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PaO Ra aeRO Re ae curled on up into the darkness, faint glints of light in the distance betraying the presence of TER a eR DLR Cae een LN or plastic, or solidified agony, crazed outlines of various beings burnt into it. If you looked care- ORNL aR Ce ee LR CTL MO ee RL an red Cae a “It's inconvenient, of course. suppose that’s part of the fun, though. don't think either of us OT ae AOE AO en oem aC ae a CO cee ea Ce La AERTS RRC ORNL eR RRL aa Regen Ce ero SNR eR a ae RL ee RRO OTR OL KARO Ce a CO OL ‘fury and loathing, face towards the distant skies."DO YOU HEAR ME? YOU'RE AN ARSEHOLE! 1 ea a RO eID aOR Re Gone as quickly as it appeared, the rage lifted, and he sank back to the floor, aggression evapo- ra The girl sighed to herself; and waited patiently, He sprung up again almost at once, looking mis- One ara OTL RCL RO OR OE TL ae en ORO OL ac His face contorted, mouth drawn back in a snarl, a wild gleam in bis eye. She knew the expres- sion, and was already getting up before be growled “Go. Spikes punched through bis chest, blood FEL RL a RAE See ace she even got to the tunnel. Bright, white light erupted behind ber, a sickly arc-light glare, but by the time it reached her, she Ee He a ee a A Sourcebook for SLA Industries Dea te Us Peg beet PTS RECOM SOS ST SU SMC Re la PCT mL Te RO PRT MTU MCT g Re UTR SS Rob Wood ‘The Game’ by John Dodd ee Es] Se EB ORC BCE Ee PES ME mG mc) PPE CMC Oa AEM RS eto PR Cec) EL POTN Ty ‘Nightfall Games Lad are Dave Allsop, Tim Dedopulos and Jared Earle Published by Hogshead Publishing Led under license from Nightfall Games Led. Requires the SLA Industries main rulebook for play. ‘This book contains system parches and upgrades to SLA 1.2, Please closeall other books before opening this version. Nightill Games denies most responsbility foros of characters due vo upgrading to Contract Directory ‘The Contract Directory was produced on an Apple Macintosh GA using Quark XPres, Adabe Photoshop and Adobe Acrobat, all under Mac (OSX and Mac OS 9.1, Hardoore tool fora hardcore task. Respect. Special Fanks go to Unkie James Walis, Unkie Chaz Elliotc and Aunkie Karen MacNeil for helping to make sure chat everything happened more of less ait was supposed to, and forall the encouragement and support to everyone on Station Analysis, the SLA mailing ist, For keeping us goings to Anita, Chris, Dave, Ed, Glenn, James, Joho, Jon, Liam, Mark, Max, Rob, Sam, The Other Sam and Sue for helping make this book as good as itis to Chippy, just because to everyone at SLAcon 2001 fora wonderful time, including Glenn Berry, Max Bantleman, Sam Pay and Mark Booth for organising it, Dave and Anita Crowhurst and Sue Wilson for proving so much good food, and — especially ~ Megan Leggo for travelling right around the word o be thee; to James Earle and Joshua Glass for coming into the world during production of this book; to Tan Sturrock and Carol Johnson for being crucial behind the scenes; to Sree Eves forthe orignal Campbelltown; ‘0 John Sullivan, Jlian Snape, David Southwell, Angus Abranson, Roland Halland all on crypr@ darkwave for being co! inthe fice of «xtreme danger; to Scot, Flot and Vie for not having murdered Jared yet to Ken Clife at White Wolf (and also Adam Tinworth and Lucien Soulban) for not having murdered Tim yet o Robin ‘the wheeze’ Laws Fr services to Gamerkind; and to Anne, Freddy, Jimbly, Morton, Stuart, Roy, Pookie & Mare, Simon, Mark, Sasha & Jon, Shona, Pete Adkison and Alice, for services rendered; but, most important of all, to Victoria Brathwaite and Helly Simpson, without whose love and understanding none of this would have ever been possible. Legal Stuff The Contract Directory (stock code HP504, ISBN see reat cover) is a supplement to SLA Industics, Nightfall Games Lads roleplaying game of fururisic urban horror, published by Hogshead Publishing Led. This game i recommended fr mature gamers ony. Don think it el — is only a game. Ther is no Spork. The views portrayed inthis game do not necessarily correspond tothe views of Nightfill Games Limited or Hogshead Publishing Limited. The stories, characters, places and incidents inthis publication are all eniely ficticous. ll concepts, characters, text and intellectual properties are copyright 2001 Nightfall Games Limited. Allimages are copyright ‘original aris, withthe