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For this evidence, you have to participate in the 

Wiki called "An elephant in a

thimble" in which you have to:

a. Write and describe a direct quotation.

b. Write the reported speech of the direct quotation.

c. Write the reason why you selected the quotation.

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Pope Francis
17 December 1936

a. “Consumerism has led us to become accustomed to the superfluous and the

daily waste of food, which we are sometimes no longer able to value correctly, as
its value goes far beyond mere economic parameters.”

This quotation was mentioned by Pope Francisco in one of his encyclicals, and
he wanted give us a message about care of the environment, because he thinks
that we have chance to do several acts to eliminate waste and the destruction of
food. He said “the verb “to cultivate” brings to mind the care that the farmer has
for his land so that it gives fruit and can be shared, but not waste and throw our
food damaging our land.

b. He said that Consumerism had led them to become accustomed to the

superfluous and the daily waste of food, which we were sometimes no longer
able to value correctly, as its value goes far beyond mere economic parameters.

c. I selected this quotation because I believe in these words, we must take care our
environment and to think about necessities other people, because the
advertisements show us diary new products and they create new necessities, but
we don’t value our family or other kind of things more important than money or
material things.

Good afternoon I sent my evidence about "An elephant in a thimble"

Kind regards,

Luz Elena

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