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Story writing: Lost

I didn't know where I was. I didn't know how I got there, or how I was going to get
out, all I knew was that I was lost! I looked around, it was so dark that I couldn't
see my outstretched hand in front of me but I could smell the musty smell of
damp wood. I assumed I was in a forest in England but something told me I could
be mistaken, something slithered past my leg hissing as it passed. I was terrified,
my heart pounded in my chest as I tried to keep as still as possible until I was
certain that I was safe! It was at this point I realised I wasn't safe at all, I wasn't in
a wood, I was in a rainforest and I had no idea where... I began to run, as fast as
my legs could carry me over the leaf littered floor, trampling on bugs as I went
only stopping when I reached the edge of the forest, here I collapsed exhausted,
afraid and alone.

As I lay next to the pool I heard a noise, this time it wasn't a hissing noise, it was
something much louder and whatever it was, it was getting closer! I lay trembling
with fear, adrenalin pumping round my body. I closed my eyes hoping, praying,
whatever it was that was making the horrific noises, would soon go away. How
wrong could I have been? Closer and closer the noise crept. The adrenalin
pumping round my body faster and faster. My fists clenched tighter and tighter, I
waited. Then suddenly the noise stopped suspiciously, I turned myself over with
all my might but I didn't dare open my eyes, I didn't think I could stomach the
horror that would stand before me. Nothing happened, I gulped, the cautiously I
opened my eyes and quickly shut them again. I couldn't believe what I saw.
Nothing! I was sure I had heard a noise, and was sure that it was getting closer
and closer. It was too real. The noise started again.

All different shades of green, dark, light, dull and bright. All mixed together to
make one huge canvas of colour. Whilst climbing down the rocks by the side of
the waterfall I heard the noise again. It gave me a fright and I lost my grip on the
rocks and fell, to what I thought to be my death. But no it was to my advantage as
I woke at the foot of the cliff I could feel my legs. I was so happy. So happy in fact I
hadn't noticed that the creature or whatever was in the jungle was making its way
towards me. I didn't even need to turn round, I heard its growl, smelt its putrid
breath, felt the ground tremble beneath my body, I picked myself up, and ran... I
ran as fast as I could across mud, grass, leaves, creatures, roots and fallen trees,
my heart beating so fast I could hear it ringing in my ears, I ran still faster through
trees and bushes until finally the creature could not be heard or seen, all that
surrounded me was silence, in fact you could hear a pin drop!

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