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How Binance smart chain is different from Ethereum?

hyperref the ethereum and also the speed of BST transactions is high.
Abstract— 18094198-032 Adnan Abbas BSSE-18(A)
"Link: 1
Binance Smart Chain and Ethereum: Link: 2
Binance Smart Chain is a blockchain developed by Binance Link: 3
and parallel to binance chain (Decentralized exchange) as Link: 4
it introduces smart contracts as in the previous binance Link: 5
didn’t include smart contracts . In contrast, Ethereum is a Link: 6
decentralized platform, and similar to BSC, it also contains Link: 7
smart contracts, and because of decentralization, there is Link: 8
no trust issue [7]. Here the first major difference comes Link: 9
which, BST is centralized mean it handles by a centralized Link: 10
authority and Ethereum is decentralized mean there is no
trust issue. Ethereum uses a proof-of-work algorithm. An
algorithm that validates the transaction and creates blocks in
blockchain[6][9]. Different miners all over the world work to
create a valid block, and the miner who creates the block first,
rewarded with a coin (Bitcoin, Ethereum). But it requires
much computing capability for computing the algorithm and
a lot of time, and that’s the reason ethereum requires a
high transaction fee. Here Binance Smart Chain comes to
overcome these problems. Binance Smart Chain uses "Proof
of Stake Authority", in which there is a group of 21 validators
who validate the block in the chain and provide short block
time and also low prices compared with Ethereum[2][5]. The
selection of these validators is based on how much BNB
(Binance Coin) each validator hold and votes by delegators.
The delegator is the person who holds the binance coin. The
delegators require a minimum of 1 BNB to vote a validator,
and the validator needs 10000 BNB to become a validator.
This requirement is because validators can have access to
handle the system if he/she affects the system, then they have
fear of losing his/their money and because of this privacy
of the system is also ensured. After becoming a validator,
their responsibility to provide the block and get BNB as a
reward. About thousands of validators participate daily to
become validators, and only 21 selected after voting, and
these validators then change after every 24 hours[5][6][8].
The main focus of BST is to provide high transactions
comparing with ethereum and also require low fees, but there
is a problem as BST is centralized compared to ethereum.
Because of the centralization, trust issue arises as there are
chances of the attacker, hackers, etc. Also, the block duration
of both platforms is not similar as BST duration is three and
ethereum time is 13. Comparing the block duration of both
BST and Ethereum, BST duration is relatively low compare
to ethereum, which means BST has more active transaction
time [4][10][9]. BST transaction fee comparatively low from

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