exception of those rendered by Stuart Bel, which are copyright 2001 Nightfall Games Limited. Any unauthorized se of copyrighted material isillgl. SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL GAMES SHOP, ‘Why not join the SLA mailing list? Send a blank email to Nigheall Games Limited Hioghead Publishing Limited” 3941 Essex Road 18-20 Bromels Road Basingcoke, Hans, RG21 7TB London SW4 0BG United Kingdom United Kingdom ‘mail: «mail: bp: www nightfall. Ip fwwchogshead Life as a Killer The Media Spotlight Killers in the Circuit Killers on the Rampage Killers on a Mission “The Game” - part one Support Networks The Directory “The Game” - part two Reputations Behind the Scenes Tactical Considerations “The Game” - part three Systemworks Killers in Play Sheets Index (no, really!) LIFE AS A KILLER “You want my advice? You plan ahead, set some goals. Say where you want to be by when and then write down how you're going to get there. You don't have to fight everyone who challenges you, you dont have to risk your life tying to rush it. Keep training, keep working on your appearance, believe in yourself. Dont waste time on beating yourself up if you lose a fight, just get on with it. Most important of all, find a good Agent before you sign more than a year of your life away with anyone. Ruttan’s a pro and he only takes the best-me. Johnny Automatic interviewed on oa Global by Jaspar HE CONTRACT KILLER LIFESTYLE The greatest superstars in the World of Progress. Corporate hores. Mindless murderers set loose on each other as damage limitation. Cloak Divisions sanctioned asassins. Fools looking fora quic ews on Contac Killers vary widely, Pychologclly exempt from normal dutcs, they are channeled ino the Contract Circuit, where their unique derangements can be put to bes use. Whether a Killer is locked in life-and-death bate, promoting her sponsors goods, racking down wanted criminal as part of a Hunter Sheet, giving an interview or hing the party if, she’ con view for her adoring public 247 Excep, of course, for the times that arent filmed. The secret missions that hr sponsors demand. The assignments that SLA passes down on the quiet. The various bts of work’ deemed. dirty, dangerous ot violent o be passed out Shivers, Life - and death -on che Contract iit isnt al i scratched up tobe VIEWS ON THE CONTRACT C1 “My earliest dream was to walk the hall ofthe 4s a Killer. Tobe a hero and to standalone amongst the strongest and most vicious warriors in the World of Progress. It was my destiny. Ie is the path I walk” Diceman talks to the children during a Circulation Channel interview, SD903. “Well, this afternoon, afer my taining, I'l be posing for Hannibal Leisurewear, then showing the cameras how comfortable Boingaloing Jogging Shoes have become since the latest innovations, then Gargantua Games ae buying me dinner think they want ro make a computer game about me, dunno if that’ good for my image, those games go out of fashion so damn LIFE AS A KILLER fast Late Ibe a the Pitto dance the night away, so ifyou want Some photos, you can ger them then. Til have my choice of own Fabrics(tm) costumes, sot should be a good show. ‘Tomorrow? No, omorrow I'm opening anew funfir off planet Maybe next week-ask my Agent.” ‘Top Notch on the phone to an Uptown Circuit fight booker, D904, “One day I was walking along, minding my own business, thinking about whether to ight Pig Man ot not, when all of sudden this bullet rps into me. The nex thing I know, Im in an LAD bed and a month has gone by. Ill you, ie was abit ofa shock. never noticed the Pigs target mark onthe pavement. ‘Youve gotta be careful, believe me. Covert games area bitch.” ‘The Funser giving a lecture to Meny University hopeful “Our SCL doesnt mean shi any more. There are fines for learning anything. We cant query a direc order without risking execution, You realise that they've stiched us up, dont you mat? On top ofall that, they wont even tell us how many people wee facing on this litle Operation’. tied to get some 3ird Eye archive record on this Fir’ thing, but Ica even get into the Soft Company briefing notes any more. We'e well and truly fucked.” ‘ind ye voice recording of The Raven (deceased) in conversation with Camage, 9045D. Not for broadeas. THE APPLE "The fame, the riches, the flash car and the milions of fansis ‘everything I ever wanted and it’s just geting