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Yd CORAvI pb AEADERS Ch < LEVEL 3 f Student’s Book I GRADED READERS BXCALIBUR Adapted by H. Q. Mitchell - Marileni Malkogianni Mm mmpublications Exeali adapted by H. Q. Mitchell - Marileni Malkogianni Published by: MM Publications Offices UK Cyprus France Greece Poland Turkey USA Associated companies and representatives throughout the world. Copyright © 2005 MM Publications All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, store a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without permission in _ writing from the publishers. Produced in the EU ISBN: 978-960-443-038-3 16110030 Contents CHAPTER: Gi Peper e hee ete ess 5 CHAPTER 2p peepee een Soo SEN GS) CHAPTER: 3) pee ere eee. aca CHAPTER 4 CHAPTER 5 -peaen eh. «sina. - M7) CHAPTER 657.0) eee eee. 20, CHAPTER 7)... Capen ee ei + <> wi niet 6 os, i CHAPTER CHAPTER 1 HIS IS A STORY OF LOVE AND HATE, FRIENDSHIP AND MARRIAGE T war and peace. And some magic. It all began a long time ago, when Britain was split by war. knights fought each other because each of them wanted to be king. wanted to rule the whole country. At that time Uther was king. He was very strong and brave. He hard to fight because he had no fear. Uther had a great sword: Exca It was silver and gold with shining jewels on its handle. The Lady of t Lake had given it to him to do good deeds. “If you are a good king, this sword will help you win battles,” she hat told Uther. ; One of the men who wanted to rule the country was Lord Corm For many days Uther fought Lord Cornwall and his knights. In a b: one day, he was ready to kill Lord Cornwall when he decided to be ki “Alright, Lord Cornwall,” he said, “I will give you some land. here until Land's End you can be lord and take care of the people and t country.” “Hooray!” shouted Lord Cornwall and his men. That night there was a great feast to celebrate Uther and Cornw agreement. There was lots of food and drink. There was also music. Cornwall told his wife Igraine to dance for his guests. Igraine w beautiful woman and danced well. When Uther saw her, he tho was wonderful. He wanted to make her his wife. “I must have her,” he said to one of his knights. “Are you crazy? You must stay friends with Cornwall,” ans knight. The feast ended and Uther left. But he could not stop Igraine. He dreamt of her and finally could not bear his pain. “But she has a husband. What can I do?” asked Merlin. “Make her love me!” cried Uther. 4 in thought of a trick called the Dragon's Breath. | make a thick mist, so that you look like Lord Cornwall. When you, she will think you are her husband.” aid a magic spell and he closed his eyes. Slowly a thick mist d and Uther could not see very well. 5 “Now you must go,” said Merlin, “But I do not like using my powers like this, so you must give me something in return.” “Anything you ask. I will give you anything!” said Uther. “You will give me any child that you and Igraine have,” said Merlin. “Of course I will. Now let me go! What do I do?” asked Uthe impatiently. “Go when the mis is thick. Wait until Lord Cornwall has left and go to Igraine. She will love you,” answered Merlin. ; Uther rode his horse into the mist until he came to Cornwall's castle. “Welcome, Lord Cornwall!” said the knights. Uther said nothing. He ran to Igraine's bedroom. “Lam here, my love!” he said. Igraine saw her husband and took him into her bedroom. Nobody noticed Igraine's daughter, Morgan, behind the door. She hat woken up because of a dream. She had dreamt that her father was killed i battle. She was six years old and had special magic powers. She saw he mother with Uther and couldn't understand. The next morning Uther left. Igraine believed that he was her husb Lord Cornwall. Suddenly, she heard some knights shouting and oa “What’s wrong?” Igraine asked a knight. “Cornwall is dead!” shouted the knight. “He was killed in bat night!” “But he was here!” said Igraine. She couldn't understand. Nine months later Igraine had a baby boy. He was strong and be: Uther came to visit and saw his son. He told Igraine what had hay and asked her to marry him now that Cornwall was