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Name: Rana Muzamal Hussain

Reg.: L1F20PHMD0028

Subject: Pharmacognosy

Submitted to: MAM RABIA SALEEM

Introduction of Traditional systems of medicines and special reference
to medicinal plants
  Traditional System:
A traditional economy is a system that relies on customs, history, and time-honored
Traditional system of medicine:
Traditional system of medicine as “the sum total of the knowledge, skills, and practices based on the
theories, beliefs, and experiences indigenous to different cultures, whether explicable or not, used in
the maintenance of health as well as in the prevention, diagnosis.
Systems medicine is the interdisciplinary approach wherein physicians and clinical investigators
team up with experts from biology, biostatistics, informatics, mathematics and computational modeling to
develop methods to use new and stored data to the benefit of the patient.
Alternative medical systems:
Alternative medical systems are entire systems of health theory and practice (including traditional
Chinese medicine, Ayurvedic medicine, naturopathy, and homeopathy) that developed separately from
conventional medicine.
 Chinese medicine in china
 Unani system in Greece
 Ayurvedic system in india
 Amachi in Tibet
 Homoeopathy in germany
The drugs of herbal, herbo-mineral and animal origin have been used by the traditional healers to
maintain health and treat diseases since the dawn of civilization. Due to adverse side effects coupled with the
development of resistance in the pathogens to synthetic drugs, Traditional Systems of Medicine and the use
of plant derived drugs are also becoming popular in Western countries including the USA.
The word pharmacognosy, which is derived from the Greek words “pharmakon” (drug) and “gnosis”
(knowledge), was first coined in 1811 by an Austrian physician named Johann Adam Schmidt.
Traditionally, pharmacognosy focused on the study of crude drugs of natural origin, encompassing aspects
such as authentication and quality control. In the modern era, pharmacognosy has expanded beyond
traditional techniques such as macroscopic identification and microscopy, and advances in molecular biology
and screening methods to identify chemical constituents and therapeutic targets have transformed the field.In
recent years, new methods of drug discovery utilizing computer simulation models have been developed to
complement the traditional process of investigating potential new drugs based on ethnopharmacological
Homeopathic system of medicine:
Homeopathy is a medical system based on the belief that the body can cure itself. Those who practice it
use tiny amounts of natural substances, like plants and minerals. They believe these stimulate the healing
process. It was developed in the late 1700s in Germany.
Homeopathic medicine encompasses a very different view of the process of healing and the purpose that
disease and symptoms actually serve for you. The principles of homeopathic medicine can be added to the
knowledge you already have and remains useful in its own way. Contrasting approaches to healing each have
their place. You can be more successful in healing by adding to what you know and being open to a different
experience of reality.

The purpose of this recording is to open your mind to an alternative view of reality.
Homeopathic medicine and homeopathic philosophy are not easily grasped. They are as complex as the
human being is. In the homeopathic system, each patient is treated as an individual who has a unique nature
and unique life experience.
Being open-minded is helpful in attempting to grasp the unique cause of a disease which is acting in each
patient. In the homeopathic approach the emphasis is on the cause of disease as much as the symptoms of the
disease. Knowing the cause of your disease is worthwhile because when you treat the cause of a disease
instead of just the effects of the disease, the disease can be cured. The essence of being open-minded is being
willing to admit that you may only be partially correct in your beliefs and perceptions. Knowing this can lead
you to search for and find higher forms of truths than you previously knew. This search can become
necessary when you face the reality that disease or suffering exists and a curative treatment is not being

By definition, in a chronic disease, either the symptoms continue to exist despite treatment or an ongoing
treatment regimen is necessary to minimize the intensity of symptoms. Both of these situations indicate that
that the underlying disease process is not being cured and that the fundamental cause of the disease process
is not known or is not being addressed through treatment. In this situation, a new perspective is needed.

