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The ever-increasing demands for timely product deliveries in structural steel manufacturing,

require the evolution of traditional production practices. This can be achieved through the
Internet of Things, Cyber-physical Systems, and other emerging technologies.
Have a connected workflow

Model Based Estimation

I will present in this
document some of the Centralized data housing
technology ideas help the
ongoing digitalization efforts. Centralized data housing

Mohamad Elsabbagh The Amazon Now Effect

BIM strategy

Turn request for quotations (RFQs) around quickly

Have a connected workflow

A working data flow is at the heart of

fabrication, and the industry challenge has
always been information divided between
multiple stakeholders. Each expert works in
their own field, but when data sharing is
manual, valuable time and effort are taken up
by ensuring everyone is in the loop.

The best way to improve project efficiency, end to end, is for fabricators to be able to
combine estimating, detailing, fabrication, and erection phases into one cohesive,
optimized workflow.
Model Based Estimation

Adopting the right workflow:

Model-based estimating (Estimodeling)

By developing estimates using the right software solution, you can not only
make your own job faster and more efficient, you can also improve the detailing,
fabrication, and erection phases as well.
Centralized data housing

In a technological world, data is plentiful and making use of that data, valuable.
With all phases of the project housed in a centralized solution, analyzing the timeline, quality,
and profit of the entire workflow is easy. And, when it’s time to take on the next project,
insights gained from the analysis stage can be quickly and easily applied going forward.
The “Amazon Now Effect” on Metal Fabrication Lead Times

Buyers are increasingly demanding excellent

customer service, fast quoting, short lead
times, and prompt shipping. Job shops that
use modern software to meet these demands
will remain competitive and ensure growth
both today and into the future.

Sharing real-time information prevents

production chain errors
BIM strategy

BIM-based Management Information Solutions are the future of steel fabrication.

Design a BIM strategy around the widely used and open-source file format then you
escape this kind of vendor lock-in. limiting data exchange between your preferred
applications, and ensuring you would need to keep licenses of their software just so you
could still access your own data.
Turn request for quotations (RFQs) around quickly

Those who can turn request for quotations (RFQs)

around quickly, before the competition, have a
significantly greater chance of winning that order.
If you want to increase sales, quote faster,
because your customers are waiting.

The slower shop can lose the opportunity before

their quote even gets off the estimator’s desk.

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