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English exam 3th corte

Name: MARÌA AGÈLICA PAÈZ date DECEMBER 7th of 2021 grade

1. Make a tag questions in present and a tag questions in past

Tag questions in present: Your sister eats vegetables, doesn’t she?

Tag questions in past: You didn’t work in Miami, did you?

2. Change the tag questions in past to tag questions present:

In Alaska, I saw a beautiful lake near the towm a good place for walking,
didn’t I?
In Alaska, I see a beautiful lake near the town a good place for walking,
don’t I?

Over there, I didn’t have lots of mountains for seeing, did I?

Over there, I don’t have lots of mountains for seeing, do I?

3. Complete the tag questions?

They choose very well their new thing for the home, don’t they?

4. Change the mistake in the tag questions

a. She wrote him many times from netherland, did she?

She wrote him many times from netherland, didn’t she?

b. The lesson was very good, wasn’t he?

The lesson was very good, wasn’t it?

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