The principles which underlie homeopathic medicine will likely present you with a very different reality than
you now perceive. You may have to listen to these principles more than once for them to become useful to

The goal of this section is to open you up to an additional way of thinking and believing which can bring you
a new experience of perception and of healing. This goal certainly represents a large undertaking but the
magnitude of the suffering and disease that we now experience or might yet experience in the future is the
motivation for our study of why diseases exist and alternative ways to heal them.

The most important concept for you to grasp is the reality that what you believe is what determines what you
will perceive. Several examples are provided to illustrate the validity of this principle using the sense
perceptions of sight, hearing, taste and what we generally might term “knowing”.

Unani System:
This monograph attempts to document available data related to the standardization, pharmacology, safety
and clinical efficacy of single and compound formulations used in Indian Systems of Medicine with special
emphasis on Unani System of Medicine. The work also contains chapters on Good Laboratory Practices
(GLP) and Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) of traditional medicines. The basic concepts such as drug
temperament and its relevance to efficacy of Unani formulations in the treatment of diseases, Kushta
preparations and its use in Unani Tibb, application of leeches in medicine, temperament assessment in
normal subjects on the basis of Ajnas-e-Ashra and use of the physiological and molecular approaches for
improving the medicinal quality of herbs used in traditional medicines have also been discussed.
Introduction and Importance of Medicinal Plants and Herbs:
The term “medicinal plant” include various types of plants used in herbalism ("herbology" or "herbal
medicine"). It is the use of plants for medicinal purposes, and the study of such uses.
The word “herb” has been derived from the Latin word, “herba” and an old French word “herbe”. Now a
days, herb refers to any part of the plant like fruit, seed, stem, bark, flower, leaf, stigma or a root, as well as a
non-woody plant. Earlier, the term “herb” was only applied to non-woody plants, including those that come
from trees and shrubs. These medicinal plants are also used as food, flavonoid, medicine or perfume and also
in certain spiritual activities.
Indian System:
Plants have been used for medicinal purposes long before prehistoric period. Ancient Unani manuscripts
Egyptian papyrus and Chinese writings described the use of herbs.  Evidence exist that Unani Hakims,
Indian Vaids and European and Mediterranean cultures were using herbs for over 4000 years as medicine.
Indigenous cultures such as Rome, Egypt, Iran, Africa and America used herbs in their healing rituals, while
other developed traditional medical systems such as Unani, Ayurveda and Chinese Medicine in which herbal
therapies were used systematically.
Traditional systems of medicine continue to be widely practised on many accounts. Population rise,
inadequate supply of drugs, prohibitive cost of treatments, side effects of several synthetic drugs and
development of resistance to currently used drugs for infectious diseases have led to increased emphasis on
the use of plant materials as a source of medicines for a wide variety of human ailments.
Among ancient civilizations, India has been known to be rich repository of medicinal plants. The forest in
India is the principal repository of large number of medicinal and aromatic plants, which are largely
collected as raw materials for manufacture of drugs and perfumery products. About 8,000 herbal remedies
have been codified in AYUSH systems in INDIA. Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha and Folk (tribal) medicines are
the major systems of indigenous medicines. Among these systems, Ayurveda and Unani Medicine are most
developed and widely practised in India. These medicines are widely used by the practitioners of the Indian
systems of medicine comprising of
 Ayurveda,
 Unani,
 Homeopathy
 and Siddha
, and in the Chinese System of Medicine.
Traditional Pharmacognosy in China:
In China, the discipline of traditional pharmacognosy was influenced by exchange with Japan, where a
number of new texts devoted to pharmacognosy emerged in the late 19th century. In 1905, the Chinese
scholar Zhao Yuhuang studied in Japan and returned to emphasize pharmacognosy as a professor in Beijing;
his Qizhou Medicinal Journal became the first Chinese resource that organized materia medica knowledge
based on Latin taxonomy

