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The Gingerbread


Mrs. Brown, Gingerbread boy

baker man

cookie crocodile to bake

to smell nose river

to run to chase

Task 1. Complete the song:

Can Gingerbread run eat going crocodile

________ you run? Yes, I can. Can, can, can, can, can.
Can you ________ ? Yes, I can.
I am the ________ man.
Crocodile, ________ .
Oh, oh, oh!
I'm going to ________ you.
I'm ________ to eat you, eat, eat, you, you, you.
Task 2. Put the sentences and pictures in the correct order:
The Gingerbread man jumps on the crocodile’s
Mrs.Brown and the boy chase the Gingerbread

She bakes a gingerbread cookie.

Mrs. Brown is the best baker in town.

We are hungry say the boy and the dog

The crocodile eats the little Gingerbread man.

Task 3. Find the mistakes in the sentences.

1. The cookie smells bad.
2. She opens the window. A gingerbread man jumps out.
3. “You can catch me”, says the Gingerbread man.
4. Mrs. Brown the boy and the dog catch the gingerbread man.
5. He runs very slowly.
6. “Stand on my back!” the crocodile says.
7. Mrs. Brown says: “I will be careful. I will open the door!”
Task 4. Match the words to the pictures.

to smell nose
to chase to run baker
cookie river
crocodile to bake

Task 5. Who said it?

Crocodile Mrs. Brown Gingerbread Man The boy

1. “You can never catch me”___________

2. “I can't cross the river” ___________
3. “I can help you”___________
4. “We are hungry” ___________
5. “I can't wait to eat it” ___________
6. “We can cross the river together” ___________
7. “I can make another” __________
8. “Yummy” ___________
9. “I will be careful I will lock the door” ___________
Task 6. Answer the questions with Yes he/she/it can, No he/she/it can’t.
1. Can Mrs. Brown bake? ____________
2. Can Gingerbread swim? ___________
3. Can Mrs. Brown run? __________
4. Can the Gingerbread man run? _____________
5. Can the boy catch the Gingerbread man? ___________
6. Can the crocodile help the Gingerbread man? __________
7. Can the crocodile cross the river? _____________
Task 7. Make up sentences and write them down.
1. to eat /it /I /wait /can't

2. never /can/ catch /you /me


3. I /cross/ the river /can't


4. can /we/ cross /together/ the river


5. you /can/ I/ help


6. can/ make /I/ another


7. you/ run?/ Can


The End
Grammar block
Модальный глагол Can
Этот модальный глагол имеет две формы:
• can — для настоящего времени,
• could — для прошедшего времени;

Глагол can употребляется для выражения:

• физической или умственной возможности / умения,
• возможности/невозможности,
• вежливых просьб и др.

Утвердительное предложение с CAN образуется постановкой перед

основным глаголом модального глагола CAN. Между ними не ставится
частица to!!!!!!!
+ Подлежащее + CAN + Глагол 1 форма
Mrs Brown can bake- Миссис Браун умеет печь.

Отрицательное предложение образуется постановкой после CAN

частицы not. Зачастую, особенно в устной речи, они сливаются в
сокращенную форму:

- Подлежащее + CAN + not + Глагол 1 форма

The Gingerbread man can’t cross the river – Пряня не может пересечь реку.


Вопросительные предложения с CAN образуются без вспомогательного

глагола, при этом модальный глагол выносится в начало предложения:

? CAN + подлежащее + Глагол 1 форма?

Can you catch me? – Сможете меня догнать?
Task 1. Complete the song:
Can you run? Yes, I can. Can, can, can, can, can.
Can you run? Yes, I can.
I am the Gingerbread man.
Crocodile, crocodile.
Oh, oh, oh!
I'm going to eat you.
I'm going to eat you, eat, eat, you, you, you.

Task 2. Put the sentences and pictures in the correct order:

4 The Gingerbread man jumps on the crocodile’s
3 Mrs.Brown and the boy chase the Gingerbread

2 She bakes a gingerbread cookie. 2

1 Mrs. Brown is the best baker in town.

6 We are hungry say the boy and the dog

5 The crocodile eats the little Gingerbread man.

4 6 3

Task 3. Find the mistakes in the sentences.

1. The cookie smells good.
2. She opens the oven door. A gingerbread man jumps out.
3. “You can never catch me”, says the Gingerbread man.
4. Mrs. Brown the boy and the dog chase the gingerbread man.
5. He runs very quickly.
6. “Stand on my nose!” The crocodile says.
7. Mrs. Brown says: “I will be careful. I will lock the!”
Task 4. Match the words to the pictures.

to smell nose
to chase to run baker
cookie river
crocodile to bake

Task 5. Who said it?

1. “You can never catch me” Gingerbread man
2. “I can't cross the river” Gingerbread man
3. “I can help you” Crocodile
4. “We are hungry” the boy
5. “I can't wait to eat it” Mrs. Brown
6. “We can cross the river together” Crocodile
7. “I can make another” Mrs. Brown
8. “Yummy” Crocodile
9. “I will be careful I will lock the door” Mrs. Brown
Task 6. Answer the questions with Yes he/she/it can, No he/she/it can’t.
1. Can Mrs. Brown bake? Yes, she can
2. Can Gingerbread swim? No, he can’t
3. Can Mrs. Brown run? Yes, she can
4. Can the Gingerbread man run? Yes, he can
5. Can the boy catch the Gingerbread man? No, he can’t
6. Can the crocodile help the Gingerbread man? No, it can’t
7. Can the crocodile cross the river? Yes, it can
Task 7. Make up sentences
1. I can't wait to eat it.
2. you can never catch me.
3. I can't cross the river.
4. we can cross the river together.
5. I can help you.
6. I can make another.
7. Can you run?

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