dead. Before | could answer, Merlin appeared. “Give me the baby!” he cried. “No!” shouted Igraine and Uther. “Remember your promise!” said Merlin. He grabbed the baby: out of the castle. Igraine cried and screamed but Merlin took the baby away. CHAPTER 2 ERLIN RAN THROUGH THE FOR Uther chased him, It was very dark and Uther did not see some enemy knights who were hiding behind the trees and were ready to kill him. They chased him and tried to catch him. Uther ran untij he was exhausted ad could run no more. He realised the enemy knights would catch and kill him. He didn't want to give up his sword. “Help me one last time, Merlin!” he shouted to the wizard. Merlin said, “Let E will be the next king.” Uther put his sword into the stone and it remained there. “Promise me my son will be king,” Uther said to Merlin. WITH THE BABY Anp calibur stay in the stone and whoever takes it out “You have my word,” id Merlin as he moved away. Two minutes later, — Uther was killed by the knights. | Merlin ran away, carrying the baby. He whispered to the baby boy, “You will be the next king, my little Arthur.” Merlin found an old friend of his, Sir Hector, and gave him the baby. He told him to look after baby Arthur and to treat him like his son. Sir Hector was very happy and brought up Arthur with his other son, Kay. When Arthur was sixteen years old, Kay entered a friendly competition o see who was the best knight. There were many knights and they had to ght each other with swords. They were competing in the forest near the stone with the sword in it. While waiting for their turn to fight, many of the knights were trying to take the sword out of the stone so that they could become king. The knights were big and strong but they couldn’t do it. Excalibur was stuck in the stone. Arthur was very busy helping Kay get ready and he did not see the other knights or the sword in the stone. Suddenly, Kay realised that he didn’t have his sword and it was time to fight. “Arthur, where is Kay's sword? Hurry!” said Sir Hector. Arthur ran to find Kay's sword, but he couldn’t find it! He then saw the sword in the stone and he pulled it out! “How did you do that?” shouted a knight. Everyone ran to see what was happening. “What have you done? Put the sword back into the stone and do it again! We want to see!” they shouted. Arthur did as they said. He put the sword back into the stone and he pulled it out again! “Long live the king!” shouted some knights and began to cheer. Other knights were upset. “He cannot be king. He is too young,” they said. “Who are you?” asked a knight. Sir Hector came forward and he said, “He is my son, Arthur!” Suddenly there was a great wind and a light and Merlin appeared. “My dear, Sir Hector,” he said. “You and I know he is not your son. I gave him to you as a baby and you have brought him up well. But I must tell you he is the son of King Uther, a great, strong fighter, and so Arthur will be king!” 9 —_—_"”~—sr—_#|____ za Hooray! King Arthur! King Arthur!” shouted some knights, But 1 tarted to fight, They did not want Arthur to be king, Come with mel” Merlin told Arthur who looked very afraid and didn't know what to do Arthur and Merlin spent the night in the forest. Arthur asked Merlin lots of questions, Merlin also a ked Arthur many things and he was y pleased with Arthur's s¢ nsible answers. Arthur wanted to be king but he was afraid. Merlin promised to be there to help Arthur and to use a little magic if he needed it In the morning Arthur left, He felt ready to fight. He knew he had make all the knights follow him. He found the group of loyal knights who wanted him to be king, They set off to find Lord Leodegrance who was the leader of the cnemy knights CHAPTER 3 They wanted to fight him and make him join them and accept Arthur as king. When they reached the castle, Leodegrance was eady for them with many men at his side. “Do not be afraid, Arthur,” said Merlin. “Tell your knights to cross the drawbridge and get into the castle.” Arthur used Excalibur to cut the ropes that held up the drawbridge. Nhen Leodegrance's men saw Arthur running into the castle, they panicked and ran to the other side of the castle to escape. Merlin told \rthur to take some of his men to fight Leodegrance at the back of the castle. Suddenly, Arthur stood before Leodegrance himself. He saw his chance. He raised the great sword and was ready to kill Leodegrance. Arthur shouted, “You must follow me as king or I will kill you!” “But how can you be king when you were never a knight?” asked j RTHUR AND HIS KNIGHTS RODE TO LEODEGRANCE’S CASTLE. Leodegrance. 