Recently, WHO (World Health Organization) estimated that 80 percent of people worldwide rely on
herbal medicines for some aspect of their primary health care needs. According to WHO, around 21,000
plant species have the potential for being used as medicinal plants.
As per data available over three-quarters of the world population relies mainly on plants and plant extracts
for their health care needs. More than 30% of the entire plant species, at one time or other were used for
medicinal purposes. It has been estimated, that in developed countries such as United States, plant drugs
constitute as much as 25% of the total drugs, while in fast developing countries such as India and China, the
contribution is as much as 80%. Thus, the economic importance of medicinal plants is much more to
countries such as India than to rest of the world. These countries provide two third of the plants used in
modern system of medicine and the health care system of rural population depend on indigenous systems of
Treatment with medicinal plants is considered very safe as there is no or minimal side effects. These
remedies are in sync with nature, which is the biggest advantage. The golden fact is that, use of herbal
treatments is independent of any age groups and the sexes.
The ancient scholars only believed that herbs are only solutions to cure a number of health related problems
and diseases. They conducted thorough study about the same, experimented to arrive at accurate conclusions
about the efficacy of different herbs that have medicinal value. Most of the drugs, thus formulated, are free
of side effects or reactions. This is the reason why herbal treatment is growing in popularity across the globe.
These herbs that have medicinal quality provide rational means for the treatment of many internal diseases,
which are otherwise considered difficult to cure.
Medicinal plants such as
Turmeric and 
  cure several common ailments. These are considered as home remedies in many parts of the country. It is
known fact that lots of consumers are using Basil (Tulsi) for making medicines, black tea, in pooja and other
activities in their day to day life.
In several parts of the world many herbs are used to honour their kings showing it as a symbol of luck. Now,
after finding the role of herbs in medicine, lots of consumers started the plantation of tulsi and other
medicinal plants in their home gardens.
Medicinal plants are considered as a rich resources of ingredients which can be used in drug development
either pharmacopoeial, non- pharmacopoeial or synthetic drugs. A part from that, these plants play a critical
role in the development of human cultures around the whole world. Moreover, some plants are considered as
important source of nutrition and as a result of that they are recommended for their therapeutic values. Some
of these plants include ginger, green tea, walnuts, aloe, pepper and turmeric etc. Some plants and their
derivatives are considered as important source for active ingredients which are used in aspirin and toothpaste
Apart from the medicinal uses, herbs are also used in natural dye, pest control, food, perfume, tea and so on.
In many countries different kinds of medicinal plants/ herbs are used to keep ants, flies, mice and flee away
from homes and offices. Now a days medicinal herbs are important sources for pharmaceutical
Recipes for the treatment of common ailments such as diarrhoea, constipation, hypertension, low sperm
count, dysentery and weak penile erection, piles, coated tongue, menstrual disorders, bronchial asthma,
leucorrhoea and fevers are given by the traditional medicine practitioners very effectively.
Over the past two decades, there has been a tremendous increase in the use of herbal medicine; however,
there is still a significant lack of research data in this field. Therefore since 1999, WHO has published three
volumes of the WHO monographs on selected medicinal plants.
Importance of some herbs with their medicinal values:

