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Many pipol noumi as the grait Alex, thanks to my gritness I

disaid to travel to Egypt.

¿What is a wizard duing jir?
MAGO: Yu nou thers tresher on a pyramid, and as a warning
don´t trust the misterius person
MYSTERIUS PERSON: Biwere at the wizard, he has biin who
desaivs evrywan to go for the tresher
GRAN ALEX: Look we faund the pyramid
Mago: HAHAHA you fell naw ail ityu
GRAN ALEX: I had razon the misterius person, the wizard
was bad, now aill stop yu
RUIDOS: paw paw auch
MAGO: You ar too wik
GRAN ALEX: taikthis wizard
MAGO: nooooooooooooooouu
GRAN ALEX: Yu won´t jurt eniwan els
MAGO: ahhhhhhhh
Gran ALEX: hirs the trisor. I maid it naw that ail meik with so
moch more ai nou, ail givit to the nidi

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