beter and beter. Believe me kids, if you want ro live dangerous if you want 0 walk onthe edge, you pickup your Mum and Dad’ kitchen knives and start practising right now Slice ‘em and dice em!” iceman als tothe children during a Circulation Channel interview, SD903. ‘What you want todo with your life depends on your cf confidence and vision. For those with plenty ofboth, the most 6 tempting dream is surely tobe a top Contract Killer. Standing alone in the ring agains the likes of Deity and Video Nasy, Bilins of fans showering you with honours and adoration, millions of creds pouring into your account. Thousands of other Killers bow at your fet, andthe World of Progress resound with your name. You ara hero, you have made it the top. Congratulations ‘The money canbe excellent, but for many Contract Killers, the ‘money is no as important a the fame. The World of Progress consis of many billions of vid screens. large proportion of these ae switched tothe Contract Circuit, where the mighty champions defeat all-comers in the arenas and the blood flows free. Huge audiences watch lve fights beeween infamous warrior Some of thes are gladiatrial arena contests in which excitement levels reach fever pitch and even some ofthe ive audience might take part. Others feature the sudden, unexpected violence of the street Circuit where any part of Downtown might suddenly become a battle zone. A few are covert games, where one Kile is unwittingly stalked by another. Sill more contests take place at special venues across the World of Progress, in specially prepared vid event ike Gorezone, ora impromptu venues. Wherever the their appreciation from action takes place, millions of fans screa audience enclosures, gambling shops and stretside viewpoints. Billions more watch through the vid sereens, choosing thei favourite fights, seeing the edited highlights lace and then going ‘ut and buying the t-shirts, cuddly toys, posters and other doobries. The Word of Progress is hooked to the Contract Circuit and is popularity can only increase as the variety of tournaments expands and the numberof Killers grows. Third Eye News careflly monicrs the ation and concentrates its attention on the most exciting contests. You dont have to be famous to appear on the vids, but you have to beable to show the crowed that you're something special, someone unique. You have to all yourself to make them remember you. Without that special something, it doesnt matter how good at breaking someone's limbs you are, or how talented with achainaxe Tobe noticed, you have to have style. The Bookies and the Agents want someone who is going to attract the big sponsorship deals and who i going to look good in front ofa camera. Ifyou havent got what i takes, yould beter stay out ofthe big league. ‘THE REALITY Everyone wants tobe Killer. The freedom and power of «exemption, the lure of easy money and instant fame, the glamour and style, surely it isthe greatest ching in the word to have those things? Nor quite You canbe killed, at any time, by any of your peers, and never will thee be a reason fori other than the public demanded it. All thos faceless mases, deciding your fae atthe hands ofthe person wearing the lst face youl ever se. LIFE AS A KILLER Tes the way ofthe game. You have no allies inthe Circuit. You have no frends. Well, you might have frends, but chat just makes it worse, because you'd better bloody well keep them quiet, or you can guarante that the fiend wil be the one paid to puc the bullet Jn your back - tragedy like that sells almost as well a sex - and there arent many of them who could refuse to do the deed. Ie isa vicious fact of life chat the world of the Contract Killer isa solitary one. ‘There is no space for anything exept number one - no family, no people close to you, nothing. In this busines, chey'e just a lability, a weakness, anything chat you care about is jus leverage, another vulnerability to be used and abused. You can afford that. You can never afford that. Because you ned to survive to climb the adder to the top. and to make sure that there isnt anything to drag you down, Out on the street, there are few rules, but los of opportunities You could have to fight at any ime. You might get a moment or two 0 reach for your sword and indulge in ide dramatic banter, but chen agin you may not even know an aac is coming. In che arenas