1 “That is ue, First | must be a knight and then a king,” said Arth Everyone looked amazed when Arthur gave his sword to Leodeg and said, “You must make me a knight. Here take my sword and everyone that you will make me a knight.” E he had the sword. They waited... Leodegrance smiled, “You are very brave!” he said. “I will make knight. In the name of God, Saint Michael and Saint George, I make y a knight.” He touched Arthur on each shoulder with the sword and Arthur over! up and shook Leodegrance's hand. The battle “Come and celebrate!” said Leodegrance. Arthur and his men went into the castle to celebrate. Arthur had cut from the fight and Leodegrance called his daughter Guinevere to at the wound. Arthur couldn't believe how beautiful Guinevere was. | had pale, white skin, green eyes and long, red hair, She was very gentl she put some special cream on Arthur's wound and she talked to hima made him laugh. Arthur fell in love with her immediately. Later, at the celebration, Arthur danced with Guinevere. She was fast dancer and Arthur tried to dance with her, but his wound hurt hit he sat down. He sat down next to Merlin who had come to celebration. “Oh, Merlin, Guinevere is a wonderful woman!” he said. “I lo Make her love me!” “Oh no!” said Merlin. “The last time I used my magic powers for and a woman, | caused a lot of pain. I will not use my magic but 1 at the future for you and Guinevere.” Merlin closed his eyes and he could see the future. He said to see you and Guinevere married and happy. But be careful: a great | yours will also fall in love with Guinevere and he will try to Finally, Guinevere will love him, too.” Arthur was busy watching Guinevere dance. He didn't to Merlin and he answered, “Hurray! We will be married!” Merlin shook his head because Arthur had not heard his 12 CHAPTER 4 OR A PERIOD OF TIME AFTER ARTHUR STOPPED FIGHTING WI F Leodegrance, life was more carefree for him and his knights. TI rode around the kingdom and made plans to help the people. One day Arthur was riding with his men when he came to a bridge the bridge was a knight on a beautiful white horse. “Move away so we can cross the bridge!” shouted Arthur. “T will not,” replied the knight. “Why? I am the king and I order you,” said Arthur angrily. “My name is Lancelot and I am looking for a knight or a king to fol but first I want to fight them to see if they are brave,” said Lancelot. - Arthur was amazed to hear this, but he liked the knight's cour: “Alright I will fight you,” said Arthur and he approached the kni “Be careful, my Lord!” shouted his loyal men. Arthur saw that the other knight was strong and ready to fight. F they fought on their horses using their lances. They managed to push é other off the horses. They fell to the ground and started using their Lancelot was a very good fighter and used his sword with skill. A began to get tired. He fell down, dropped Excalibur and Lancelot s over him ready to kill him. Arthur panicked and called on the m powers of Excalibur, “Oh help me dear sword!” he said. 4 Excalibur flew across to Lancelot and was ready to kill him. “No!” shouted Arthur. The sword stopped. Arthur felt terrible had tried to use the magic sword to kill Lancelot - a good, brave He picked up the sword and was about to throw it into Suddenly there was a bright light and some wind and Merlin ap “What are you doing?” he said, “You need Excalibur to win ba Arthur looked sad, but he put his sword down. “You did not kill me,” Lancelot said. “I am so happy. You brave man and king and I will follow you.” a He went on his knees and kissed Arthur's hand and said, “Ia friend, knight and servant.” Arthur and Lancelot became good friends and went everywh 14 ———— over Paeland