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Ea A 4) Vocabulary » Simiarities and differences Read and listen, Then listen again and repeat it We both Both of ‘at How are you alike? alike. We wear similar We look’ the same. We like the same kind of How are you different? Wwe | don't lookalike We wear). gi we (lore ookau Wellae | different clothes. Ike rockmusic.but { Pikes cl B Pair work Find three similarities and three diferences between you and your partner. Ona separate sheet of paper, ite six sentences describing the similarities and diiferences. Perera ad look alike, ke the same food like the same kinds of movies. sometimes wear the same clothes. like the same music Compare people Identify similarities and differences Listen to Lucile Kennedy talk about herself and her sister, Laura. Check the statements that are true. Explain your answers 1 look different Ciike different kinds of movies, 7 never wear the same clothes have the same number of kids rhe 7_| Lucille and Laura are 32 UNIT3 | clothes. like rock music. {he likes classical like different food. like different music have different numbers o stepsisters. B 4) Listen to take notes Listen again for what Lucille says about these topics. On your notepad, tse the Vocabulary to write sentences about how she and her ster are diferent torte ct They ike diffrent colors. favorite colors sports preferences musical tastes | families TTT = Blending sounds A 40) Read and listen. Pay attention to the blended sounds in does she and does he. Then listen again and repeat. dni (dz 1. Boesstié have any stepchildren? 3. Does hs live near you? faa idszid 2 How many stepchildren JoBsSHE have? 4 Where doesh lve? B Now practice the questions on your own. Pay attention to blended sounds. ea ea ‘A Notepadding Choose someone in your extended family. On the notepad, write your similarities and differences, Use the Vocabulary from page 32. Relationship to you: Ideas ‘The person’s name: ‘eatonships * eet + hes an Getter + sites B Pair work Tell your partner about you and your relative. Use your notepad. Then compare cther people in your families. 6G My cousin and | ‘) Qe sir to repeats tongwnges baths ») For more information — Similarities and differences How are you alike? How about —? How are you diferent? Do you have any —? Do you look alike? How old —? Doyou both —? What does your — do? > 2 | where does your — lve? Doyou —- thesame — How many -— does your — have? Ask Mr. Dad with armin Brott @ ‘My wife and I recently sent our last child off to college. We are ready to sell the house and travel, but our oldest daughter doesn’t have a job and plans to move back home. What should we do? Most North Americans expect their children to move out of the house at eighteen. But that’s changing, Today, more adult children are returning home to live. Some don't have jobs or can't pay for the high costs of housing, Some are recently separated or divorced. Most are single, but some ‘come home with 2 wife, husband, or child, too. ‘Most parents are happy when their kids come back home to live. However, when a son or daughter ‘can't find a job—or is recently divorced—there can be problems. And if their son or daughter is sill at home at the age of thirty-five, many parents are no longer happy. In your case, whatif your daughter moves back home?’ + Don't worry. If you and your daughter had a good relationship when she was younger, she'll be fine, Help her in any way you can. And it’s OK to ask, “How long do you pian on staying + Don't treat your daughter tke a child. In our culture, adult children don’t feel good about living at home, and they don't want to depend on their parents’ help. Tell her you understand, + Talk to your daughter as an adult. Have a discussion about paying for expenses and helping with household responsibiities and chores, such as kitchen cleanup and doing laundry. If you and your daughter tak and try to understand each other, everyone will be happier. ‘Ask ir Dad your question at me fre eee kad srammar - vocabulary + listening reading « speaking» pronunciation A 4» Listening comprehension Listen to the people talking about their