and special venus, the greatest Killers in the World of Progress are in your backyard, all of them willing and abl Kill you if someone tells them to. Everyone starts out onthe street, and if youte good enough, youll be noticed - or youll make someone notice you. When that happens if that happens - youl be placed on the main Circuit. IFyou can make it there, set your Foot on the next rung ofthe ladder, your path is et for life, and youll be master of your own destiny. Now, do you realy belive tha? Do you think that after all hat struggle, ll har death youve seen and deal, youl be che ‘one making the decisions? Wrong again All Killers have two things that they must obey - their Sponsors, and SLA Industries. If sponsor sas jump, you say how high. IF SLA says jump, you make damn sure you know how fa to go without asking. Refusal in either cas will end your career - and your heartbeat - very quickly Now, how does that power feel? Are you enjoying it yee? Your Sponsors have is of things for you todo fom day one. NNotall of them wil be glamorous, and very few are likely to be pleasant, You go where they tell you, when they tell you. You kill what they point at. You take a dive when you'e told to, You do all this for the princely sum of afew hundred credits a week - oh, and some fre or discounted stock, if you're lucky. Sure, the day wll come when youre a big name onthe Circuit, ‘but even then there are always other big names to... nd SLA made them al. ll break you if you get balky, no matter how many billions of teenagers daydream about you. Atthe end ofthe day, Operatives stil have higher clearance than you, and as much as you lke to off them, it against the rls You see, theres not as much gle as you saw onthe TY. eal ‘washes off, with the blood, inthe rain. Welcome tothe real ‘world, the World of Progres. The world ofthe Contract Killer. Ie doesn get any beer than this Contract Killers are mad. That’ not meant figurative The frst requirement for entering the Contract Circuit sa Pyychological Examination and Evaluation Exemption Certificate from the Department of Psychology and Psychosis Interviews can be arranged by ditec application, or from any sponsoring Department within SLA Industries that has lose connections withthe potential Contract Kill. The good doctors athe Bethichem Insitute only test company employees though, so you need 10 be working for SLA - and you need to have atleast some skil in combat. “We dont need to test him. We know he’ whacked! Anyone who wants to bea CK has to have something seriously wrong with them. No, realy, I mean they have to. Comforting is ie” De. Wolfgang Wierman, SCL 7A, Consulting Physician, Department of Psychology and Pychosis, on Glenn ‘Carnage Ben. The program started as away of finding useful work for employees - particularly Ops driven mad by the steses ofthe job. All cha taining was far too expensive to waste. Ops psychologically casifid as Killers’ were exempred from BPNs, locked out ofthe company’s data archives, and set ro work on bigh-violence misions. Fights regularly broke out berween cnemies, and made headline news. Particularly violent Killers became notorious, and the media machine took over. Companies agred to issue contract sponsorships ro Killers, andthe modern ‘Contract Killer was born. That doesnt mean that the old serucrures have vanished. They're hidden by the media, not discussed ouside ofthe business, but thee stil there. (Once you have your alhimportant exemption certificate, you have to get yourself an agent or specials financier. Unless you'e already famous, youl be tenon by one of the sanctioned ‘New “Talen’ agencies, who will arrange alow-end sponsorship dea for you, bur it a sat. You can move on up as your reputation grows and your agen sels your contrat to someone beter placed to exploit you Then i off to Third Bye. Here your SCL restriction is putin place - SLA reason that because you are dangerously mentally il, you are noe trustworthy - and your SCL is reduced to 11 for access to information You will be fited with a subcutaneous Telemetry Device (known as ‘racket, allowing Third Eye to get a fi on you anywhere on Mor. The tracker is an essential tool of the trade, allowing Third Eye ro trace you wth any of their remote cameras of mobile camera teams, as wells ge a general LIFE AS A KILLER readout of most of your vil signs. Once