 Herbs such as black pepper, cinnamon, myrrh, aloe, sandalwood, ginseng, red clover, burdock,
bayberry, and safflower are used to heal wounds, sores and boils.
 Basil, Fennel, Chives, Cilantro, Apple Mint, Thyme, Golden Oregano, Variegated Lemon Balm,
Rosemary, Variegated Sage are some important medicinal herbs and can be planted in kitchen
garden. These herbs are easy to grow, look good, taste and smell amazing and many of them are
magnets for bees and butterflies.
 Many herbs are used as blood purifiers to alter or change a long-standing condition by eliminating
the metabolic toxins. These are also known as 'blood cleansers'. Certain herbs improve the
immunity of the person, thereby reducing conditions such as fever.
 Some herbs are also having antibiotic properties. Turmeric is useful in inhibiting the growth of
germs, harmful microbes and bacteria. Turmeric is widely used as a home remedy to heal cut and
 To reduce fever and the production of heat caused by the condition, certain antipyretic herbs such
as Chirayta, black pepper, sandal wood and safflower are recommended by traditional Indian
medicine practitioners.
 Sandalwood and Cinnamon are great astringents apart from being aromatic. Sandalwood is especially
used in arresting the discharge of blood, mucus etc.
 Some herbs are used to neutralize the acid produced by the stomach. Herbs such as marshmallow root
and leaf. They serve as antacids. The healthy gastric acid needed for proper digestion is retained by
such herbs.
 Indian sages were known to have remedies from plants which act against poisons from animals and
snake bites.
 Herbs like Cardamom and Coriander are renowned for their appetizing qualities. Other aromatic
herbs such as peppermint, cloves and turmeric add a pleasant aroma to the food, thereby increasing
the taste of the meal.
 Some herbs like aloe, sandalwood, turmeric, sheetraj hindi and khare khasak are commonly used as
antiseptic and are very high in their medicinal values.
 Ginger and cloves are used in certain cough syrups. They are known for their expectorant property,
which promotes the thinning and ejection of mucus from the lungs, trachea and bronchi.
Eucalyptus, Cardamom, Wild cherry and cloves are also expectorants.
 Herbs such as Chamomile, Calamus, Ajwain, Basil, Cardamom, Chrysanthemum, Coriander, Fennel,
Peppermint and Spearmint, Cinnamon, Ginger and Turmeric are helpful in promoting good blood
circulation. Therefore, they are used as cardiac stimulants.
 Certain medicinal herbs have disinfectant property, which destroys disease causing germs. They also
inhibit the growth of pathogenic microbes that cause communicable diseases.
 Herbal medicine practitioners recommend calmative herbs, which provide a soothing effect to the
body. They are often used as sedatives.
 Certain aromatic plants such as Aloe, Golden seal, Barberry and Chirayata are used as mild tonics.
The bitter taste of such plants reduces toxins in blood. They are helpful in destroying infection as
 Certain herbs are used as stimulants to increase the activity of a system or an organ, for example
herbs like Cayenne (Lal Mirch, Myrrh, Camphor and Guggul.
  A wide variety of herbs including Giloe, Golden seal, Aloe and Barberry are used as tonics. They
can also be nutritive and rejuvenate a healthy as well as diseased individual.
 Honey, turmeric, marshmallow and liquorice can effectively treat a fresh cut and wound. They are
termed as vulnerary herbs.

As our lifestyle is now getting techno-savvy, we are moving away from nature. While we cannot escape
from nature because we are part of nature. As herbs are natural products they are free from side effects, they
are comparatively safe, eco-friendly and locally available. Traditionally there are lot of herbs used for the
ailments related to different seasons. There is a need to promote them to save the human lives.
These herbal products are today are the symbol of safety in contrast to the synthetic drugs, that are regarded
as unsafe to human being and environment. Although herbs had been priced for their medicinal, flavouring
and aromatic qualities for centuries, the synthetic products of the modern age surpassed their importance, for
a while. However, the blind dependence on synthetics is over and people are returning to the naturals with
hope of safety and security. It’s time to promote them globally.
NB: (Fam - Family, T - Tree, H - Herb, C - Climber, S- shrub)
Common name / Botanical Name Parts Used Average Medicinal Use
Plant Maturity period or Family Price( Rs. /
Kg )
Amla ( T )After 4th year Emblica officinalis Fruit Rs 15 - Vitamin - C, Cough ,
Fam - 45/kg Diabetes, cold,
euphorbiaceac Laxativ, hyper acidity.

Ashok ( T )10 years Saraca Asoca Bark Flower Dry Bark Menstrual Pain,
onward Fam : Rs 125/kg uterine, disorder,
Caesalpinanceac Deiabetes.

Aswagandha ( H ), One Withania Root, Leafs Rs 140/ Kg Restorative Tonic,

year Somnifera stress, nerves disorder,
Fam: Solanaccac aphrodiasiac.