families. Check the box for family size for each speaker. Then listen again and waite the number of children in each person’s family ou U 4 Brenda 2. Steven o o 3 Leslie o o 4° Jason o o B Complete the sentences with the correct word or phrase 1 Larry doesn’t have any brothers or sisters. He's an 2 Bob's brother is Ron. They have the same birth date, They are 3 Jun’s brother has two daughters. They ae Jur’s 4 vais Alfonso’ wife. Alfonso’s parents are Eva's 5 Hariko’s father has five nieces and nephews, They are Hariko's 6 i's father married Wendy's mother. jl’ father fs Wend)y’s 7 ule and Brett are divorced. Bret i Julie's 8 Teresa's mother has two brothers. They are Teresa's C Complete the questions. Use the simple present tense. 1 A: Where 2 B: My brother lives in Cuzco, Peru 2 A: What > B: My sister’ a nurse 3A: How many B: | have two sons and a daughter. 4A B: Cousins? Yes, | do. | have seven 5 A: Where . B: My brother lives near me. 6A 8: Children? Yes. My sister has two daughters. =e Top Note D Writing On a separate sheet of paper, compare two people in your family, rato Phi Write about how they are similar and how they are different. oe 5 zi Car My brother and his wife are similar in some Ways, Sean * Combining sentences with te * Guidance fer Exercise D 36 UNITS \ ORAL REVIEW Contest study te family tre. Who can answer tis question first: How many sisters, brothers, halfssters, and hal brothers do Ervique iglesias and jlo glsias each have? Pair work Ask and answer questions about the family relationships. Use Who, What, When, and How many, For example: Q: Who is label Preysler? A: She's Game choose one person's point of view. Descrive “your entended family” Your partner guesses ho you ae, For example Tam Julio Iglesiass daughter, and my uncle is Carls. 52, AEN hom 2004) bum 2008, (ieee Name carn SACS NOW I CAN... eames ane Teorey eer Garr cece E ©) Photo story Read and listen to someone ordering food in a restaurant. Server: It comes with a salad. And Server: Certainly, And anything Servers" Are you ready to order? Or ‘do you need some more time? there's also a choice of vegetables. to drink? ‘Customer: 'm ready, thanks. | think Tonight we have carrots or gilled Customer ike sparkling water, Pl start with the potato soup. Then tomatoes. please. Novice. Pl have the roast chicken. What Customer: I'd ike the carots, does that come with? please, Or, on second thought, ‘maybe Fl have the tomatoes. Server Portuguese speaker F Infer meaning Check the correct answers. 41. What does the customer order? 2 What does the entrée come with? Can appetizer soup and salad 5 an entrée 1 salad and dessert Ci a dessert carrots and grilled tomatoes GI a beverage 1B salad and carrots or grilled tomatoes D water G Focus on language Use the menu from the World Café. ‘Complete each statement. 4 think rl start with the 2 Then il have the 3 For my main course, like the 4 For dessert, I'l have the 5 To drink, tke H Pair work Read your statements toa partner. Your partner \writes your order on the notepad. Then listen to and write your partner's statements, Grammar practice Complete each statement or question with a form of there is or there are. 1 apples in the fridge? 5 I don’t think ony vegetables on 2 any cookies? the menu. 3 anything to eat in thishouse? too much sugar in this coffee, Vv hungry. 7 enough lettuce to make a salad? 4 qq in the fridge. We could 8 any of that great cheese? I fee! ‘make an omelet. like having a grilled cheese sandwich ‘CONVERSATION MODEL A 4) Read and listen to someone asking for a restaurant recommendation. [As Could you recommend a restaurant for this evening? B: Sure. What are you in the mood for? ‘A: don’t know. Maybe a sandwich. I'm not very hungry. B: Actually, there's a great place nearby. It's called ‘Tom’s, Would you like directions? B +4) Rhythm and intonation Listen and ©) Degrees of hunger repeat. Then practice the Conversation > pet ven hungry Model with a partner. + really hungry H+ starving NOW YO peers true ee ‘A Pair work Change the Conversation Model. Ask for a ‘recommendation for today, tonight, dinner, breakfast, or Junch, Recommend a restaurant from