its in place, you fre blood pays a whole lot les than fighting othe death one on one ‘o ta life onthe Cireuit by obeying your sponsor's every whim. against a superior Kill. All the details are handled by your agent soi youre a new nobody, yout unlikely to get onto many shows, “This tracker is your if ine. Take it off and you dont exis. Remember this is important. It int on camera, it hasn't happened. Thats Hunter Shets to, ‘less you get ahead. Think abou that. Youll ned to make that work for you rather than aginst you. Hey! You listening?” Ramirer ‘Ginger’ Ramone, Third Eye Technician, ficng a tracker toa newly signed Contract Killer WORKING THE SYSTEM The Street Ciruit is open to all - well, anyone able to wander around Downcown looking fr other Killers o attack, anyway and you gt pad an appearance fe any time you fight out cher, so ts good way to get stared Your Sponsors wll have plenty for you to do as well. They range promotional events fo you, pressing the flesh of fan and The Circuit provides unique demands, restrictions and opportunities. Many Contract Killers, find themselves feling ike outsiders fom the rest ofthe company. The pressures are different 10 those ofthe eye of Crib- BPN relax. Learning to work che system isthe mark of areal pro. Kling is eas. Living the life harder Killers are casted as being within the SCL system fr chain of command purposes only. SCL awards ae ard o come by onthe Circuit, and mean es against the tapestry of viii syle sponsorship and reputation that get you moving up the ladder. Contract Killers do not concer themselves with digging the dirt. They know better than any that information on anced to know basis means they dont need ro know. SLA further reinforces this through Knowledge Fines, making sure that Kills do not put their noses where they'e not wanted. Any Killer accidentally ot intentionally leaning pice of dasified information is automatically fined according to the SCL restriction of the saterial-100e at SCLIO, and doubling with each increase from 200 at SCL to 51,200¢ at SCLI.Complex or lengthy material ‘may count as more than one ‘piece’ of information, too. “Look, asshole, I don' know and I dont want to know. You can keep itt yourself or you can ak to my Chainxe You dig?” Frosty, Contract Killer, to Operative Squad Buglam (on a Red BPN in the same Mal as Frosty’sdollsgning sesion) Instead of BPN, Contact Killers can do useful work between Circuit appearances by filling Hunter Sheets. These detail potential targets to be tracked down and eliminated -argets either too dangerous, t0 visible oF to teva to be worth issuing 4 Grey BPN for. Each Hunter Sheet has a value, which s paid when someone fil them by providing proof tha che target has been eradicated. The value varies wildly according to the difficulty ‘ofthe assignment and how badly the sponsor wants the target dead. Hunter Shets are publicly declared and le open until filled, soi not unknown fr several diffrent Killers to all go afer the same target Pol SaevEoriad (Credits are mainly earned through Circuit Games though, Payment increases as your reputation grows, and is keyed to the game you get involved in, A tame 20-way arena fight co fist LIFE AS A KILLER ‘employees, pushing the merchandise, woking the ‘celebrity fringe’ ofthe Circuit. They'l abo send you off to do their dirty work, but that’s another mate. Your forced grin on a schoo vist boost their ratings, gets you noticed, and can lead to better match-ups in the games and better sponsors. lot of Contract Killers hate the PR more than the iling, but it’ not opsional. ‘REPUTATIONS Bookie, Agents and Talent Scouts ar all ooking for that indefinabe ‘special quality’ which sparkles around certain people. “They also keep a wise eye on every Killer’ progress, with each fight won or lst becoming 3 new factor to work into your overall stats, [Afra while the pundits might sare comparing you with a beter class of Killer. Youll find yourself going up against contenders, who previously would have kicked your as, but you now fel ready for. 1s along, hard slog for mos Kills, but those who survive achiev nigh-on godlike status. A miserable litle Downtown nobody would never even dream of facing Mr ‘Consequence or Top Notch, s they know that these mighty heroes would take chem out with no more effort chan that used to raise a scornful eyebrow. Ii alla mater