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Name : Nurul Adela

Class : TBI 5
NIM : 0304202141/ SEM 3

Shoes are footwear items that are intended to protect and
comfort the human foot. Shoes are also used as decorations
and fashion items. Shoe designs have varied greatly over time
and from culture to culture, with form initially linked to
function. Although the human foot can adapt to a variety of
terrain and climatic conditions, it remains vulnerable to
environmental hazards such as sharp rocks and temperature
extremes, which shoes protect against. Some shoes are worn
as safety equipment, such as steel boots which are mandatory
footwear in industrial workplaces.
I love shoes for their attractive colors and varied styles, as
well as shoes that protect our feet from the sun and protect us
from all the stripes, and continue to be combined with casual
or glamorous styles. I think when I wear shoes that are more
stylist and more attractive, my feet are also more protected
from anything, wherever I go I am more comfortable when
wearing shoes, for example when traveling far, in cold places,
I like it so much with shoes I have several shoes at once for
supplies during offline college so you won't be confused when
you don't have shoes, that's my favorite item.

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