the map. Then change roles. ‘A: Could you recommend a restaurant for B: What are you in the mood for? a ‘A: Idon’t know. Maybe rm gi B: Actually, there's a great place nearby. oes its called ‘Would you Don’t stop! Use the map and give directions to the restaurant | like directions? you recommended. Locations ~—— around the commer | down the stret from the cross the street | between — and — cross from the | on the — side ofthe street B Change partners Practice the conversation again. Talk about other foods and restaurants. sce cere ae a ey Order from a menu Cena 'ead and listen to someone ordering dinner from a menu, Ul have the pasta for my main course, please. Whaat does that come with? comes with soup of a salad, What kind of soup is there? Pe B: Theres tomato soup or chicken soup. ¢ ed ike the sala, pease tainly. And to drink? AA: Water, please B 4) Rhythm and intonation tisten again and repeat. Then practice the Conversation Model wth e partner CIE Definite article the Remember The indefinite articles are Use the definite article the to name something a second tr ‘A: It comes witha salad, aandan, 8: OK Ihave the salad, asalad——_an appetizer abeverage anentiée ‘Also use the to talk about something specific. ta ‘A: Would you like an appetizer? (not specific; general) 8: Yes. The fried clams sound delicious. (specific; theyre on the menu) ‘A: I'm in the mood for seafood. (nat specific; general) 8: Then | recommend the grilled shrimp. (also specific; they're on the menu) A Find the grammar Look at the Photo Story on page 39 again. Explain why the ‘customer uses the definite article the in the following sentences. 1 “I think Il start with the potato soup.” 3 “I'd like the carrots, please.” 2 “Then I'l have the roast chicken.” 4“... maybe I'll have the tomatoes.” B Grammar practice Complete each conversation with a, an, or the. 1A: What do you fee! lke eating tonight? 2 Amin the mood for». cally spicy dish, 8: Wel, seafood special sounds 8: Well what about Thai chicken? delicious Thai food is usualy spicy a2 UNITS 3. A: There are two kinds of soup: chicken noodle and mixed vegetable, B: I think I'd like chicken noodle. I'm not big . vegetable fan, 4: What would you like for your main course? We have nice grilled chicken special on ‘menu tonight. B; That sounds good. I'll have chicken special 4 EL The j A +) Compare the pronunciation of the before consonant and vowel sounds. Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat. ‘21 (before consonant sounds) Ji) (Belore vowel sounds) the chicken te orange juice the soup the onion soup the juice the apple juice the hot appetizer the appetizer the fied eggs the eggs B write a check markif the underlined word begins with a vowel sound. © the eag salad i the apple cake O the dam soup ithe Chinese fied squid the ice cream O the olive ol Othe tomato sauce Ci the chocolate mik the alld fish © Pair work Now take turns saying each phrase. Be sure to use the correct pronunciation of the. CPt ee at ‘A With a partner, invent a restaurant. Give your restaurant a name. Write foods on the menu, Include two or more choices for each category. Thame of restarand) B Pair work Use your menu to order food. Pay attention to count and non-count nouns and definite and indefinite articles. Then change roles. appetizers: ee soup: A: Hl have for my main course, please. ‘What does that come with? B: It comes with As What kind of... there? entrees Be ‘alike a Don't stop! | A: Id fi splease. + Order an appetizerorasoup. | [IP bey er cet. And tocrink?*orerdesere | ne A , Please. os Allentrtes come with © Extension Bring in a real menu from your favorite restaurant. Use it to practice the conversation. Change partners and menus and practice again. [e(ey.VE) Speak to a server and pay for a ture} Ea 4) Vocabulary * Communicating with a waiter or waitress Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat. BME (Weresena ? ¢ Fen sory This ie voorde what ordered \ aa fs ‘take the 3) neck please) ret cords a € "] au Us VA LISTENING COMPREHENSION A 44} Listen to predict Listen to the conversations ina restaurant. Then listen again and predict the next thing you think the customer will say to the server. Explain your answers. 