Bael / Bilva (T)After 4-5 Aegle marmelous Fruit, Bark Fruit - Rs Diarrrhoea, Dysentry,
year Fam: Rutaccac 125 / kg Constipation.
Pulp - Rs
60 / Kg
Bhumi Amla ( H), with Phyllanthous Whole Plant Rs 40 / Kg Aenimic, jaundice,
in one year amarus Dropsy.
Fam :
Brahmi ( H ) Indian Bacopa,Monnieri Whole plant Rs 20 per Nervous, Memory
penny worth/one year Fam: kg enhancer,mental
Scrophulariaccac disorder.

Chiraita ( high altituted) Swertia Chiraita Whole Plant Rs 300-350 Skin Desease,
with in one year ( H ) Fam : / per kg Burning, censation,
Gentianaccac fever.

Gudmar / madhunasini, Gymnema Leaves Rs 50 -75 Diabetes, hydrocil,

after Four year ( C ) Sylvestre per kg Asthama.
Guggul ( T)after 8 years Commiphora Gum rasine Rs 80 - 100 Rheuma tised,
Wightii per kg arthritis, paralysis,
Fam: burseraccac laxative.

Guluchi / Giloe ( C ) Tinospora Stem Rs 20 - 25 Gout, Pile, general

With in one year CordifoliaFam per kg debility, fever,

Calihari / Gloriosa superba Seed, tuber Rs 60 Skin Desease, Labour

panchanguliaGlori Lily Fam: Liliaccac pain, Abortion,
Five years General debility.

Kalmegh/ Bhui neem ( H Andrographis Whole Plant Rs 12 - 20 Fever, weekness,

) with in one year PaniculataFam : release of gas.
Long peeper / Pippali ( C Peeper longum Fruit, Root Rs 100 - Appetizer, enlarged
) after two to three years Fam : Piperaccac 150 per kg spleen , Bronchities,
Root - 150 Cold, antidote.
per kg
Makoi ( H )Kakamachi/ Solanum nigrum Fruit/whole Rs 40 per Dropsy, General
With in one year Fam: Solanaccac plant kg debility,Diuretic, anti
Seed - 200 dysenteric.
per kg
Pashan Bheda / Pathar Coleus barbatus Root Rs 40-50 Kidny stone, Calculus.
Chur ( H )One year Fam : Lamiaccac per kg

Sandal Wood ( T )Thirty Santalum Album Heart Rs 350 per Skin disorder,
years onward Fam: santalinaccac wood , oil kg Burning, sensation,
Jaundice, Cough.

Sarpa Gandha ( H )After Ranwolfia Root Root - Rs Hyper tension,

2 year Serpentina 60 per kg insomnia.
Fam: apocynaccac Seed - Rs
300 per kg
Satavari ( C )After 2-3 Asparagus Tuber, root Rs 20 -50 Enhance lactation,
year Racemosus per kg general weekness,
Family: liliaccac fatigue, cough.

Senna ( S )With in 1 year Casia augustifolia Dry Tubers Rs 500/kg Rheumatism, general
Fam: Liliaceae seed debility tonic,
Rs1200/kg aphrodisiac.
Tulsi (perennial) Each 3 Ocimum sanclum Leaves/See Leaves Rs Cough, Cold,
months Fam: Lamiaccac d 10/kg bronchitis,expectorand

Vai Vidanka ( C ), 2nd Embelia Ribes Root, Fruit, Rs 40-50 Skin disease, Snake
year onward Fam: Myrsinaccac Leaves per kg Bite, Helminthiasis.

Pippermint ( h) Perennial Mentha pipertia Leaves, - Digestive, Pain killer.