of saus and of reputation - if people know you tip arms out of sockets whenever you enter the ring, they get the message: ‘avoid they know you've lost your last ten fights they think “ip for shayghte”. Your Reputation, or Rep, isa measure your aura of power, public support and abil Your Rep is your most important posession on the Circuit. I reflects your ranking on the Circuit’ ladders, increases the amount you car for appearances, makes new sponsors and agents available, inflates your ai-ime, and makes life better all round. Ie also greatly awes lest Killers -any Killer fighting someone with higher Rep is going to be ata great disadvantage. As an oficial ranking, Rep starts out at rock bottom - rank I - and is won and lose through the bouts you fight and the challenges you accept and itas to be maintained. IF you stop fighting and working out, youl vanish into obscurity quicker than last weeks new tends, “You see them quiver in their boos when they realise youre not bothered that theyve got swords and chainaxes and youre unarmed. They thoughe they be OK beforehand, but get them inthe Hunt and they tart to crumble, Sometimes I wait for them to come to™me, but most ofthe time [take them out one-by-one, leche others sweat abit before rip their throas out with my teeth, make funny shapes with their intemal organs and then photograph my artwork, [Giggle] I just cai seem co help myself” Kansa, interviewed on Circuit: Global. THE MEDIA SPOTLIGHT SL ce eo so eet fe eae ea a eee ed ere There's no way around it~ you need tobe sponsored to become a Contract Killer, and you will be followed by Third Eye no matter what yout doing ot where you go. Most Kills make the bread and butter of thei living fom sponsorship deals, so they are extremely important. cuit ight appearance fes are paid by a Killers sponsors, to. Between the corporat attention and the ubiquitous camera drones or crews, many Killer come to f stifled by the lifestyle they lead, Is one of the prices of fame and fortune. SPONSORSHIP There are many advantages to being sponsored. The stand most obvious one is money. You sponsor wil pay you evry month to wear thei logo, and represent them in any way they see it. Once che contracts ae signed, you have “od you the corporate devil”. Te sponsor gains exclusive rights to use the Killer in any way the company set fi for up to 30 hours a week (or 10 hours week for partial sponsorship deal), The contract, also guarantees the right ofthe sponsor to arrange promotional events and pubic appearances without prior consultation or notice. Killers refusing to obey a sponsor ate deemed tecalirant psychopaths and given a waring; a subsequent complaine merits immediate execution a threat ro public say The money pad to sponsored Killers has risen over the past year, presenting how much company image iat take ~ and in SLA Industries image i everything. The monetary value of sponsorship varies from company to company, with the larger companies and Department ofering higher rates. Mont! payments are made onthe frst ofthe month, and appearance bonuses ae paid into the Killers accoune afer each broadcast fightin which he participated. The bonus may be doubled if in the Sponsor's opinion, the Killer dd particularly well. The values THE MEDIA ‘blow are for sole sponsorship after the agency has taken its cut, and assumes that the Killer only wears that companys logos: Trample Company Montily Appearance Payment Bonus Sect ‘Als Taxis, Coffin Cigaretes, I-Logc, Ietrong Beer Weird Alien Sufware, Fifi Laybelle,Danline Security Tabitha Zu, Spatula Empire, P Bond’ Happy Mags, Fling Jelly ‘ArtackConfecionery The Spooky Tomato axa Company, Beel Beer. Set 2 [ArduceSigerson, Heyau Track Optis, CAF Pour le Grand Homme, Manta Security UY, Servtude, Media lah Blah, Bad Exposure, Massacre, Glow Good, Rush, Boopa, The Personal Interest Company. The ETimes, HOMES Set 3 ‘Third Eye News SIC, Kilzone, Slaughterhouse 500 Six. The Schedule, Gorezone, Alien Sex Channel Set 4 FEN, Bereny Light Arms, Power Projects, GASH, Mac. Set S Karma, Dark Lament, Cloak Division, Department of Extermination, Department cf vestigation. OTHER ADVANTAGES Material goods and other benefits ae also available from sponsors ‘These depend on the sponsoring company; the bigger the name, the better the deal A the same time of course, would-be walking signposts should remember