4 5 We'll take the check, please, 4-11 Excuse me! This isn’t what | ordered. 5 Do you accept credit cards? “I Excuse me! We're ready to order. We're ready to order. J Excuse me! We'll take the check, please. 2D This isn’t what | ordered 5 1 Excuse me! ere ready to order. Well start with the seafood soup, please Is the tip included? | We'lltake the check, please 3. No, thanks. Well take the check, please is the tip included? Do you accept credit cards? B Pair Work Decide what to say tothe server in exch conversation, Then practice the conversation, 1 A:Oh, no! Have a look at this check! 2 A: Oh, no! They brought us ono We ordered the t “nate 8: m not sure we have enough money. e tomato soup: Eraeinel Do yeu accept credit cards? 8: You're right. Excuse me! 44 OUNITS 3. A: Oh, no! I eft my money at home, B: Excuse me! ‘4 A: We can't order dessert. We don’t have time. 8: Right, Excuse me! 5. A: Dowe need to leave a tip? B:'l ask, Excuse me! 6 A: Where's the waitress? I'm starving 8: Excuse me! ‘ Skee bencuca acuta - _ ‘A Notepadding Plan your meal. Read the menu and choose what you'd lke to order. Write your choice for each category. Cm Parkview Restaurant Appetizers “Crab cakes Mini cheese pies Nixed gre vegetables Soup Spiey shrimp cio. Chicken and rice French onion Salads ‘Tomato pepper Green bean Carrot All enteé Be sure to recycle this language. Discuss food Serve food What are you in the ‘Are you ready to order? ‘mood for? Do you need more time? t'min the mood for —. | That comes with There's on the menu. | Would you ike — The — sound(s) Anything to dink? delicious. ‘And to drink? What about —_? ‘And for your entrée]? This isn't what | ordered. appetizer soup salad beverage dessert Entrées Roast beet Fried fish Pasta with clam sauce Choice of Vegetables: Broccoli, Grilled tomatoes, Potatoes (any style) Desserts Ice cream sandwiches Banana cake Chocolate pie Mixed fruit salad Fruit and cheese plate "es include bread, soup or salad, vegetable, coffee or tea B Group work Now form groups of diners and servers at tables. Discuss the menu. Speak to the server. Order and pay for the meal Order food Pay for food Excuse me! VIE7 We'lltake the check, ifm / We're ready. please. Felike to start with | i the tip included? think rt have — Do you accept credit ‘And then Ithave —. | cards? Does that come with ——? ‘What does that come with? What kind of — isthere? 5 i roe) Eee) Discuss food and health A 4) Vocabulary « Adjectives to describe the healthfuiness of food Read and listen Then listen again and repeat. | healthy / healthful is good for you sweet contains alot of sugar unhealthy /unhealthful isbadforyou —_high-calorie can make you fat or overweight fatty /high-fat contains alot of ol low-calorie isnot going to make you fat salty contains lot of salt B Warm-up Do you like to eat at fast-food restaurants? Ist possible to get healthy food there? Use the Vocabulary. aS ‘We know a daily diet of fast food can be bad for us. But fast | food is quick and easy, and when we're on the go, it’s sometimes a necessary choice. So here are some tips for fast-food fans: * Choose the chicken. Have chicken rather than + Go for the regular size, not the extra-large. red meat. When in doubt, order the Super-size portions can super-size YOU, | grilled chicken—not the fried. + Skip the sides entigely. Eating a * Go light on the sauce. burger by itself s often enough. Mayo, salad dressings, and Ifyou need a side order of other sauces are loaded with something, consider a fruit calories. Cut down on them, ‘cup or aside salad, instead of ‘or cut them out altogether! Cut down on may. those faty, salty french fries, / = ilabepeailes Most fast-food restaurants offer neue Adee ere chines: those healthy options now. ‘onion, or other veggies + Finally; treat yourself. When you just have to | on your sandwich, These _have something sweet, opt for some delicious low-calorie choices can low-fat frozen yogurt or fruit ices rather than help you avoid fries and ice cream or cookies. You won't miss the skp the fries. other high-calorie options. calories a bit! source