
were the consummate evil of the late
19th and all of the 20th centuries.
At best he achieved nothing. At
worst, he trained warmongers to
Winona Ryder.

be ever more vicious warmongers.

G. I. Gurdjieff taught evil how
to be evil and handed out licences.
Close down the Institute for the
Harmonious Development of Man.
They are a eugenics society.
Gudjieff was what we call today
– an uberwanker.

Hitler. Stalin (Koba). Gurdjieff.

Stalin’s British Training

Hitler. Stalin (Koba). Gurdjieff.

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