and fought battles until everyone was lo yotthe last battle, Arthur raised f xcallbil to ihting is over, England is one happy kingdom yal to King Arthur! We will meet ofl | 10 and happy: We will all meg at Phey rode all King Arthur, Finally. Hooray! The fg atthe ene he said have many knights who are I o make the people of En discuss our pkins { wre all equal. Hooray! Let's celebrate!” around table to show We @ \ big feast was prepared As Arthur started to enjoy 5 the feast ‘Ast and he saw Merlin smilir Arthur took Guinevere's hand and and @ started to dance, celebration yw at him. He was ple: 8 as pleased with A) Arthur’ 8 success and plans Everything seemed so good that he turned to C i Se dso good tha o Guinevere and said, “N aid, “My love, my beautiful Guinevere, now the battles are a ere attles @ ver, Tar ome. Wil 5 you marry me and be my queen Yes! Yes! Ye answered Guinevere CHAPTER 5 and Guinevere. Lots of food was cooked, musicians were found and the castle hall was decorated for the celebration. Finally, the big day came. Guinevere was dressed in a beautiful, long, red dress and she had flowers in her hair and a small gold crown on her head. She looked beautiful. Arthur sent his best friend, Lancelot, to bring Guinevere to the wedding. When Lancelot saw Guinevere, he thought she looked stunning. He stared at her and could not speak. Guinevere's friends were near her and they all looked at the handsome knight. They laughed nervously. “They are laughing because one of them hopes to marry you!” said Guinevere. “Which one will you choose?” she asked. “I will choose only you, my dear Guinevere,” he said, “I love you as my queen but also as a woman. I know | cannot marry you, so I will never marry. But I will always love you.” Guinevere was amazed and didn't know what to say. She felt love for Lancelot, too, but this was her wedding day, so she smiled and said nothing. The wedding took place and many people came to the celebration. Merlin was there, too and he was proud of Arthur. While he was sitting at the table, a young woman came up to him. T HERE WERE MANY PREPARATIONS FOR THE WEDDING OF ARTHUR 17 me * “Hello, Lam Morgan le } ay, daughter of Lord Cornwall and Igraine, Arthur's half-sister,” she said. ‘Thave magic powers, like you, and Lwould like to learn more.” “Well, 1 see You say you have Magic powers. Answer these questions,” Merlin said He asked her about some ma spells and the names of herbs used to owers, He was amazed that Morg StVe secret Magic p gan knew all the answers. Is “You know a lot,” he said. “Teach me more, clever wizard,” said Morgan. Merlin was pleased to have someone to teach so he took Morgan into the forest and taught her many new, magic tricks. Merlin did not know that he was teaching her powers that she would use for evil purposes. Morgan was not a good person; she was jealous of her brother Arthur and she wanted to make him feel pain. After the wedding, Lancelot could not be near Guinevere because he loved her so much. He left and rode around England helping people. He was very lonely and sad. One day a village boy called Percival, followed him out of the village. “What do you want?” asked Lancelot. “I want to be a knight and ride with you,” he answered. “T cannot make you a knight until you do something really brave,” said Lancelot. “Then I will stay with you until I do something brave and become a knight,” he replied. “I have no horse for you. You will have to walk to Camelot, Arthur's castle. It is twenty days from here,” explained Lancelot. “Twenty days! I did not know there was enough world to walk twenty days. It will be interesting!” said Percival. “Come on then,” said Lancelot. During the long journey to Camelot, Lancelot and Percival became good friends. Percival was very cheerful. He laughed and told jokes so Lancelot was less sad and lonely. Some days later Lancelot and Percival stood on a hill and looked at Arthur's castle. “There is Camelot!” said Lancelot, but he looked miserable. “Tt is beautiful. But why are you sad and not happy to be home, Lancelot?” asked Percival. “That is a long story I will tell you one day,” said Lancelot. He was