that the higher the set sponsor belongs to, the more dangerous, sordid, demeaning or unpleasant the assigned duties are going tobe. ‘Sex (Kins ar Rep 1-3 ‘The companies in StI are che smallest, least important sponsors. ‘They provide like most other companies, ce supplies ofthe product chy deal with. For example, Coffin Cigaretes provide an unlimited supply of cigaretes, whereas Als Taxis give a 60% discount om ll fires. Free subscriptions and promotional items (clothing accesories et) are provided where appropriate. Ser2 (Kurs ar Rev 4-5 The Set .companies work long similar lines to Set 1. These supply merchandise, promotional material and items to the Killer they have sponsored. The material tends ro bea litle beter however, and the samples are provided in greater quanti Voce We 80 750150 4000 200 Media companies dominate Set 3. They will provide the Killer with as much ait-time as they can spare, but only when the Killer ll SPOTLIGHT will make the company look good. They also have a habit of arranging ‘set-up shoots. The Killer is told that they must show ‘up ata certain place and ‘look good. These canbe anything from GoreZone attendance to huge Carrien hunts. These companies are known o put Kills lives onthe line for afew seconds of good footage. LERS AT ‘These are the arms and armour manufacturers of Mort. Set 4 companies will make sure that ther “Agent in the iis provided with examples of what the company produces. Sometimes, the Killer may even become a tester for protorype equipment. These ‘companies become more generous with their ‘incentives when Killers show that they are worthy of them. The more good coverage that an Killer gets a company, the higher the benefits For example, Power Project might give a suit of Heavy Exo Armour to an Killer start with, and then ‘build upto eventually giving them some Dogeybone. The beter the Killer makes the company look, the better the benefits wil get. ‘Ser (Kuuers ar Rep 10) ‘Companies from Set 5 are the largest sponsors available. These are the larger departments of SLA Industries itsel Karma offers cheap LAD and enhancement, and other benefits to be negotiable; Dark Lament commonly pases over afl st of basic Ebb equipment, with Flux Gems given out as rewards for good ‘behaviour. Other departments, such as Cloak, have less tangible ‘benefits. In all cases, St 5 companies will be well-dsposed to Killers tha they sponsor. Tue Loco (Ofcourse al ths means the killer mus advertise thei ponsor. Every square inch ofa popular killers valuable advertising space, and the sponsors pay to ge their image on prime time television. Logos are normally placed on the shoulders, the toro (Front or buck, the head he groin, both arms or both es. killer may be offered ether whole body or partial sponsorship ~ new Killers are traditionally granted just Front Toso sponsorship from one Set 1 company. Everything else has to be cart by being impresive. ‘Awhole body sponsorship means killer exclusively has one company’ logos on every location (ora design where their entire body is one big logo) this is worth the fll value ofa sponsorship deal, A killer fully sponsored by a single company is now out of the independent club, and will always be seen asthe sell-out, corporat, lap-dog whore that they are. They have sod their sou, and as such their words are now tainted as ther values are coloured bythe dirty money they have excepted. But everyone has co make a living right? And the public doesn care because they love you. And you only have ro worry about one contrat you have signed. THE MEDIA SPOTLIGHT A partial sponsorship means a company only pays fr a single location. Depending on the body par, this is worth a percentage of the fll sponsorship dea Shoulders 15% Torso front 25% Torso back 20% Head 25% Groin 20% ‘cms 15% Legs 15% This ype of sponsorship is more popular with Killers that want to be seen as independent. They stil wan the cash, but dont want tobe seen asa specific company’s poster-boy. It is posible to generate more cash with multiple sponsorships, but every logo you slap on creates it’s own st of problems, and lumbers you with a new set of duties — a fully sponsored independent Killer may have to do 70 hours of sponsorship duties a week, as opposed to just 30 hours fora sole-sponsored Killer Sponsors also have

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