tres a 460 ouniTa A Understand from context Find the following words and phrases in the Reading and match them with their ww meanings. Then, on a separate sheet of paper, use the words to write your own sentences, 1 “veaaies” 2 the amount you eat at one’time 2 “side order” b not choose 3 "go for” « vegetables 4 "Skip" or “avoid” d choice 6 | 8 “portion” something you eat with your main course 6 “option” f choose B Infer information Which tips on the website can help you Ee ‘Disk: aut down on calories? fat? salt? sugar? Explain how. Extra Reading Comprehension Questions] 6 6 French fries are not healthy. They/te t00 fatty. 99 ‘A Frame your ideas Write av’ next to the foods you think are healthy. ‘Write an X next to the foods you think are not. Then discuss your answers ‘with a partner. Explain why some of the foods are unhealthy. ees W [ eG 1agree. 99 [ £61 99 O rice 1D trench tries hot peppers Dice cream 1 snacks: nuts, chips Ci chicken O saa 1 pasta with sauce B_Notepadding List other foods and drinks you think are good for you and bad for you. Healthy foods Unhealthy foods oranges salty foods, like potato chips C Discussion Now discuss food and health with your class. ‘Text-mining (optional) Suggest healthy eating tips. Use your ists Underline moe langage int Reading on page 46 tousen te cussion Frame 7 “Have __ rather than Categories of Foods Adjectives Verbs = | grains meat healthy / unhealthy skip / avoid / cut out } seafood sweets {good / bad for you Qo light on / cut down on J Sciyrproducts rut | Bopealore/towcatorie | ftup'on | Segecies one fat aly sweet Spey a7 48 ‘ActiveBook Self-Study Dise vocabulary « listening sey” omic A 4») Listening comprehension Listen to the conversations, Where are tive people? Choose at home or in a restaurant, Then predict what each person will say next, Listen again and complete the staternents 4. The man and woman ave (at home / in a restaurant). 2 | think he's going to ask, “Does dessert with my 2 Caroline and her mom are (at home / ina restaurant a Her mom is probably going to say, “But Caroline, ae really 3. The man and woman are (at home / in a restaurant). . Ws possible that he’s going to say, " the grilled 4. The couple is (at home /in a restaurant), 5 ff Ws possible that she's going to say, "Terilic! Let’s an omelet and a salad. 'm really ' B. Write examples of foods for each description below. Pen gs © write four questions you can ask a waiter ora waitress. elas 1 "The Wor Cate” tyes p49 2 yep 3 4 D Complete each sentence with a form of there is or there are, 1 too much pepper in the soup. 5 an inexpensive restaurant nearby? 2 Ihope not too much sugar in 6 You should eat some frit some the cake. Sugar isn't good for you nice oranges on the kitchen table. 3 Excuse me. I'm looking fora restaurant. 7 enough cheese in the fridge for any good restaurants in two sandwiches? 8 I'm in the mood for soup. What kind of soup ‘on the menu? any low-fat desserts on the menu? E Writing On a separate sheet of paper, write a short article for a travel newsletter, Write at least five sentences about foods in your country. Write more if you can, In my country we eat a lot of vegetables. Vegetable soup is a very typical appetizer POEs ee eae + Conn ecting words and ‘eas: anim addtion * Guidance for Exercise £ unira PS Ad Vor . cabulary * Ways to state a problem Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat. ‘The window won'topen/close. Theron won't tun on, The fridge is making afunny sound. The toilet won’t flush. ‘The sinkis clogged. B_Wiite the names of machines, appliances, and gadgets that sometimes 4 won't open or close. 2. won't tumn on or off, 3 make a funny sound. LISTENING COMPREHENSION ‘A 4) Listen for details Listen to the conversations. Write the room num Then listen again and write another problem for each room. ber for each complaint, GUEST COMPLAINT LOG | The toilet won't stop flushing. = “The Fridge isn't working. The sink 1s clogged. 