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‫اﻟدﻳﻣﻘراطﻳﺔ اﻟﺷﻌﺑﻳﻳﺔ‬

‫ر‬ ‫اﻟﺟزاﺋرﻳﺔ‬
‫ﺟﻣﻬورﻳﺔ ز‬
‫اﻟدﻳوان اﻟوطﻧﻲ ﻟﻠﻠﺗﻌﻠﻳم و اﻟﺗﻛووﻳن ﻋن ﺑﻌد‬ ‫و ازارة اﻟﺗرﺑﻳﺔ اﻟووطﻧﻳﺔ‬
2022 - 2021
1 : ‫اﻟﺳﻧﺔ اﻟدراﺳﻳﺔ‬ 01: ‫ﻓرض اﻟﻣراﻗﺑﺔ اﻟذاﺗﻳﺔ رﻗم‬
0 : ‫ﺻﻔﺣﺎت‬
02 ‫ﻋدد اﻟﺻ‬ ‫ﺔ‬
‫إﻧﺟﻠﻳزﻳﺔ‬ :‫اﻟﻣﺎﺎدة‬ ‫ آداب و ﻓﻠﺳﻔﺔ‬: ‫ﺷﻌﺑﺔ‬
‫اﻟﺷ‬ ‫ ﺛﺛﺎﻧوي‬2 : ‫اﻟﻣﻣﺳﺗوى‬
‫ أﺳﺗﺎذ اﻟﺗﻌﻠﻳم اﻟﺛﺎﻧو‬/ ‫ ﺟزار ررﻓﻳق‬: ‫ﻋداد‬

A) Comprrehension
A n
Read the teext then do
d the folloowing actiivities.
World Foood Proggramme (W
W WFP) is the worrld’s largeest humaanitarian organizati
o ion
adddressing hunger
h annd promotting food security.
s In
I 2019, thhe WFP pprovided assistance
a to
1000 millionn people inn 88 counntries whoo are victim
ms of foood insecuriity and hu
unger. It has
alsso launchhed differeent projeccts in Afriica and Asia,
A to ennd up fam
mine and its dramaatic
Noowadays, the needd for Inteernational solidarity y and muultilateral cooperatiion is moore
obbvious thaan ever beefore. Thaat’s why, the Nobell Peace Prrize Comm mittee hass decided to
atttribute thee 2020’s award to the WFP P for its effort to combat hhunger an nd better the
f peace in the coonflict-afffected areaas. The coommittee has also emphasizzed
coonditions for
prroviding assistance
a to increasse food security nott only prevvents hunger, but can also heelp
to improve prospects
p for stabiliity and peace.
1 Are thee following statemeents true or
1) o false? Write
W T or
o F next to the lettter
correspponding too the stateement.
a) WFP is an inteernational organizatiion.
b) The purpose
p off this orgaanization is
i to stop wars.
c) In 2019, WFP won w the Nobel
N Peacce Prize.
2 Read th
2) he text annd put thee followingg ideas in n the order theyapppear in thhe text.
c help inn the estabblishment of peace.
a) Foodd security can
b) WFP P was grannted the Noobel Peacee Prize.
c) Faminne has gott heavy efffects.
3 Answerr the folloowing queestions acccording to
3) o the textt.
a) Whatt does the abbreviation WFP stands forr?
b) Whatt’s the purrpose of thhis organizzation?
c) Why did the orrganizationn deserve the Nobell Peace Prrize?
4 Who orr what do the undeerlined woords referr to in thee text?
a) whoo (§1) b))its (§2)
5 Copy th
5) he title yoou think iss the most approprriate.
a) WFP: its tasks and purpooses.
b) The Role
R of WFP W in the Spread off Peace.
c) WFP: Nobel Peeace Prizee winner.

B)) Text Exp plorationn.
1)Find in the text words
w or phrases
p th
hat are cllosest in meaning
m tothe follo
a) safetyy(§1) = b) to give (§2) = c) help (§2) =
2)Divide t follow
the wing wordds into rooots and afffixes.
W Prefix Root Suffix
33)Rewritee sentencee B so thatt it meanss the same as senteence A.
1) A) In 2019,
2 WFP manageed to help more than n 100 milllion peoplle.
B) In 2019,
2 WFFP ………………… …………… …………… …………… ……….
2) A) Inteernationall food secuurity is im
mportant. That’s
T whyy, WFP waas given th
he prize.
B) Beccause …… …………… …………… …………… …………………… ……….
4)Ask queestions whhich the underlined
u d words answer.
a) Manddela was given
g a Noobel Peacee Prize forr his effortts to end racism.
b) Manddela was born
b in Soouth Africaa.
5)Classifyy the follow wing worrds accord ding to th
he numberr of the syyllables.
Solidarrity - impprove - stability - peace
O syllablle
One Twoo syllables Three syyllables an
nd more


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