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Many local newspapers include meal recipes in their

advertisement brochures. Get as many as you can, and when
discussing food in your class bring some “real world” into the
Cut out the recipes and glue or tape them onto a thicker
sheet of paper (otherwise they will get torn easily and it will
be difficult to work with them).
Activities that you can prepare are:

- Take a permanent black marker and cover all verbs. You

can either give students a list of the verbs or if they are
at a higher level ask them to complete the text

- Cut up the recipe (not all recipes will work for this
exercise so you have to choose ones that do) and ask
students to put it in correct order

- You can either cover or cut out the ingredients list, then:
1. print out the ingredients for each recipe and have
students choose the right one, or
2. ask students to come up with an ingredients list based
on the recipe

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