58 unit's B Discussion Which problems on the guest complaint log are serious? (“¢ cy, (‘Aint Now Yot etekecukn nko ‘A Notepadding Find and | Circle all the problems in the hotel. Write the problems on the notepad. B Pair work Create conversations between the hotel (Tr yeto, Front desk } ‘guests and the front desk clerk. Based on the pictures, |" “Cant help you?) 2 ‘complain about things that don’t work. em tribe doin Ws not working 99 CEI send someone right away. 77 Telephone language _| State a problem Respond Hello? won't open / close. What's the problem? This is room — won't turn on / of Vm sory to hear that Can call you back? = Won't flush / top flushing, | Oh, no! Bye = isnt working, Well thats a problem. = isclogged. — making a funny sound, = eriving me crazy. ‘ActiveBook Self Study Disc (grammar » vocabulary ~ listening feading = speaking - pronunciation A 4” Listening comprehension Listen to the conversations about problems with products and appliances. Write a sentence to describe each problem, Example: The fan won't turn on, 4 vin } 2 © rp notch Pop } ; Not Wong soi” | : ane ae B Complete each conversation with a question in the present continuous. (W's possible to write more than ane question.) | 1 A: Where rome? a AWha ? § B: We're going to My Electronics World. B: He's getting a smart phone for his ; Want Gone ang? Ht 2 A: Are you anew 4 A: What ? {i B: Tomorrow? We're fixing our old printer. f B: Yes. Our old camera is obsolete. I's 5 i not digital 5 A: What | B: Right now? We're eating dinner, © Complete each statement. Circle the correct word or phrase. 1 This new toilet is (defective / portable). It doesn’t flush, 2 | think my TV is affordable / broken). | hope it's fixable. 3 Your computer is probably (obsolete / up-to-date), You should get a new one. 4 This scanner is really apiece of junk. I think we should get (an upgrade / a lemon). | D Classify products, appliances, and gadgets on the following chart, Write atleast three } ome products may go in more than one category) each category. Good for | Good for ortable a ie fordabl if | Portal Popular | Convenient | Affordable | ormmemiction| en ot nt 4 MP5 player cooking E Writing On a separate sheet of paper, write a paragraph describing a product, appliance, or gadget that you use, It can be a good product or a bad one. Thave 2 Hot Spot dishwasher and | _ so UNITS Poa + Placement of adjectives * Gutdance for Exerese antest Form teams, Suite pictures fr two rimutes Thence your bots Sk another eam Gquesions about each picture {One pin or each covet ansver) Fr example: Gils there a hair dryer in the kitchen? A: Yes, there is. Pair work 1 Point a the peop and ask and answer questions Ue te pes continous For esa Q: Whats he doing? A; He’ listening to music on his MPS player. 2 create conversations forthe pope in Petre, 2, ond For femple: A: The vacuum cleaners not working again. BiApeublnrrenfaatle $699.99 eer ceo tivity with someone, eae Staying in Shape eee (eee pie aca] Ear ae play basketball =e 0 running ApS an ITT BIA DAU aD | go swimming play soccer {i AISA eas nT TY 1 oo bike riding BB See ee | ao aeroiics Qk SARE tie Hy | | play golf go dancing (fff arenes 3 gowalking (Rl 2s take a shower ff EER Running on a treadmilis« good ‘way to burn calories. a weignts ay cock dinner fii ZT clean the house 3 go shopping SfaiammmmeneT=y study Engiish (ane talkon the phone AMET watch TV @ ay sleep caLoRies’ 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 “Based a person weighing 150 pounds / 68.2 ilograms Sure: sab A 4) Vocabulary © Activities Listen and repeat. B Class survey According to the graph, approximately how many calories do you burn every day? Find out who in your class burns more than 1500 calories a day, 62 UNIT 6 Lynn: Hi, Joy! Lynn: Not as much as fd ike to. Lynn: No way. Ken's real couch potato. Joy: lynnl How areyou? im paying Joy: Well why don't we make a date He just watches TV and eats junk ven, actly n the park to ply sometime food. He's 50 out of shane Lynn: You play tennis? Iddi’t know Lynn: That would be great Joy: Too bad, My husband's eazy abot that. Joy: Hey, how about your husband? Aare Joy: | do. About three times a week, ‘Would he like to come, too? ‘Lynn: Listen. 'm on my way home right ‘row, Let's talk next week. OK? ‘Do you play? Joy: Teri D Focus on language Look at the underlined expressions in the Photo Story. Use the Context to help you choose the correct meaning ofthe following sentences. 