Fam:Lamiaccac Flower, Oil

Henna/Mehdi ( S ) 1/25 Lawsennia iermis Leaf,Flower L - 50 Burning, Steam, Anti

years Fam: lytharaceae , Seed /kgPowder- Imflamatary.
Rs75 perkg

Gritkumari ( H) 2nd-5th Aloe Verra Leaves Fresh L- Laxative, Wound

yr Fam: Liliaceae Rs 5 healing, Skin burns &
kgJuice 90 care,Ulcer.
Per Kg
Sada Bahar ( H ) Vincea rosea/ Whole Plant R-Rs50 per Leaukamia,
Periwinkle/Nyantara catharanthusRoseu kgL- Rs Hypotensiv,
s 25S- Rs 10 Antispasmodic ,
Fam :apocyanace kg Atidot.
Vringraj ( H ) Eclipta alba Seed/whole Powder-Rs Anti-inflamatory,
Fam: Compositae 60/kg Digestive, hairtonic.

Swet chitrak Plumbago Root, - Appetiser,

Perennial ( h ) Zeylanica Rootbar Antibacterial,
Fam: Aticacer.
Rakta Chitrak ( H ) Plumbago Indica Root, Root - Indyspeipsia, colic,
Fam : bar imflammation, cough.

Kochila ( T )15 yrs Strychinos Seed - Nervous, Paralysis,

nuxvomica healing wound.
Fam: loganiaceae

Harida ( T ) Terminalia Seed Rs. 80 per Trifala, wound ulcer,

Chebula K leprosy, inflammation,
Fam: Powder Cough.
Bahada (T) TerminaliaBelleric Seed, Bark Fruit - Rs Cough, Insomnia,
a 20/k Dropsy, Vomiting,
Fam:comretaceae Powder- Rs Ulcer, Trifala.
Gokhur ( H ) Tribulus Terrestris Whole Plant Plant-Rs Sweet cooling,
CrawlingPuncture Fam: 10/K Aphrodisiac,
Vine/1 yr Lygophyllaceae Fruit -Rs appetizer, Digestive,
15/k Urinary.
Neem ( T ) Azardirchata - Rhizome Rs 45/k Sdedative, analgesic,
indica epilepsy,
Fam : Mahaceae hypertensive.

Anantamool/sariva ( S ) Hemibi smus Root/ Leaf Rs 45/k Appetiser,

Indian Sarap sarilla Indicus root Carminative,
Fam: Rs aphrodisiac,
Asclepiadaceae 90/kPowde Astringent.
Bach ( H ) Acorus Calamus Rhizome Rs 45/K Sdedative, analgesic,
Sweet Flag/1 yr Fam : araceae tpilepsy, hypertensive.

Vasa ( S ) Adhatoda vesica Whole Plant Leaf - Rs Antispasmodic,

Fam : 25/ k respiratory, Stimulant.
Nageswar ( T ) Nag Mesua Ferrea Bark, Leaf, Flower - Asthma, Skin,
Champa Fam : Guttiferae Flower Rs 120/k Burning, Vomiting,
Powder Rs Dysentry, Piles.
Benachar ( S ) Vetiveria Root Flower - Hyperdisia, Burning,
Khus/khus Ziziinoides Rs 120/k ulcer, Skin, Vomiting.
Fam : Toaceae / Powder Rs
Graminae 175/k
Mandukparni ( H ) Centella asiatica Whole plant - Antiinflamatory,
Indianpennywort Fam : Jundice, Diuretic,
Umdelliferae Diarrhoea.

Kaincha/CreeperBaidank Mucuna Truriens Root, Hair, - Nervous, Disorder,

a Fam : Fabaceae Seed, Leaf Constipation,
Strangury, Dropsy.
Dalchini Cinnamomum Bark, Oil - Bronchitis, Asthma,
Perenial Shrub Zeylanicum Cardiac, Disorder,
Fam : Lauraceae Fever.

Kurai ( S ) Holorheena Bark, Seed - Scabies, Antipyretic,

antidysentrica Amoibic dysentery.
Kantakari / Solanum Whole - Diuretic,
AkrantiPerennial ( H ) Xanthocarpum Plant, Fruit, Antiinflamatory,
Fam : Solanaceae Seed Appetiser, Stomachic.

Biren Shah (pharmacognosy and phytochemistery)
Pharmacognosy introduction by MS KOLHE ROHINI

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