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Why Prostitution should be Legal Example

‹Prostitution has been illegal since the early 1900's, studies have recently began and the results are concluding
that prostitution has more benefit than negatives. The reason that prostitution isn't legal, isn't necessarily a
morality reason, it is a potential health and safety hazard and is ultimately a fiscal responsibility. This is why it
should be legalized. Sex is a consensual act, a natural right and one's prerogative but if you charge for this act,
you're committing a crime? According to Webster Dictionary, the definition of prostitution is the act or practice of
engaging in promiscuous sexual relations especially for money. In the United States, this act is considered illegal
but should it? Nevada allows prostitution in licensed brothels but require routinely test for STDs, should other
states join? Because prostitution is a source of income, therefore prostitution should be legal in the United States
since the legalization would make sex workers healthier, prostitution is a victimless crime and because the
legalization would protect sex workers from heinous crimes.

‹Prostitution is something that has been around for hundreds of years, many women and men use this as a
source of income for their families and to survive in this world. Being that prostitution is illegal, men and women
are often forced to pursue their career in unsafe environments, with poor quality resources. If prostitution was
legalized, sex workers would be allowed to receive better health resources. According to an essay Legalization of
Prostitution, the legalization of prostitution will provide a safer environment for the people involved in the sex
transaction. The essay mentions that the majority of legalized brothels have mandated that every person that
works at the brothel be required to take blood test on the regular basis. (Ray,29) The obvious benefit of
functioning in this matter is that it keeps both the sex worker, the clientele and anyone else they may have sexual
intercourse with safe. The transmission of the HIV virus can be terminal and thus prevention is crucial. ‹

One of the biggest tragedies that is associated with prostitution is teenage sex trafficking. Many underage girls
and boys are harbored into the illegal sex trade every day, this is partially because there is no form of restriction
or restraint over prostitution in America. The use of regulations can actually lower the amount of victims
drastically because order brings control. The legalization of prostitution would come an age requirement of 18-21.
The licensing of prostitution would reduce the number of underage girls that are found on the market and would
also eliminate pimps.

In a New York Times article Should Prostitution Be a Crime? the personal story of Meg Munoz is followed as she
attends the annual West Coast conference of Amnesty International. In the article it is mentioned that ex workers
want the legalization of prostitution because they want to change how they are perceived and policed. The article
also states that sex workers are fighting the legal status quo. Social mores and also mainstream feminism, which
has typically focused on saving women from the sex trade rather than supporting sex workers who demand
greater rights. (Bazelon) There is a negative association with being a sex worker in this society. When tragedies
such as rape, murder and robbery happen to sex workers society doesn't empathize the same way because many
believe the sex worker put themselves in this position. In reality, because prostitution is illegal, many sex workers
have to work in unsafe environments. The legalization of prostitution will give sex workers the same labor rights
of all other professions, which can ultimately save their lives.

According to an article on, Why it's Time to Legalize Prostitution, it states that sex workers have
45 percent to 75 percent chance of experience violence at the workplace. (REISENWITZ)
The article also states that the there is a 32 percent to 55 percent likelihood that he or she were victims of
violence the previous year. Similar to the drug trade, most of the violence that is associated with sex work is
rooted around its illegibility. This is because violent people are more likely to prey on sex workers because they
almost certain that sex workers will not report them to the police. The fear of being harmed leads sex workers to
depend on pimps and madams for protection, yet this still leads to violence. Sex workers also face violence from
law enforcement, nearly 30 percent of sex workers reported police abuse in an Ireland study. It is estimated that
police actually abuse American sex workers more often than clients do.

In an article written by Seattle University School of Law on why prostitution should be legalized, it stated
prostitution is a valid form of labor and argues that prostitution is not inherently harmful to women. (Mathieson)
Women have the right to decide what they do with their body, also some deem prostitution as oppressive to
some but for others, it can be seen as lucrative and empowering. Women are often left to the mercy of
government in regards to what they can and cannot do with their bodies. This should be considered unjust and
unfair because it is not equality.

In conclusion, prostitution should be considered for legalization in the United States. Without the protection of
the state, sex workers are vulnerable to abuse, assault and robbery, not only from clients but also from law
enforcement. Also, women should have the right to decide what they want to do with their body and without the
support of the government, this is virtually impossible. Brothels have been proven to work effectively in Nevada,
this is because the environment is safe and workers are routinely tested for sexually transmitted diseases. The
legalization of prostitution protects sex workers from the vulnerabilities that they must currently face with the
illegibility of prostitution. To legalize prostitution is to protect the woman and her right to decide how she wants
to make income in this country. Because prostitution is a source of income, therefore prostitution should be legal
in the United States since the legalization would make sex workers healthier, prostitution is a victimless crime and
because the legalization would protect sex workers from heinous crimes.

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