1. What are you up to? 3. My husband is really out of shape. ‘a What are you doing? ‘a My husband doesn’t exercise. b Where are you going? b My husband exercises a lot 2. Why don't we play tennis sometime? 4 Vm crazy about tennis. a Can you explain why we don't play aT hate tennis. tennis? b Hove tennis b Would you lke to play tennis sometime? E Personalize Review time expressions. Look at page 62. List the activities you do Erne Cir a) (iesmaaeaes every weekend? 99 6 me? go shopping, 99 ) F Pair work Compare activities with a partner. Plan an activity with someone ETE can and have to 0 a i Rememberscan + base Use can the base form ofa verb for possibility. formals expresses abil {ean go out for dinner tonight. | don't have lass inthe morning Weean speak Enaish Lean’ play got today. 'm too busy They eat play i270 ‘She can meet us atthe park, but her husband cant - an You go running tomorow at twee Yes can Mo, cat) | hava to Usage: When declining an invitation, Use have to or has to + the base form of a verb for obligation. use Rave fa to provide a reason. Sorry, can’t Ihave to work ate. has to {doesn’t nave te she | meet her cousin atthe airport. nave to They 4 rae vet} Moka oh Do you have to work tomorrow? (Ves, | do. /No, I don't) Does he have to go te class? (Ves, he does. / No, he doesn't) ee SFormand common eros “intomaton questions an ord be ablete rset and pot forms A Grammar practice Read the sentences carefully. Then complete each sentence with can or have to. 1d like to go out tonight, but we have a test tomorrow. | 2 Audrey us for lunch today. She : her boss write a report. 3 Good news! br late tonight, We : together at 6:00, 4. My sister copay Btthe mall today. She f to the doctor. 5 Henry to Toronto next week, so he olf with us. B Pair work On a separate sheet of paper, write three questions using can and three questions using have to. Then practice asking and answering the questions with a partner eerie Cans can't ‘A 4) Listen tothe pronunciation and sess of can and cain sentences. Then listen again an repeat. . | Gileall you today. Gant you tomorrow. kan Jaen 1B 4) Listen to the statements and check can or can't. Then fisten again and repeat each statement 7 oO Dean 1 Cean Caant 3 Daan i BOA Cet 20can Coat 40@n Cant 6 Cen Geant 64 uNIT6 INVERSATION MODEL | A) Read and listen to two people planning an activity together. Hey, Phil. Why don't we go bike riding sometime? B: Great idea. When's good for you? fomorrow at 3:00? Sorry, | can’t. Ihave to meet my sister atthe airport. ‘A: Well, how about Sunday afternoon at 2:00? B: That sounds fine. See you then. B 6 Rhythm and intonation Listen ‘and repeat. Then practice the ‘Conversation Model witha partner, (Pee! ‘A. Write your schedule for this weekend in the daily planner. .— = =a | | I} | B Pair work Now change the Conversation Model using your daily planner. Then change roles. A; Hey, Why don’t we ....... sometime? B: ....... . When's good for you? [Sea B: Sorry, I can't. Ihave to ‘A: Well, how about ....? B Don't stop! + Make more excuses using canit and have to, + Suggest other activities you can do together {Use page 62 or ideas) + Discuss where to meet. | © Change partners Plan other activities. Use your daily planner to respond. 40 (S70 LGW There is and there are with count and non-count nouns Use there is with non-count nouns and singular count nouns. Use there are with plural count nouns, Remember: ‘There's milk and an apple in the fridge. * Count nouns name things you There are oranges, too. But there aren't any vegetables. Gan count They are singular Use there is with anything and nothing. + Non-count nouns name things Is there anything to eat? (No, there is nothing.) you cannot count They are nat Moutarop + Don'ts an ora number non-count nouns. Pet th Tice NOTatee NOT vices See page 122 fora more comy list of non-count nouns. alee NOT Arethere anything to eat? PE + More on nancourt nouns rpresing quantities $ How much how many ing ules UNIT 4

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