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The book that I would not recommend reading is called The Law of Attraction, it

was written by Camilo Cruz, it was written in 2007 I read it in a book of self-
improvement in which the reader is told that we can all attract into our life what we
constantly focus our thinking on, for which it is important to form a clear and
precise mental image of what we want, developing faith . and the conviction that
we will achieve it and to act decisively until we reach the goal, without letting
anything get in the way.

Although the author confronts and clarifies the myths and errors of the law of
attraction, clarifying that it is true and that it is fiction, concluding that each person
creates their reality, circumstances and quality of life with the thoughts that they
harbor in their mind.

The reader must be someone who interprets the concepts well since in addition to
mentalizing ourselves we must act and prepare to carry out the goals, and it is
impossible that only by mentalizing ourselves we will not find obstacles, what we
must do is know how to manage them to become strengths on the way to reach the
goal. I think that if people who do not like to act with facts in their life read this book
they will think that the easiest thing is to just get mental and stop being analytical
and proactive in their life

The book is not boring to read, only that we must interpret very well, knowing that
they are only tips to better manage our emotions. I read the book because I found
its title interesting and I like to read something different.

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