thinking of Guinevere, of course. When Lancelot reached the castle, Arthur came to meet him. “Lancelot, my friend!” he shouted, “Welcome back!” 19 ———— ~~ 0©=—ti( Oh, my beloved Arthur, I forgive you, but you must forgive me for my > answered Guinevere. » said Arthur and they kissed. evere. She reached under the bed yetrayal, too,” Of course, MY love! [have something for you,” said Guin The sword was shining and beautiful. his will help me fight my battles and make | will return to you.” (she found Excalibur. “Excalibur!” cried Arthur, eace in England again. Goodbye, dear Guinevere. “Goodbye, my love,” said Guinevere. CHAPTER 10 of Arthur's recovery and was happy for his friend. He rode all the way to Camelot, to congratulate him and ask to be forgiven. There he saw the beautiful Guinevere, and realised he still loved her. Sir Gawain was very angry with Lancelot. He believed that Lancelot was a traitor and his betrayal had caused all the troubles, So, Lancelot to fight him. The day of the fight dawned and all the knights gathered to watch Gawain and Lancelot fight once again. They fought as bravely as they had done years before, first on their horses using their lances, then on foot with their swords. Finally Lancelot wounded Gaw: admitted that he had been defeated, However, that fight, but a month later. Before he died, h T HE NEWS OF THE HOLy GRAIL TRAVELLED FAST. Soon, Lancelot heard he challenged ain seriously and Gawain Gawain did not die during '¢ wrote a letter to Lancelot, 36 asking him to forgive him for wanting to be Arthur's best friend in Lancelot’s place. Meanwhile, King Arthur and his knights were approaching Mordred sd his men. There was a thick mist and Mordred could not see very well. He did not know where Arthur was and, in this way, Arthur managed to surprise Mordred's men, Although Gawain's ghost had warned Arthur not o fight that day, the battle began. Arthur's knights fought without fear and many of Mordred's men were Killed. Arthur used Excalibur and fought bravely. One knight fought next to \rthur all the time and helped him a lot. Arthur looked at him. It was Lancelot! “Lancelot! Is it you?” cried Arthur. “Yes, my Lord, my King, my friend! It is I, Lancelot,” he replied. But as Lancelot looked at Arthur, an enemy knight hurt him with a sword. Lancelot fell to the ground, holding his side. “It is my old wound,” he said. “Do not die my dear Lancelot,” said Arthur. “We must go back to Camelot together. Guinevere will be there.” “Ah, dear Guinevere. Did you forgive her? Can you forgive me?” “Yes, I forgave her. I forgive you, too. You are a true friend and loyal knight. Please don't die!” cried Arthur. But it was too late. Lancelot smiled at Arthur and died in his arms. When Arthur looked up, he saw a young man watching recognised Mordred. “Hello Mordred,” he said. Mordred went to hug Arthur - but it was a trick. He into Arthur's side. “What have you done?” asked Arthur and he qu and killed Mordred, too. “You cannot be king,” he said. “You are Arthur fell to the ground and he cal alibur, She would ihe sword, The Lady of the Lake took back the next King, | edivere hurried back to Arthur, He told bin what he had seen ole’ said Arthur, “Now the next king of Engkind will get Excalibur | etady of the Lake and fight fora peaceful England.” | ten Sir Bedivere saw a boat coming towards the bank of the lake } Je the boat were the Lady of the Lake and some other ladies, all dressed ck. When the boat reached the shore, they took King Arthur onto the | i They took him to the magic island of Avalon, to heal his wounds. end has it that King Arthur, who had fought for peace all his life, never He is still on the iskind of Avalon, and he will return when his | country needs him ACOA BLU LEVEL 3 Student’s Book Ic story carefully adapted to suit the needs. of learners of English at Pre-Intermediate level. This book contains full-colour illustrations. to facilitate understanding. Also available: © Student’s Activity Book with glossary © Audio © Pack includes: Reader, Activity Book and Audio CD 190N:978-960"443-038-3 l| Cael ee lo 041430383

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